Pthree 21yearolds are dead, and pa fourth was taken to the phospital. Olice are still trying to pfigure out what caused the pcrash. Pbut as fox 13s Kimberly Kuizon preports, they do believe speed pwas a factor. P investigators here at the psarasota Police Department are pnow working to a piece together pwhat led up to at crash. Pwhat we know is a car with four pmorning around 3. P2. Pthree men all 21 years old died pon impact, their names have been preleased. Pthey are wesley and michael pduffy of sarasota. Palong with dane custer of pbradenton. Pmccurly had just had 21st pbirthday on march 17th. Pnow there was one survivor in pSarasota Police are hoping he pcan help put those pieces ptogether. Pour officers will be planning to ptalk to that person. Pthe sole survivor of this crash pso to see if they remember panything or know what might have phappened to cause this crash. Pthats all part of investigation pat this time Sarasota Police say pthis crash. Pthey do have some witnesses but pthey are also talking to. Pofficers will also be looking pinto if drugs or alcohol was a pfactor in this crash. Pfrom sarasota Kimberly Kuizon, pfox 13 news. P thank you kim. Phillsborough county deputies pspent part of morning pursuit of pa stolen car on i4. Ptheutter so ended in polk county pnear u. S. 27. Pyou can see these eastbound planes of i4 were shut they have psince reopened. Ptwo people inside the car were parrested. P new at noon were getting a plook wrongway driving incident pfrom over weekend. Pwoman going wrong way was parrested for dui. Pfootage. Pthis is recorded cell phone pvideo of officers dabbing cash pfat age officer s van trees was pa northbound on 275 when on way phome sunday morning when saw a pvehicle speeding south in pnorthbound left lane he was also pin that lane he narrowly avoid pad collision and put out call pabout it wrongway driver. Pto stop the car and the woman pwas arrested for d u i. Pit is start of an historic week pfor not only president obama but pthe Tampa Bay Rays. Pboth are in cuba right now. Ptoday the president is laying a pmemorial. Pthen meeting with cuban resident raul castro. Pare two expected to make remarks plater this afternoon. Pon tuesday president obama will paddress the cuban people with a pcareful eye on cuban american resident obama is the first psitting president to visit cuba psince Calvin Coolidge nearly 90 pyears ago. Pmeanwhile Tampa Bay Rays are reparing for around spring ptraining game against the cuban pnational team. Pthe team arrived in havana last pnight. Ptoday they are working out ptalking to reporter and holding pa kids clinic before attending a preception tonight. Pthey play ball tomorrow with the resident watching. P check out this emotional pmoment from rays arrival in pcuba. Prays outfielder darin got a warm pembrace from his family. Pthe cuban native actually left pthe country three years ago pmom. Pcareer. Phes only cuban oh rays roster pand several teammates campaigned pto get him on this trip. Pfox 13s has team in cuba too. Pour sports director will be pcovering rays game and political peditor Craig Patrick will be pcover president obamas visit pa 5. Pas always when we are not on pair, were always online. Pat www. Fox13news. Com. P new at noon, the second hase of the hulk hogan versus pgawker trial begins today. Phogan, you probably heard got a pbig victory in court on friday. Pthe jury awarded him p 115 million in damages against pmedium goes immedia gossip site pgawker for invasion of privacy. Pfox 13 gloria with gomez is here pwith what happens next. Pis jury in courtroom now . P no the yet they will arrive pat 1 oclock and hear testimony. Plike you said this is the second hase of civil trial. Pand now, gawkers team is pmoney, hogans team wants more pdamages to be awarded to them on ptop of that 115 million already pawarded to them on friday. Pjury will have to decide if pgawker active acted with gross pnegligence when they posted clip psex tape involving hogan and pheather clem. Pthats former wife bubba the plove sponge. Pwe could have several witnesses ptake stand including those that pmay talk about how much gawker pis actually worth. Pof course they will have closing parguments after those witnesses ptake the stand. Pand of course, it will go to the pjury again to decide how much pgawker should pay up. Pkeep in mind hoganing team will pask for certain amount gawkers pteam will fight that we will see phow this all plays out and have pcomplete update for you tonight pat 5 and. Plinda back to you. Pit. Ptampa police need your help pfinding a driver and hit and pkilled bicyclist over weekend. Pit happened near sks street pinterbay boulevard not far from pmacdill avenue. Oliceman in his 40s was riding phis bike just before 11 saturday pnight when he was hit and pthey have not identified man or preleased description of vehicle pinvolved. Pinvestigators looking for psurveillance video that could phem them find that way peter oh pknight airport is on back open a lane crash killed two people. Pfriends and family identified pthe victims the two were on pboard a twin engine cessna plane pthat crashed about 11 30 friday pmore than. Pboth were killed saturday pinvestigators witness reports pthat another plane may have been pinvolved. Pthey