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Agreement to world war 2 as Marshall Plan to rebuild europe yes he called the bill after sleep deprived nights in marathon negotiating sessions we have a bipartisan agreement on the largest rescue package in american history. I know i know youre suffering was who your suffering was really great i mean the anguish of having to stay up late and be forced to. I would do what you were elected to do in order to save all of us poor servicemen that is indeed some hard work chuck just like its hard bro those nurses doctors and other medical professionals forced to work around the clock ships fighting this virus on the front line or or just as hard as the Grocery Store clerks and delivery drivers working long hours for nothing wages just to bring the quarantine some Food Supplies yeah that kind of hard work but thankfully schumer wasnt alone in that excruciating hard work that all. Those idiots on capitol hill were doing it having to argue with fellow old rich white men and women late into the night hard work is republican senator republican counterpart senator Mitch Mcconnell took to the podium and proudly exclaimed the great miss of this stimulus agreement stating. This is a wartime level of investment and our nation the men and women of the greatest country on earth are going to defeat. And reclaim our future. Or our. Boy boy oh boy you know talk about a rousing call to arms there mitchie i mean you could have at least tried to show a little bit more excitement about your agreement that sends billions to your corporate benefactors while throwing all the rest of us the leftovers but maybe maybe you know maybe mitch wasnt excited because he knew all was not going to plan maybe he knew that as of this broadcast 3 republican senators Tim Scott Ben sass and of course our old good buddy Lindsey Graham would be putting their foot on the neck of the agreement because it gives get this too much money to the unemployed so today lets take a deep dive into that stimulus that kept the us congress up all night and has senator Lindsey Grahams knickers in a twist as we start watching the hawks. She was. In the city the streets. Are so lets see this is joyce state. Graves see this least systemic deception is the late show which. Youll. Welcome everybody to watch in the hard. Joining me now to help me break down the ins and outs of this 2 trillion dollar coronavirus stimulus bill isnt quite there yet i guess is our to america correspondent. So 1st you know democrats were holding this up earlier in the week now its down to 3 grand Old Party Republican senators saying that this is giving too much to the unemployed how dare we run employed money how much are we talking about because what exactly in their minds is too much to give to people without jobs so the 1st thing that theyre getting wrong here is theyre talking about the Unemployed People that are already not working what they dont realize is there is a massive amount of unemployed just 218000 alone that filed last week because of this virus so what theyre saying is is that you know while everyone there theyve been throwing around this number of every american going to get 1200. 00 also in this new bill and what well get into more of it in a 2nd but its saying that if you were laid off because of the coronavirus the federal governments going to pay your salary along with your benefits which republicans are going on that is shocking theyre saying what thats going to do is thats going to make people want to be unemployed and want to stand employed now you know for those of you dont know we have like kind of an 18 minute here so were on and off a week i was off last week the 1st thing i wanted to do was come back to work because a lot of people i will agree with trump a lot of people want to get back to work because a lot of times to theyre going to make more when theyre at work so its interesting that these 3 senators are. And again theyre trying to lump everybody into we dont were not going to want to work if we lose our jobs then and its going to die because you know losing your job because youre forced to stay at home in order to not get infected with a disease that has the possibility to kill you or people in your family that you are close to 0 you know what im going to get a really nice trucks i want to stay home or i dont think its the premiums that are going to make people want to stay home right now i do not hear of the buy worse than the jackal i want to not go to work so we have these 3 g. O. P. Senators who are saying like oh my god were giving them too much they might never want to work are doing. And. What about the democrats are there any democrats who are now standing up against this bill or this agreement they havent passed the bill ok so literally breaking just moments ago you have these 3 g. O. P. Senators that say you know im going to take my marbles and go home if you dont do what i say now you have senator Bernie Sanders who actually was not at the vote last night hes been getting a lot of backlash on twitter for not being there because he had a virtual town hall on the coronavirus and the whole thing as you could talk about it but you couldnt vote on it side note but Bernie Sanders says if you change it vote no and i will come back and vote now and you also have new York Governor Andrew Cuomo who is saying that this bill is going to do absolutely nothing for new york right now it would in the senate bill 3800000000 would go to new york state 1300000000 in new york city he says it sounds like a lot of money but thats just a drop in the bucket theyre looking at 15000000000. 