Worst they have achieved the highest echelons of success in a grieved based system because they have never cared about their fellow human that thats why theyre there thats how they got there its right on the resume sociopath right there and theyre proud of it thats how they got there keep in mind just how many people theyre talking about murdering with this virus right now experts believe between 10240000 americans will die from coronavirus this year and thats if we continue with this social distancing if we continue with all the businesses closed and Everything Else if we go down the continued path. Thats the number thats the number that number is more than the number of americans who died in vietnam and korea. Combined ok its nearly half of the number of americans that died in all of world war 2 so of thats the death rate on the course were currently on imagine how many people wall street is talking about killing to protect their profits to protect their money possibly millions of pe
A visit on unit 29. 00 its going to be hotter its going to be cold either its going to be extremely cold outside or is going to be extremely hot inside normally in temperatures in excess of 100. 00 degrees theres no aircon theres no air conditioning. Theres no aggravation for us in a ventilated area. And in the actual pods in the sales at home guys they have no circulation at all so what you normally would seeing is that you see. And theyre laying on the coal for because units when that is in. Cinder blocks they hold in either cool air and they hold the heat so during the summer months theyre holding in all the cool air so the gas just lay bare just like bare chested on the floor its not uncommon to see 5 or 6 guys just laid out and in a sale on the floor vironment is visible in the visiting area. Spiders. In little. Biters mosquitoes the size of. Walls any if you want to see in the corners of the facility and these are areas where the public are. Allowed i mean theres nothing new abou
Full picture with a packed show today so lets dive right in. And we leave the program here in the United States as President Donald Trump addressed the social distancing measures taken within the country to limit the spread of the crowed a virus during his Daily Briefing wednesday the u. S. President pushed back against the idea of a nationwide locked out leaving it up to states to make the decision. There are some states that are different so there are some states that dont have. Much of a problem there is so low they dont have the problem they dont have thousands of people that are positive with thousands of people that even think they might have it for hundreds of people in some cases so you have to know that you have to look at it you have to give a little bit of flexibility but of the state. In the midwest alaska as an example. Doesnt have a problem so if you have to say closed. And the u. S. President was also asked about travel restrictions in the u. S. As a way of mitigating th
Think we all are right we all have bad moments when were just talking among friends or family no no no no no no this is a public official who called a News Conference to announce this thing that he says by now it seems the whole world knows that the reason that the corona virus is so insidious is because you dont have to have symptoms you dont have to be symptomatic to pass it on in other words anybody and young people especially as weve said probably a 1000000 times on this newscast can show absolutely no symptoms. 2 but still be a carrier and pass on the disease to somebody else. Again everybody who watches the news listens or talks to their doctor or Public Health officials knows this right. Everybody that is but the governor of georgia in the good old usa who presides over by the way the 8th biggest state in the United States of america with a population of roughly 8000000 people brian camp thats his name he called a News Conference to announce that hes now going to go ahead and or
Agreement to world war 2 as Marshall Plan to rebuild europe yes he called the bill after sleep deprived nights in marathon negotiating sessions we have a bipartisan agreement on the largest rescue package in american history. I know i know youre suffering was who your suffering was really great i mean the anguish of having to stay up late and be forced to. I would do what you were elected to do in order to save all of us poor servicemen that is indeed some hard work chuck just like its hard bro those nurses doctors and other medical professionals forced to work around the clock ships fighting this virus on the front line or or just as hard as the Grocery Store clerks and delivery drivers working long hours for nothing wages just to bring the quarantine some Food Supplies yeah that kind of hard work but thankfully schumer wasnt alone in that excruciating hard work that all. Those idiots on capitol hill were doing it having to argue with fellow old rich white men and women late into the