are still trying to figure pout if needed there is if there pis indeed a connection between pthose two planes. P donald trump is in washington pd. C. Today meeting with about ptwo dozen influential prepublicans closed door meeting pwidely seen as an effort by ptrump campaign to smooth rocky pestablishment. Pas foxs doug mcelway reports, pthis comes ahead of trumping pmajor Foreign Policy speech p after a rowdy rallies in parizona over weekend donald ptrump is trying to appear more pdiplomatic, holding a series of pmeetings morning in washington pwith many establishment prepublicans that see trump pvolatile unpredictable and a ossible threat to party brand. Pthis appears to day donald trump psays i can president ial when pever i want to, well this pappears to be the day when hes pgoing to try to be president ial. P some . Pgop have been a publicly hoping phis opponents ted cruz and john pkasich will get enough delegates pto the deny trump 1237 necessary pto secure the nomination. Pare opening discussing a third arty conservative candidate to pcipher votes away. Ptrump has to make a transition a premarkably successful candidate pwho used intensity too build pmomentum nobody houth process a ptransition to be a president ial. Pmeet coming highly anticipated pappearance. Pits a group both cruz and pkasich will also address this peven former secretary of state phillary clinton beat everyone to unch appearing before same pgroup this morning. P United States and israel must pbe closer than ever, stronger pthan ever, and more determined pthan ever to prevail against our pcommon adversary and to advance pour shared values. Pfor trump tonight speep provides pan opportunity to devil deeper pinto Foreign Policy matters pespecially middle east. Ptrump has been criticized by his pcham engs for lacking foreign olicy experience. Pin washington, doug mcelway, fox pnews. Pbig truck crackdown in pclearwater after series poverdoses. Pclearwater police say they parrested 7 people sunday morning pcrest lake park on a variety of pcharges. Pincluding drug offenses related pto synthetic marijuana. Palso known as spice. Pdrug is caused a number of pmedical emergencies in overdoses pat the park recently. Pand around the tampa bay area. Pfound about a dozen homeless eople in unity park over pweekend. Psuffering from seizures. Pall believed to be caused by pspice. P st. Petersburg police tell pus since thursday night they presponded to nearly 30 calls for psuspected spice overdose and psome of those cases the calls pincluded multiple victims. Pthey believe a particular batch pof spice is cause something to phave severe reaction. Pand today downtown officers are pdistributing fliers about the pdangers of spice. Pa fight involving the easter pbunny. Pthe video and Police Believe led pup to the scuffle with father. Pwith warmer temperatures, spring pand summer approaching, two pfathers have come up with an app pto protect kids. Pwere going to explain. Lus jims here checking your pforecast. Phey jim. Phey there, you know we moved in pto spring yesterday. Pwith that weve got a pretty big pcold front moved through the parea. Pmuch cooler temperatures today. Pin fact at the noon hour, were ponly sitting in the 50s. Pbreezy conditions. Pbut its march. Ptemperatures last during this extended visit extended family, all you want is a peaceful moment to stream your show. And you need enough bandwidth to share with a full house of hungry users. Lightning internet from bright house networks. The speed you need. And now connect to. Standard tv and 50 megabit lightning internet. Only 94 a month yeah, thats right. Deal diva coming through. You see all my bogos, my weekly ad. Just wait till you see my savings. And brace yourself. The digital coupons are coming next. Look at her, so proud of her momma. You saved quite a bit today go ahead. Say it. Chaching thank you the weekly ad, bogos and coupons. Three easy ways to save at the same place you love to shop. Publix. Where shopping a brawl was caught on camera between a father pall right a brawl was caught on pcamera between a father and a pmall easter bunny in jersey pcity. Olice say bunny and father of a pchild got interest a scuffle pafter mans child slipped from a pchair while getting her photo ptaken. Pinvestigators say father of poneyearold verbally and hysically attacked the bunny. Pboth were taken to the hospital pand so far charges have not been pfiled. P you might have noticed did pyou that gas prices are up. Pway up. P 0. 17 over the past two weeks. Pnational average is now 2. 