And my mom open and just my mom open and just like you got 10,000 check from a Tobacco Company and is a scholarship for Community Service for Community Server site done in high school on at the time i wanted to havent it to venture familys home and i was restless. Spinning the Community Service he could take and go to africa. Was for content high school and it was for a scholarship and they said would be far more educational to graduate early and go off to this program in ghana and i would like to say this was a motivation that it was really motivated by the desire to have an adventure. I showed up in ghana thinking it would help these poor african children learn english and my students to listen to voice of america and bbc radio and spoke with the queen of english, could name u. S. Senators, they were more knowledgeable about Global Affairs like most of my High School Class yet they were all from 2 a day render families and is a school for blind kids. Hard enough getting an education