accordingly with law enforcement. let s put the dare program back in schools. let s start funding more education programs, let s start putting more resources in our public education system in general. you want to know next steps. that s what we re asking for and we ve been saying that since day one [applause] go ahead, michael. yeah. i m sorry. michael lindquist was saying something to yeah. i wanted to say sorry. go ahead, michael. sorry. and, you know, i would like to challenge every american that s watching this show to treat people better. that s really what it s about. it s about treating people like human beings. that s the first step. the first step is to recognize and see somebody as an equal being when you recognize them. it s no way that a person, a woman should feel less human than a man. there s no way that a black person should feel less human than a white man. everybody should be seen equal. until that happens it s the truth and reality of what we
our law enforcement so that they can experience better deescalation tactics, better policies, better i was a young man 12 years old playing around in my neighborhood, playing cops and robbers, and i had toy guns and i can only imagine what it would be like if i had a friend that got shot and killed in those situations. number two, i know that the rebuttal is going to be about you should handle yourself accordingly with law enforcement. let s put the dare program back in schools. let s start funding more education programs, let s start putting more resources in our public education system in general. you want to know next steps. that s what we re asking for and we ve been saying that since day one. [ applause ] go ahead, michael. yeah. i m sorry. michael lindquist was saying something to yeah. i wanted to say sorry.
that in and of itself is an accomplishment signed by president trump that extends that program, that simplifies that program and make sure that the bills are paid for easily and medical records are shared between va and private health care providers. heather: congress developed the program back in 20114 after the deaths of several veterans when they were waiting at the va specifically in phoenix, arizona, so this program was to expire in august, now that won t happen, but what you were referencing, how do we make it actually work? well, it will take a different attitude and approach than we ve had in the va in the past, i see that coming. perhaps it s improving. part of the program which can be a help is veterans don t know that that s an option. in a state like mine where veterans live long distances from a va hospital, if you live more than 40 miles from the va
the fact he won t walk this back and do him a world of good right now i think is very, very strange. that was a year ago. again, we were talking about it before. that goes back to last december. so that had nothing to do with the legitimatization of his election or not. he was still taking that position back then. i want to talk more generally, though, jon, about how stupid republicans look. the same republicans who, like me, were offended when there were leaks about a cia program back in 2005, 2006, maybe it was that revealed the location of black sites and exposed our allies. i was just beyond myself. i still am just absolutely stunned that the washington post printed that. and wikileaks, julian assange was enemy number one. for donald trump, among others. for the republican party. i saw a tweet for donald trump. for every republican.
awakening of conscious about doing something like this for such a key position. i would also say that mike flynn has been on the payroll, his intelligence firm has been on the payroll of turkey including during the trump campaign, without him disclosing that while he was working for the trump campaign. so this is just i know he s not going to get as much coverage as the other people who have to get confirmed over the next few days, but stick a pin in that. it s a really, really important, really worrying announcement. back to our regularly-scheduled program back in a second.