02 a pgallon. Pindustry analysts says the hike pis due to Higher Crude Oil rices. Pand fast growing demand for pgasoline. Pnow that its busiest spring ptravel season. Pand for lows prices in our parea, go to our website, pwww. Fox13news. Com. Pand look for the gas buddy pfeature on the traffic page. P flying drones are now more opular than ever. Pand as fox jen than serry high pflying ernts are looking to make psky the next big race track. P like an out of body pexperience. Pdean races his drone to victory pwhile watching a live feed pthrough a pair of goggles. Pyou get a full body rush. Pi mean hands tremble. Pyou learn to control your nerves pthats part of racing. Pbut like nothing else ive ever pdone. Plife stadium organized by drone pracing league or drl. Ptheres organize drum racing in palmost every country ive ever plooked at. Pso were focus on taking that phobby, that exciting new sport pand turning into something rofessional something people pcould watch. Pand a competitive video gaming pgenerally 750 million in prevenue last year. Paccording to super gator presearch. Panalysts say it a needs to pattract major investment in padvertisers to tap into this. Pcertainly it has potential in pthat it builds on a few things pthat are very popular right now. Eople are buying drones. Eople love video games. Pspectacular thing to watch. Plike nascar epic crashes add to pexcitement drone races without prisk of injury to the pilot. Pyou definitely take more chances pyou know that if you crash you pchange a couple props and youre pable to go to work the next day. Psteve was a self employed home pbuilder by day soon be in area pagain in an upcoming drone race pin atlanta, jonathan serry, fox pnews. P now officially spring, in pcoming. Pand hot car deaths seem to phappen every year. Pbut two tampa fathers are trying pto change that. Ptheyve created a new system and pan app to alert parents if they phave left their kids in hot pcars. Pfox even lambert met with them pand shows house tu works. Pseat. Pinvention, children could be psaved being left inside a hot pcar. P we were tired of hearing all pof sad stories and seeing the pagony on parents faces. Pwe decide that this is such a pserious problem, that could be robably solved with such a psimple solution. Harmacist and a jim friedman an pelectrical engineer are pneighbors, friends and now pbusiness partners. Pthey are seeking to fight what pbecome a Serious Health issue. Pnational highway Traffic Safety padministration says in 2014 the pmost recent year for which p30 children die from heat stroke pin cars. P after crashes, its the psecond leading cause of death pfor children under 14. P thats where it comes in. Pmain device and the optical psensor in as quick a 30 seconds, panyone can install a twopasht psystem in their car. Ponce child is in seat the weight pturns on sensor that which talks pwith main device which all pwireless, it is all blue tooth ptechnology. Pdevice is designed so that when pdoor opens, occupant detected in pcar seat you get a voice alert pyour child is in the car. Pback up is a message sent pstraight to your phone. Pthat phone alert will continue pto go off until you silence it. Pand if ignore long enough even a psecond parent or care taker can pget a mobile alert. Atent. Pour goal is to save lives and to pmake sure niece defenseless plives have somebody looking out pfor them. P that was n everyone lambert pcofounders say in few weeks pwebsite kick starter they hope pto a keep cost less than 100. Pthey say theyve been in touch pwith show shark tank. Pi think sharks will be pinterested in that new england pdidnt seem to get memo about pthe start of spring. Eople in boston woke up to pseveral inches of heavy wet psnow. Pmany parts of massachusetts pcould see six inches of snow pwith heaviest amounts along the psouth shore. Ptemperatures on first day of pspring ended up being colder. Pthen readings on christmas day. P thats funny. Pso jim we have a little bit of pcool weather, you know i kind of plike break it gave me an excuse pto pull out sweater for last p yeah. Pthis, this may be it right here. Pyou know, and you know, nice to phave nice little cool down like pthis. Pbecause, we dont have to worry pabout Something Like snow to pcome down over us. Plook at the numbers this morning pjust amazing. Pthis time of year to get a retty strong cold front come pthrough here and drop p50 degrees up in brooksville 47. Pcrystal river 45 degrees. Pand by tonight well likely see ptemperatures even cooler by a pfew degrees compared to what we psaw this morning. Pso, the front is now pushed to pour south. Pvery breezy conditions behind pthe front so were seeing pclearing skies but notice the pwaves, much bigger waves today. Pin fact theres a high surf padvisory along the coastal psections. Pnot a good idea to get out into pthese waves. Pand try your new surfing skills pout. Pand we will continue to be pdealing with some strong winds palong the coast throughout rest pof the afternoon by tonight, the pwinds will start to die down. Pyou head a little bit further to pthe south. Pthis in bradenton still a lot of pcloudy skies there. Pbut clouds will slowly thin out pfrom the north to the south. Pas we go through the later pafternoon hours. Pvery breezy as well here in ptampa, winds are currently out pof northwest a 20. Pgusting up to 25 Miles Per Hour pgusting close to 30 miles an phour along the coastline. Pyou can see st. Petersburg 29 pmile an hour gusts. Pgusting currently up to 26 miles pan hour. Pso at the noon hour were only p57 degrees outside. Pdew points at 30. Phumiditys at 36 percent. Pand that barometer on the high pside and continues to rise at p30. 