impose criminal penalties for sitting, sleeping or lying outside on public property for homeless individuals who cannot obtain shelter. it held at the ordinances were unconstitutional and constituted cruel and unusual punishment under the eighth amendment. the matter came before the powerful 9th circuit court, which has jurisdiction for the western united states and all of california. the ninth circuit has been regarded as a progressive bastion, but president trump was able to appoint ten judges to the ninth circuit. it limited what idaho could do with regard to its homeless. this time a three-judge panel similarly ruled against a city s effort to regulate its homeless population. when grants pass then sought to have the matter considered by the entire circuit, it could not get the required vote from all a act tiff members of the bench. that s when all hell broke lose. the denial of a full review drew 16 dissents and many statements. as the oregonen reported, many who dissent
which is more cruel and unusual? one of the most influential appellate courts erupted in public disagreement over one of the most difficult issues of our time, homelessness. having recently decided matters of affirmative action, student loans and adoption, on top of last year s rulings concerning abortion, guns, religion and climate change, scotus might soon have the final word here, too. at issue, ordinances in grants pass, oregon, which would impose fines on homeless people for encampment on public property. a trial court was faced with this issue, whether cities can impose criminal penalties for sitting, sleeping or lying outside on public property for homeless individuals who cannot obtain shelter. it held the ordinances were unconstitutional and constituted cruel and unusual punishment under the eighth amendment. the matter came before the powerful ninth circuit court, which has jurisdiction for much of the western united states and all of california. the ninth circuit
constitutional right t abortion was eliminated in thi country nearly a year ago. a federal judge in texas las night issued a sweeping ruling to reverse the food and s 23 year old approval of a key abortion drug, the rulin orders the fda to hold thi medication from pharmacy shelves in every state regardless of whether or not abortion is legal in tha state. u.s. district judge matthew ha put a seven-day hold on hi willing to give the government the opportunity to repeal it the justice department did fil a notice of appeal last night. let me tell you what is at stake here the drug in question is one of a standard two drug regiment commonly prescribed by doctors for medication abortion across the country. medication abortions account for more than half of al abortions in the united states according to the good doctor institute. and this was approved by the fda in 2000 is one the mos heavily studied and scrutinize drugs on the market. studies show that it is safe than penicillin,
really happy to have yo here at 10:13 am today, 10:1 a.m., exactly, kids in nashville tennessee all walked out of their classes look at that 10:13 is when the first 9-1- calls started coming into th police department when we coul go today one week last week when th shooting unfolded at the covenant school. an elementary school in that city police today said that in th roughly 14 minutes that it too for that school shooting t relapse, the shooter fired 126 rifle rounds and 26 rounds fro a handgun. hundred and 52 rounds al together in 14 minutes to honor the three little kids and the three school staff who were murdered in their school, monday last week, and to deman legal change to stop gun violence, literally thousand of tennessee students walked out of their classes today and in some schools, they left their classrooms and the rallied outside their school that opened in a whole bunch o different schools in tennessee at some schools today, they sa a walk in instead of a wal
and the three school staff who neo-nazis, some of them were murdered in their school conspicuously armed. they re carrying swastika flags monday last week and to demand and shouting they were screaming at a drag legal change to stop gun queen story hour, a family violence literally thousands of friendly event being held in tennessee students walked out of their class today. wadsworth, ohio. now here s an update this photo is from a newly and some say they left their classrooms and rallied outside released federal criminal complaint. this complaint identifies a their school 20-year-old man you see at the that happened at a birch of center of thismage as a member whole different schools in of the ohio chapter of white tennessee. at some schools today they did a lives matter walk in instead of a walk out, this photo shows him at that meaning they left class but they came together in a school anti-trans protest we covered auditorium to talk about the last month problem. but by th