protestant denonnation in the world is a cult. i think he s a good moral man but those of us who are good followers of christ should prefer a competent christian to a competent nonchristian like mitt romney. well, reverend jeffress leaves a huge baptist church and we should note that he also supports romney s rival, rick perry, for president. bill bennett today joined the debate, linking the minister s comments about romney and mormonism to bigotry and questioning the pastor s political wisdom. and i would say to pastor jeffress, you stepped on and obscured the words of perry and santorum and cain and bachmann and everyone else who has spoken here. you did rick perry no good, sir, in what you had to say. after romney it was perry s turn. he called for a truce in this debate but did address the speaker who would follow him and who has criticized his faith in the past. poisonous language does not advance our cause. it s never softened our heart or changed a single mind.