24. Pso look the at these ptemperatures across here. Pup. Pabout only place were seeing pthat is over brandon currently p61 degrees. Pmid 50s to our north. Pst. Petersburg youre at 56 pdegrees down in sarasota pcurrently at 58. Pand what front this has been. Pbecause you can see over the ast 24 hours, were running pright around 20 degrees colder pthan this time yesterday. Pthats a pretty significant cold pfront swinging through this time pof year. Pso front is now down across the psouthern part of the state. Pstill see a lot of mid and upper plevel clouds. Pkind of a little band of some phigh thin cirrus clouds passing pright overhead. Pwe go through the afternoon. Pthat will slowly start to sink a pbit further to the south. Pright now, give it a few hours, pyoull start to see more sun pdeveloping down to our south. Pnow the High Pressure will pcontinue to build in across the pstate by tonight, that will give pwinds. Pand really set up for around retty chilly night for tonight. Pweve got cold weather, but much pmore as you head up across the pnortheast. Pthis morning. Pup in boston, snow falling, they icked up between 4 and six pinches of snow. Pand then the snow continues to pfall across portions of maine. Pso breezy, cooler for today, pHigh Pressure builds in across pthe state. Pand then those winds pick back pup from south. Pwe warm things right back up as pwe head into the middle of the pweek. Pso for today increasing sun for pnorth to the south. Pdaytime high about 65 degrees. Pcold. P48. Pfor tomorrow, lots of sun, mild pdegrees. Pon the water, winds are out the phigh tide is 2 34 this pafternoon. Pheres 7 day forecast. Pyou see that warm up comes right pback as we head into middle of pweek. Panother cold front looks like it pwill be heading our way as we phead towards the weekend heading ptowards easter bring rain pchances back up to about 40 ercent. Ptampa bay lightning took hockey pto streets today. Pand there was pretty cool reason pwell explain ne Tampa Bay Sports Commission held a surprise pthe lightning and tampa bay psupportings Commission Head a psurprise street hockey game in ptampa this morning. Pas fox 13s walter allen pexplains theres a pretty cool preason behind it. P happy noon walter allen pcoming from you from bay shore. Pkind of unique situation were pon bay shore obviously where pgasparilla parks no were laying hockey today. Pin preparation of frozen 4 pcoming up in about a couple pweeks claire joining us from pTampa Bay Sports Commission. Pyou guys are kind of in charge pof bringing this whole event phere. Pbrought it here. Pwalk me through what at that ptakes to bring you here. Pin pip with a tampa bay plightning. Pweve been on this event years pago were awarded. Pwe did host in 2012 and are so pexcited to get it back as quick pas we have. Pone quickest cities to host pagain in nearly 20 years. Pnow how does that make you feel passume pretty good you guys are palready awarded again . Pyeah i think a tribute obviously pto our community. Phow our Community Rallies around phockey. Pand supported this event not ponly in 12, but in 15, tickets pstill are on sale right now pncaa. Com barbie frozen4. Pto come to at that. Pget in supports flip flops and pgo watch a College Hockey game. Pfor lot of people you might pwatch nhl but what should people pexpect or come out . P well its one the most pexciting sports, when i got pchance i actually coached boston pcollege to see College Hockey. Pits intense, fast paced. Psame reason why everyone looks pgoing out ask which wassing plightning. Pamalie arena obviously will do a ptop notch job of hosting papril 7th and ninth. Pright here. Pokay. Pnow, kind of in charge of the pevent behind me josh with a plightning, why do you come out pand a put up games like this . P just a to promote hockey in pthe community. Pso partner with ncaa and a romote frozen 4 weve come out phere today we went to over 95 pschools this year, and handed it pover 22,000 sticks just an pextension of that. Pwe love giving the children the popportunity to play sports if pthey havent before. P now josh you are from toronto pwhere hockey is no stranger to pyou folks up there. Phow much of a kind of a weird or pstrange thing for folks down phere in florida . P well to be honest with you, pwhen i moved down here i was preally impressed with a hockey pin the community. Ptheres a lot more hockey than pyou think. Pobviously, playing on bay shore pright here with palm tree and pwater on the side is something pyou see every day. Pthank down here in tampa bay. Pwhen you go to different pschools, it really is, unique popportunity because you get to pexpand their mind and they get pto walk away with something hysically. Pexactly. Pwhat we found in previous years pwhen we went out to schools and pwe left we didnt leave them pwith hockey stick or paul it pdidnt give them an opportunity pto play when they went home. Pnow were handing out hockey pstick and ball to every child we pdeal with. Pand they are going home and laying in the streets. Pso now, your favorite part about pdoing this . Psmiles on kids face when they ick up a stick and play a sport pthey havent played before. Pthats, you know, julie pschenecker the smiles and the pexcitement that the children phave is definitely my favorite art. Pany future pop up events like pthis up until frozen 4 . Plightning can strike at any ptime. Pso we wont tell you can strike pat any time. Pwell see stay tuned to facebook pand twitter, we do lot through psocial. Pit can strike at any time. Pyou heart it here first plightning