more details have emerged about the events that led to the tragic death of a crew member on the set of alec baldwin s new film, rust. an affidavit released on sunday reveals the actor was drawing a revolver across his body and pointing it at a camera, during rehearsal when the weapon fired. a live round struck the cinematographer halyna hutchins in the chest, it also injured the directorjoel souza. according to the affadavit, the actor was told that the prop wasn t loaded. but according to the la times, just over a week ago baldwin s stunt double accidentally fired two rounds from a prop firearm after being told that weapon was cold , not loaded with ammunition. earlier i spoke to film director bandar albuliwi who told me why he s started a petition calling for real firearms to be banned from film sets. i began the petition shortly after i discovered that halyna hutchins was murdered in that set. within the hour that the need to make some change so what did i do, i went to change
reveals the actor was drawing a revolver across his body and pointing it at a camera, during rehearsal when the weapon fired. a live round struck the cinematographer halyna hutchins in the chest, it also injured the directorjoel souza. according to the affadavit, the actor was told that the prop wasn t loaded. but according to the la times, just over a week ago baldwin s stunt double accidentally fired two rounds from a prop firearm after being told that weapon was cold , not loaded with ammunition. film director bandar albuliwi has started a petition calling for real firearms to be banned from film sets, whilst state senator david cortese is pushing legislation to ban guns on film sets and bothjoin me now. thank you for your time. i wanted to start with you. how signature is coming in and i suppose, first of why did you
we are learning much more about the events that led to the tragic death of a crew member on the set of alec baldwin s new film, rust. the affidavit released sunday reveals the actor was drawing a revolver across his body and pointing it at a camera, during rehearsal when the weapon fired. a live round struck the cinematographer halyna hutchins in the chest, it also injured the directorjoel souza. according to the affadavit, the actor was told that the prop wasn t loaded. but according to the la times, just over a week ago baldwin s stunt double accidentally fired two rounds from a prop firearm after being told that weapon was cold , not loaded with ammunition. steve wolf is a weapons safety expert who s been asked to help police with their investigation and joins us now from boulder, colorado. it s really good to have you with us. thank you for sparing us sometime. what we learn this
committee to have a new level of insight into the people around trump, what trump was saying directly to acolytes of his and what other people who were pushing this election fraud idea thought and wanted to do at that time. yeah, and you know we covered doj. it was stunning this little known official ended up really central in this plot. thank you so much, kaitlyn polanz. an assistant director yelled cold gun as he gave a prop firearm to alec baldwin according to an affidavit. usually you would try and avoid using a real gun unless you have to. investigators are now combing through the evidence from the movie set including alec baldwin s bloodstained clothes. investigators turn to brian lawn dea s parents. making a statement we haven t seen him is not reporting someone missing. part of that investigation will be to discern and determine what if anything the family