00 the state of new york alone wow they need a lot more than what theyre going to be getting talked about the beginning you had you had my buddy chuck and mitchie standing up and being very proud of this agreement that they talk about how store they were in the sun and you know so the other question is you know after wasting all of our time fighting over this for 3 weeks rather than helping us who actually ended up with the better end of the deal the democrats or the republicans and youre absolutely right i mean they are so brave for having to come in compromise on this deal and so lets look at the republican wins here and they were mainly focusing on corporations and businesses and hospitals democrats they were fighting saying its about the people not corporations well they were able to keep those loans going to quote. Corporations and Small Businesses but here is where the little caviar came with the democrats democrats won the argument of strict oversight remember the bank bailout what happened there they learned their lesson so corporations theyre going to be required to lay out how theyre going to spend their emergency loans and make it public not just to Congress Though but also to the American People so well be able to also check them ourselves they want to establish an Oversight Board to monitor where their money is going and again like i was mentioning before Chuck Schumer has this workers 1st article where its he calls it Unemployment Compensation on steroids saying that again if you were laid off or furloughed because of the coronavirus your salary plus benefits paid the reason that they want to do this is because you know trump is talking about coming back to work on easter they want it so that these people it keeps the employers and the businesses linked so that its like youre not going to go out and its like you know the business has come back and its like oh you know forget them will hire new people its no its keeping them together because again American People do want to work you know so you know everybody wants to work no one wants to be lazy and sort of home all day thats kind of one of those strange myths a bit put out a little bit but but realistically people i mean you know its also as you said its like people are looking at theyre saying i want to be back to work by you strip im going to die right exactly so if you can give me full benefits and all but you know its also interesting because we have this whole big back and forth between the parties i mean they wasted many days they were there since friday. Last friday. Really at the end of the day you can really look at a lot of this is just kind of the tricks and circus can we oh yeah and a real quick thing the senate was supposed to be off last week they voted to stay to work on this and to get this passed great job if youre a but youre so brave the 2nd thing is that theyre talking about how the senate now is going to be probably going on recess and the recess is about 2 weeks so we might not even get anything passed in the senate for a good 3 weeks but next week the house is back in session and nancy pelosi introduced her bill on monday that had a lot of other democratic talking points like student loan forgiveness and you know Green New Deal stuff thrown. And there are so i think senate this is going to force some senators to stick around to see what the house is going to do next week good stuff aaron always thank you for coming on and breaking that down for us good good work today that having so much. But now we move on to one of the most important questions of the day around the world what are people doing to stop and actually kill this virus that threatens us well it appears that while governments work on plans of actions to fight the coronavirus scientists and every day people are desperately looking for cures from big pharma the fans of that even Natural Remedies everybody is in on the battle against covert 19 arties alex mahela bitch has the story. From laboratories in china to the u. K. Thousands of people around the world are working on ways to fight covert 19 fast Boat Development a license that seeing he takes many years its quite probable with etc Reasons Development for a cavy vaccine that might be shrunk to maybe a year the urgent need for something to be done is being addressed internationally among the Many Companies universities and other institutions working on a vaccine some believe the 2 front runners at this point are china based can sign a Biotechnology Inc and massachusetts based moderna therapeutics which is already testing its vaccine on humans can sign and is known for creating the worlds 1st internationally accepted a bowl of vaccine. Besides players like china the u. K. And u. S. The World Health Organization says more than 20 vaccines are being worked on around the world and that includes places like israel singapore russia and canada however the who is cautioning that we need to take our time when talking about vaccines according to the organization there is only one thing more dangerous than about virus and that its a bad vaccine while many see stopping the virus before it hits any harder as a priority its important to remember that we might not get a vaccine at all so developing treatments is equally important and according to experts faster repurchasing existing drugs that work can be done in weeks a possible treatment thats got a lot of attention is rem death of ear developed by gilliatt sciences its described as an investigational Broad Spectrum antiviral treatment one of its applications has been to treat patients with a bola gilliatt however received lots of heat for obtaining exclusive access to the potential coronavirus treatment and critics are claiming the company is trying to cash in from the crisis. Another possible solution is collect hiv drug currently being tested and then there is the drug that President Trump has called the game changer chloroquine and