can strike at any time pwhen pop up games. Papril 7th and ninth. Pwe will see 4 best collegiate phockey hitting the ice amalie parena. Pwere on bay shore fox 13 news. P thank you, walter. Pfloridas usually trying to pattract tourists. Pbut now theres a new effort to pdrawing younger vets to the pwell explain why when we come at busch gardens, our appetite for fun never ends. And now, the food Wine Festival feeds your appetite for adventure, with wild flavors. And concerts for every taste. Busch gardens food Wine Festival is the best way to enjoy thrilling attractions. Mouthwatering dishes. And your favorite artists live in concert every weekend, now through april 24th. So come eat, drink, and rock out now. Pand when you buy a busch gardensv fun fun card for free. Busch gardens. Floridas thrill florida has launched a new effort to attract younger veterans from other states p florida launched new effort pto attract younger veterans from pother states. Pfox 13s ken suarez is in tampa pto explain whats behind this. P let me tell you something pthat you already know. Pflorida is a really good place pto live. Pand thats message veterans pflorida wants to get out. Pveterans florida was formed palmost two years ago to lure ex pmilitary members nationwide pright here especially young pones. Pwe already have a substantial pnumber of vets living in our parea. P1. 6 million statewide. Pbut state says we want more. Pso its touting all things that pflorida has to offer. Pbeautiful weather, that we all penjoy, vets get discounts on a plot of stuff. Pjust some of the things they get pa 25 Percent Discount on padmission to Florida State arks. Pthey get an 80 Percent Discount pon hunting and fishing licenses. Pthey also get free undergraduate ptuition a community colleges, or pstate universities if theyve pbeen awarded a purple heart. Pnow veterans is launching a pnational campaign so looking for pfolks all across the country. Pbut it doesnt really have to plook that far. Pthats because we have places plike macdill in our backyard. Pthose folks have been trained in ro professional reliable and pthey are just a really good pboost to the economy. Pthey are looking for younger pones in particular, bauers they pare ones that would settle down phere start a family get a second pcareer with a second job. Pand it really would be a win win psituation for state of florida pand veterans themselves. Pback to you. P thank you, ken. P new at noon tampa police want pyou to take look some video that pthey just released of a purse pnow this was taken on march 10th pon West Hillsborough avenue. Pvictims car was unlocked, the psuspect on a bike cased the car pthen opened her front door took pa purse and left. Pthis took about 30 seconds. Olice say victim in this case pwas going inside a store just pfor a minute and returned to pfind her purse gone. Pif you have any information on pthe case, call tampa police. P right now cuban president pcastro is welcoming president pobama on his historic trip to pcuba. Ptwo are planning on making premarks this afternoon. Pthe president is expected to be pthere tomorrow as Tampa Bay Rays ptake on Cuban National team for pspring training. Pbesides president and rays, a plot of regular americans are pstarting to take trips to cuba. Pfox 13 kelly cowan spoke with ptravelers Tampa International pairport who bound for cuba. P ask just about anyone in this pline and they will tell you, ptheres no better time to go to pcuba than right now. P we wanted taught down there pmany years ago we went to east pberlin when wall was coming down pto have that same experience. Preally being able to see things pwhile they are still, you know prelatively authentic. Pwith political and cultural phorses pushing noorm liesing prelations american tourists are pgetting to see island nation pthat for decades has been off plimits. PTampa Bay Rays game in havana pthis tuesday was more than penough motivation for this die phard race fan to book his trip. P collecting a life story. Pto say when rays were there. Pultimate spring training pbaseball game of all. Pthe Tampa International airport phas offered charters to cuba for pyears now. Pmany people in line here today pare making their very first trip pto the island nation. Pand because of travel prestrictions, this is the trip pthat risered months of planning. P an agency who happens a lot pof paperwork. Plot of paperwork to fill out pthere an of course a formal ban pon tourism americans making trip pmust declare a preapproved preason for their travel. Peducational trip. Pmike phelps says hes excited to ptour sites hes only so far been pbooks. P bay of pigs, and just seeing pa lot of historical content that pi learned in school. P a day at the beach and tour ptobacco factory and a see the pstate department and dance rogram and try to understand pthe people and culture. P educational day at the beach pthere right . P of course. P at Tampa International pairport, kelly cowan, fox 13 pnews. P United States is warning prisk of zika virus in cuba. Pthe cdc added cuba to travel pnotice for zika. Pvirus is spread by mosquitos and plinked to birth defects. Pthe Obama Administration says pvirus is not a factor in the residents travel decisions. Lay show in cuba yesterday. Pbut