DGAP-News: Corestate Capital Holding S.A.: Udo Giegerich wird neuer CFO von CORESTATE - Investment wird Chefsache
Udo Giegerich wird neuer CFO von CORESTATE - Investment wird Chefsache
20.07.2021 / 07:00
Udo Giegerich wird neuer CFO von Corestate - Investment wird Chefsache
Gollnest wird CIO DACH und berichtet an CEO Parmantier
Giegerich übernimmt Finanzressort zum 1. August
Transformations- und Digitalisierungsexpertise werden gestärkt
Strukturierter Prozess für Suche nach neuem COO eingeleitet
Hübener und Löhken scheiden zum 31. Juli aus dem Vorstand aus
Frankfurt, 20. Juli 2021 - Der Aufsichtsrat der CORESTATE Capital Holding S.A. hat Udo Giegerich mit Wirkung zum 1. August für eine Amtszeit von drei Jahren zum neuen Chief Financial Officer (CFO) und Mitglied des Vorstands ernannt.
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pakistan s history has given a lot of people reason for cynicism about democracy, about our relations with our neighbors, about relations with the united states. and then there is cynicism in pakistan, will the united states walk away from us again, will something go wrong with afghanistan again. so this cynicism, but in this environment of cynicism i any we need to be very clear about one thing. pakistan as a nation can have a good future only if we resolve our problems in our neighborhood, our neighbors are reasonable about it, the united states support this process of transformation, and pakistan emerges as a democracy. pakistan wants to play well with the world, and that is where our future lies. husain haqqani, always a pleasure. pleasure talking to you, fareed. and we will be right back.
happens, a big change in pakistani policy. well, look, pakistani policy changed very clearly, even after 9/11. it started changing. i think the changes are in much faster gear now. our military leadership, our intelligence leadership, and our civilian leadership are all on the same page. i understand the cynicism of people. pakistan s history has given a lot of people reason for cynicism about democracy, about our relations with our neighbors, about relations with the united states. and then there is cynicism in pakistan, will the united states walk away from us again, will something go wrong with afghanistan again. so this cynicism, but in this environment of cynicism i any we need to be very clear about one thing. pakistan as a nation can have a good future only if we resolve our problems in our neighborhood, our neighbors are reasonable about it, the united states support this process of transformation, and pakistan emerges as a democracy. pakistan wants to play well with the worl