antimalaria drug thats been around since 1949 while experts say there needs to be more testing on chloroquine for some the world of science and medicine is just not moving fast enough and theyre ready to risk it all to find a cure and arizona man and his wife both in their sixtys in just a fish Tank Cleaning out a diff made with chloroquine phosphate they thought it would be a good way to keep the coronavirus at bay the man died and the woman was hospitalized but is expected to recover the European Union which has been hit hard by covert 19 is urging people to be wary of quick fixes according to our European Union agencies. The amount of cyber crime in the European Union has increased and the number of fake medicines disinfection sprays a miracle cures sold online is staggering in the meantime russian scientists have taken a 1st microscope images of covert 19 the information is welcome to munition in the fight to developing vaccines and drug treatments that will be effective against the coronavirus for r. T. Im alex my love it. All right before we go to break let me present to you the brand new exercise app brought to you by our good friends at the federal bureau of Investigation Called the f. B. I. Missed test yes apparently the bureau is so worried about your visit go help now that so many of us are stuck at home that they want you to work out like a g. Man which makes sense i mean i dont know about you but when i think of physical fitness i think of yes the one and only j. Edgar hoover and speaking of j. Edgar many critics are pointing out but apparently the f. B. I. Has a new app while helping train like an agent also needs to access your location photos media files and storage groups who doesnt want the feds roaming around in your private information i guess they want more of a chase when big brother comes to you to catch you for your thought crimes all right everybody as we go to break remember that you can also start watching the hawks on demand for the brand new fordable t. V. App available on smartphones through google play on the Apple App Store by searching horrible t. V. Or stream us to your t. V. By downloading the portable t. V. App on apple t. V. And once again portable t. V. This wonderful wonderful app will be available on board the buyers those coming in the very future coming up immigration attorney allen or junior brings us the latest on how i used the tension camps have been affected by the kobe had 19 and stay tuned to watch the. Your government and our government and all the other major governments of the world know whats going to happen and when its going to. But they havent told you and they havent told me they havent and theyll. Imagine something as big as the earth is going to cause tidal waves earthquakes volcanoes are going to read it and its going to chill. So very for right. My great grandfathers. Nobody would care about the law or prison so youd have wallace though should have. A terrible life between the. Micrographs friends arent slights against you know whites or men for example theres their slights against women or nonwhites so its always you know the idea is that statements that directed toward a Privileged Group are interpreted differently than a statement directed toward an oppressed group and so thats kind of the whole framework and its its a political framework thats used the result is of course focusing at least on certain kinds of minor slights and saying well rather than a north more than we need to call attention to them but its not all slice so its a very political in this country and. In what was almost in the numbers ability at this point recently it was revealed that a member of the medical staff of the new jersey immigrations and Customs Detention Center has tested positive for colbert 19 as well as a 30. One year old Mexican National currently being held by u. S. Customs and immigration this comes as the nation reports that according to leaked documents dated march 19th ice says Health Services corps had isolated 9 detainees that it was monitoring 24 more in 10 different ice facilities however the documents do not specify exactly what illness or illnesses these individuals were being monitored for but since the title of the leak document is department of Homeland Security National Operations center covert 19 placemat. I think one could make a pretty good destination on what theyre talking about this news backs up a new Legal Campaign taking place in states across the nation that seeks to release immigrant detainees across the country from the controversial camps for the sake of Public Health joining us now to discuss this movement and the spread of covert 19 in the immigration detention facilities is immigration attorney alan or jr always a pleasure having you on ellen thank you. Thanks for having me so allan what what are the basis for these lawsuits against isis and are they getting any legal traction in the courts. I think they are getting legal traction youve seen some movement in the 9th circuit where the court actually affirmatively took this action it didnt work right here on the east coast but i think the thing that we should think about is that this is not about immigrants this is about all people who are in prison for mr meaner so much of this virus this change the way people operate business where theyre working from home is going to say we really did need these Office Buildings in the 1st place to get the economy going it sort of thing the same thing about the tensions in jail or low level and or this probably isnt the best method for trying to deter people in these but still the difficulty when the you have the obligation and regular job overcrowded as well as immigration plague or overcrowded you know Record Number of people dying in these fertility and all rate in