because of president big ptrip band decide to delay pconcert until friday. Pcrew of 147 osteos and employees pand an 80 cubans are setting up pto accommodate hundreds of pthousands of spectators. Pstones are won first major pinternational rock stars to ever lay in cuba. Pfox 13s has our own team in pcuba. Pour sports director scott smith pwill be covering rays game and olitical editor Craig Patrick pwill be a covering president pobama visit look for their preports starting a 5 tonight and pas also when were not on air we pare always online at pwww. Fox13news. Com. P an aviation official says it pwill be difficult to extract the pnfts from plane that crashed in psouthern russia. Pthat could hamper investigation pinto tragedy that killed all 62 eople on. Pofficials plane black boxes pwere damage to point experts pcould not immediately read the pdata. Pfly dubai plane nose dived and pexplode on runway after trying p in pennsylvania, retired pstate trooper killed a turnpike ptoll collector and a guard psunday morning. Pduring hold up a toll plaza in pfort littleton. Ptroopers shot and killed collar prinse briggs while he tried to pescape with money. Olice say briggs served 26 pyears a trooper and retired four pyears ago with an honorable pdischarge toll collector hes paccused killing had only been on pjob for about two months. P there are new details about phow the deadly paris terror pattacks back in november could phave been worse. Psuspect taken into custody on pfriday told authorities that he phad planned to carry out more pattacks. Pheres foxs kelly wright. P the suspect arrested in pconnection with at paris attacks pmay have been planning yet panother attack. Pbell june government says he has pbeen cooperating with the pinvestigators since his arrest pon friday. P you want to go the south of pfrance in paris and you also p130 people were killed in attack pback in november at a concert phall. Pand stadium in paris. Pauthorities captured wanted pterrorist after four months of phiding out in belgium after pfinding a stash of weapons in an papartment p. M. He apparently had pties to other criminal porganizations. Pso many links between the psocalled terrorist and pcriminals. Pthey are using the same tools, pthey are using the same papartments, same locations. Pfrench prosecutor told reporters pon saturday that salem planned pto blow him elf up during pnovember attacks at the stadium pbut backed out. P i think that, that french rosecutor violated the secret pinvestigation in belgium is not pa part of belgium pinvestigationhis lawyer says preleasing details of his pclients interview compromises phis case and any collaboration pwith police. Pfact that in the near future pwhen he will be heard again by olice or judge, not only pcollaborating with justice pfrance is now asking belgium to pextradite him to paris however phis lawyer plans to fight for phim to stay florida brussels. Pin new york kelly wright, fox pnews. Pwaiting in lines at the airport pusually requires some patience, pright . Pbut new machine could make pwe hi, guys spring is almost here and you know what that means easter is hopping along. So, if youre looking to stretch your dollar this easter holiday, just look at these savings at your local walmart. Tampa, in headtohead shopping, the total amount saved at walmart vs. Winndixie was 14. 07. Thats 10 on this weeks easter basket. Why shop anywhere else . Fill your basket with walmarts every day low prices and get big savings. Start shopping with walmarts every day low prices today. And see what you could save. linda vo tired of the long lines at the airport . P tired of long lines at the pairport . Pthis new machine could make the pscreening process significantly pthe company that makes it says pit will improve Airport Security pfor travelers around world as pfoxs rick theven len that will preports st. Pete fully automated pand process 30 percent more pbags. PAirport Security lines have pgotten dramatic long reduce tsa pstaff a surge in a traveler and pextra cheening check points this pnew machine could make it psignificantly faster. Pand safer. Pthis system takes it to the pfuture. Pits its ability to detect its pexplosives in a number of ways pis very, very important. Pand i think thats where we want pto get to this will take us from pthe present and put us in a pmuch, much better place overall. P its called detect 1,000 pdeveloped by private company poutside of boston. Pit uses a ctscan to provide 3 d pimages of everything in every pbag with sensor designed to psniff out weapons and an pexplosives including a latest pthreats like laptop bombs, and pdoesnt require passengerer to pwithin about 4 seconds, weve pcaptured it analyzed it and pweve highlighted threat of pconcern. Pit does this automatically. Pso tsa agents dont have to pstair at screen all day. Pdevelopers say its a dramatic pstep forward. Ptesting has proven at best case, pmight catch it 50 percent of ptime. Pwhat you have here is system pthat will catch it almost all ptime. Pwe take the decision out of poperators hands. P we give them the answer pautomatically. Pso weve got a much, much more preliable and much more robust pway to do scanning. Pmachines can scan 30 percent pmore bag than current model and pcompany reps