Robotic Prosthetics Market research study of the industry also involves profiles of key people such as the CEO, the Marketing Director, the Technology and Innovation Director, the Vice President, the Founder, and the key executives of the core companies and institutions in major regions of the world. Extensive primary research is conducted for the study of the market and thus several interviews, consumer surveys, and marketing campaigns are well-directed so that they can acquire and accumulate both qualitative and quantitative data as well.
Key Companies Operating in this Market
Human Technology Inc., HDT Global, Shadow Robot Company, SynTouch, Inc., Ottobock, Endolite, and Össur Americas., Artificial Limbs & Appliances Pty Ltd
Biomedical graduate thrilled to use degree to make a difference in people’s lives
Geetika Maddirala was finishing high school and deciding what to do next. She knew she wanted to study engineering, but just wasn’t sure which university or college would offer the career path she desired.
From her hometown in Colorado, in the United States, Geetika spent months researching universities around the world, in the US, Singapore, Hong Kong, before eventually settling on the unfamiliar city of Wollongong.
“When I was growing up, my Dad travelled a lot for work, and I always thought that was so cool,” Geetika said. “I wanted to travel but I wasn’t sure where I wanted to go. I had never been to Australia before.”