Pthree 21yearolds are dead, and pa fourth was taken to the phospital. Olice are still trying to pfigure out what caused the pcrash. Pbut as fox 13s Kimberly Kuizon preports, they do believe speed pwas a factor. P investigators here at the psarasota Police Department are pnow working to a piece together pwhat led up to at crash. Pwhat we know is a car with four pmorning around 3. P2. Pthree men all 21 years old died pon impact, their names have been preleased. Pthey are wesley and michael pduffy of sarasota. Palong with dane custer of pbradenton. Pmccurly had just had 21st pbirthday on march 17th. Pnow there was one survivor in pSarasota Police are hoping he pcan help put those pieces ptogether. Pour officers will be planning to ptalk to that person. Pthe sole survivor of this crash pso to see if they remember panything or know what might have phappened to cause this crash. Pthats all part of investigation pat this time Sarasota Police say pthis crash. Pthey do have some witnesses but p