say ace test with a pten times fewer false alarms. Pwhile company waits for agency papproval to deploy it in pamerica. Palready installing it overseas. Pstarting in turkey later this pmonth. P hoping to prevent another pattack. P we know they actively collect pagainst our technology, they plook at our operations and they plook for vulnerabilities. Pwithout a doubt. Pbecause its a completely pdifferent way to approach the pthreat and to identify those pthreat vectors as they come into pthe airport. Pthe detect 1,000 could major pu. S. Airport by this summer. Pin box boro, massachusetts, rick pleventhal, fox news. P with easter less than week paway christians all over world pare celebrating holy week. Pyesterday was a palm sunday. Pthousands in jerusalem gathered pto commemorate jesus christ pentry into city. Pa traditional mass was church. Pclergy and pilgrims wave palm polive branchs the event marks pbeginning of holy week. P p p p its the story of jesus like pyou have never seen or heard pbefore. Pthe passion musical aired live pit was a retelling of pcrucifixion using the same pcharacters but taking into pmodern times. Pon streets of new orleans. Pthey also sang several current phit songs. Pfilm maker tyler perry was pnarrator. Previews mixed so far. Psome comparing to a super bowl phalf time show. Pmuch anticipated super hero show pdown bad man versus superman pdawn of justice, finally hits ptheaters on friday. Pbig premiere was last night in pnew york word from last premiere pis another super hero may have pstolen the show. Pwonder woman. Pher first appearance in the film pgenerated some of biggest cheers pbatman versus superman dawn of pjustice expected to top p 150 million this weekend. Pgiving it the biggest march popening ever. P heres a live look outside pright now. Phave another check on y no, you know what . I should. And i will. I deserve this. Im a bogo findin, weekly ad flippin, couponing mastermind. Whos saving big time . This girl can i help you . Indeed. This queen of savings deserves a reward. A cannoli, please. The weekly ad, bogos and coupons. Three easy ways to save at the same place you love to shop. Hey everybody im charley pbelcher coming to you from st. Etersburg from boyd hill nature reserve. Pgorgeous big spot of land. Pused for all sorts of fun stuff. Pbarbara supervisor boyd hill. Pwere talking hundreds of acres p yes. P used for what . P used for number one, we reserve the land. Pso that the wildlife and plants pcan thrive here. Pto come and learn about and penjoy nature. P so were talking hiking like pall types of hiking walking ptrails. Phiking trails. Pbiking trails. Pweve got boardwalks, tram tours pwe rent kayak and canoes. Pbut what lake is it . Plake mcgory, 380 acre lake. Pwow. Pso all kinds of fun stuff. Pokay, land, lake, camps. Pcamps are no brainer, so this is pspring break in pinellas county. Pthat lured out here talking pabout spring break camps. Plets focus on that first. Pwhat all are you offering for pspring break a young naturalist pcamp for age 5 and six sprouts pcamp for age three and 4. Pwe have a pioneer camp for ages p7 through 13 and also pherpetology camp for age 7 pthrough 13. Peverybody. Pages do they go up to 16 . Pthe summer we do have p a. Workshop it goes up to age p16. Pfor this week though, age 13 is pthe pis oldest. Pand some Spaces Available this pweek or too late . Psome spaces pioneer camp is full pwe might have spaces in other pcamps. Pa thing to think about summer pwhat sort of things do offer . Pfor summer camp sprouts camp, we palso still have young naturalist pfor 5 and 6. Ioneer camp for 713. Pwe have a wildlife ecology camp pfor one week. Pwe have herpetology camp. Pwe also have raptor camp and a praptor workshop those go up to pages 16. P yes. Pyou dont want money to be a pfactor if somebody living in the parea really wants to get their pchildren ear you will work with pthem . Pyes. Pyes. Pwe offer discount programs if pthere are number of our friends porganization, they get even more pof a discount. Pso, 110 for the whole week. P and there are scholarships pavailable. Pyes we we do have scholarships pavailable for Friends Group and pfind out information regarding ponline. Pokay. Pso if you live, i mean really popen for anybody anywhere i pguess, rights . Pwhich dont have to live in st. Etersburg. Pso anywhere you are, if you want pto get your child involved in psummer camp, now time to think pabout it. Pthere were scholarships that pwent unused last year. Pmake sure you look at that if rice is a factor for you. Pwhat a great fun place for kids pto kind of experience camp life. Ptrees and rope swings and panimals. Pyeah. Pnature for Goodness Sake put pdigital stuff down and get out pand play a little bit. Pthank you very much i appreciate pit barbara boyd hill if you want pto come out and enjoy some pwalking and hiking biking ptrails, maybe get a slight bit pwarmer or maybe do it today pbefore it gets too hot. Panyway come check it out go to pwww. Fox13news. Com for at info. Pcharley belcher, fox 13 news. P thats funny. Pmaybe when it gets slight bit pwarmer. Pyou know spring arrives in ptemperatures drop. Pyeah. Pisnt that funny how that works. Pthis just about every yearyou pget that one little last gasp pwinter tries to hold on. Pyou get that cold front towards pend of march. Pand get some nice ill call it prefreshing and pleasant cool air pconsidering last week. Pwe were getting pretty warm. Pstarting to get pretty humid and pbefore you know it these warm ptemperatures will be right back pwith us heading towards psummertime. Pcan you believe it . Pthat is just around corner. Plook outside right now from psuspect camera. Poverhead. Palso very breezy. Pso weve got pretty large surf palong the coastline as well. Pin fact, look at some of winds, pour winds are currently psustained out north at about 20 pmiles an hour. Pgusting up to about 25 miles an phour. Palong the coastline, were pseeing many locations gusting up pto close to 30 miles an hour. Pyou can see in downtown st. Etersburg, winds currently pgusting up to 29 miles an hour. Pso, at the noon hour, can you pbelieve it were only in the p50s. Psame along with New Port Richey pand brooksville, clearwater at p57 as well. Phead over to st. Petersburg, pdowntown, 56 degrees. Pbraden to and sarasota, at 58. Ponly place i can find in 60s is pbrandon, and also sebring which pcurrently sitting at 60 degrees. Pwhat a cool front this has ab pwere running between 16 to many pcases about 20 degrees colder pcompared to this time yesterday. Pthats a pretty significant cold pfront especially for this time pof year. Pnow continue to push down to the pbackside of front still have pupper level clouds which are assing through the area. Pespecially from about phillsborough county, to the psouth, we still have mainly pcloudy skies. Pbut these clouds will slowly be pthinning out as we go through pthe later afternoon hours. Pthat High Pressure as that pbuilds in over state by later on ptonight, well we will see clear pthat means very chilly night for ptonight. Pcolder tonight then it was this pmorning. Pbut as cold as it has been for pus could whole lot worse. Plook at were in spring time pthey are dealing with snow. Pmany locations across northeast icking up between 4 and six pinches of snow with this band assing through that will be pwinding down as we go through pthe afternoon hours. Pthat front will be continue to ush to the south. Pbreezy and cooler for today. Pas high builds in clears out pskies. Pvery cold night for tonight. Pand then we start that warming ptrend. Pyou can see by the middle of pweek were warming things back pup and watch next cold front pheading out way. Pthat will bring us a chance of psome rain as we head into second phalf the week. Pso for today increasing sun, pdaytime high struggling to get pinto the 60s. Pand then for tonight, well see pclear, a cold night. Povernight low here in tampa of p48 degrees. Peven colder as you move towards pour north away from coastline. Plots of sun, a mild afternoon pdegrees. Pand a we head to middle week pthat head heads or way over that prain chance up as we get into pweekend unfortunately looks like pby sunday, on easter could pdealing with rain as well, 40 ercent chance of showers. Pthank you, jim. Pone child, listen to this got pultimate hall pass from none pother than Bruce Springsteen. P3 linda get ready to cheer on the usf Womens Basketball team pget ready to cheer on usf women pbasketball team they beat pcolorado state saturday night psweek squeaker of game 48 to 45. Ptonight they face ucla and that pgame is at 9 00 p. M. P so now it is officially pspring. Pits really the perfect time for pvisit disney epcot center. Pswing more than 100 character ptopekaaries like goofy. Pand some big floral designs. Ptickets by way are 97 for padults and event runs through pthe end of may. P move over Polar Express p ptheres a new train in town that psure to be at cats meow. Phello kitty theme pulled into ptaiwan. Pkids adults were excited to pclimb aboard colorful train for pmaiden journey. Pfront train features life size pmascot of famous cartoon pcharacter. Pand sides were painted with pimages of hello kitty. Pinside the train head rests are erfect. Pa purr fit. P so young student got out pbeing late to class in most rock pand roll way possible. Pthe young man had a note signed pby Bruce Springsteen himself. Pnineyearold boy is at the sin psingers sold out show with his pdad. Psign bruce, i will late to pschool tomorrow, please sign my pnote. Pand once concert ended thats pexactly what he did. Pspringsteen wrote to boys pteacher he has been out very plate with rocking and rolling pwith me so please excuse him if phes a bit tardy. P you know youre keeping that pnote. P framing that putting that up pon wall. Pi dont know, he might be too pyoung to realize how perfectly pcool that was though. Pyeah. P i will show you the note but pi need this back. P putting up on my wall. Pso some cooler temperatures. Pyeah. Pthings are looking good were a pbit on cool side. Psee your body is a finely tuned instrument. Diarrhea can throw it out of rhythm. Imodium multi symptom relief combines two powerful ingredients to relieve diarrhea faster and ease gas, cramps and bloating. Restore rhythm with imodium. 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Could she face any legal trouble for her latest stunt . Looking down here with tears in her eyes. Prince harry gets very specific about his memories of mom and even his hopes for a