the ability much less there are a lot of juvenile elder needs to fill these who should be released for no other reason than they didnt really decide to come here right i mean if their parents brought them it is not a crime that there are. You know weve talked before about the dangers of disease running rampant in these Detention Centers what do we know about the spread of covert 19 right now in the i like to call them concentration camps so far. You can call them that i mean i think the issue is one thats probably the same thing about prison the prisoners arent going out and general circulation so theyre not getting coming from the air it will be the officers of the guards of the business who are bringing the disease to them which then for it will spread within the facilities because they dont have the health care the problem is they dont have the appropriate medical sort of devices and documents to take care of the officers in the facility a government worker the judges or the detainees all in this case for Health Reasons just like we are now sort of not going on our regular operation for business we should let these people return to their families if you are going to deport them you would have already reported them at some of the time the thought is that you can release them and then deport them later they are not people who are there for murder you might want to detain some people and they but not people who are there only from across the border and waiting to be processed you know we have also heard talk about the release of hundreds even thousands of incarcerated people from various jails across the country in response to the virus could we see something similar with immigrant detainees moving forward or is this going to be one of those situations where the trumpet ministrations going to begin to their heels and make up all the usual excuses to keep these people from actually getting help or being safe from this virus. These are getting smart governors such just recently in chicago where they said were not locking up people our local jails anymore were not even interested in how we got greater is different i will deal with those facilities later the issue of the differences and most of the federal cases in court you need a judge to sort of release these people i doesnt have that limitation i can release these people tomorrow by their own little power so therefore it is the truck that ministration that sort of dragging their feet on that and sort of blaming the immigrant saying they brought the disease here right and thats sort of problematic when the disease wasnt here all the time theyve been detained before and all the great. The gap for coming here so its sort of a once again the great political battle that the show were going to station always has and say its the immigrant its the other its the name country bar and all those things are problematic and sort of build to that case and so when we start seeing you know hundreds or thousands of people die in the building because were talking about 200 or so these across the United States which once again are most of them are profit one thing and thats another if youre from the federal government the aged 90 people at the day when if they were relieving some other method the Unity Service of that with member probably around 12 or 20 dollars a day for all those things that makes really just once again the battle against well alan i thank you so much for that information and for keeping on this story an illuminating our our audience on whats happening with these these as i said concentration camps thank you so much sir always a pleasure. Thank you for having me. The Worlds Largest lockdown in response to the corona virus has gone into effect in india where more than 1300000000 residents have been ordered to stay in their homes for the next 3 weeks but how my friends will this sudden shutdown impact the country and will it be enough to stop the massive outbreak of the coronavirus there are 2 americas Rachel Blevins joins me now to discuss the latest rachel what do we know so far about this locked up as a massive amount of people in one of the most populated countries on the on the planet absolutely so this lockdown went into effect just hours after it was announced and were talking about a country that has nearly one 5th of the worlds population and theyre saying that its going to last for 21. 00 days so far but at the same time this comes after indias government shut down all domestic air travel and they shut down their role system so it could last longer but its all going to depend on what happens with the chronic virus in that country now indias Prime Minister did speak out he took to twitter and tried to climb down some of the alarm so to speak and he said there is absolutely no need to panic and he claimed that essential commodities and medicines would be made available as ensured by various state governments but theres still a lot of questions here about exactly what residents are going to be allowed to do or if theyre going to have to stay in their homes i rely on the state governments have been wearing them the supplies that they need and that will let me ask you this what are the i mean obviously we can kind of from our own experiences here in the states and what we see on the news what are the concerns if there is a massive coronavirus covert break in deal like what kind of scale are we looking at your grace in the same way here in the United States were looking at our own Health Care System and saying they would not be able to handle a massive current Virus Outbreak thats exactly whats happening in india and especially when were looking at their Health Care System issues that its had over the last few years now if were looking at the number specifically reports are noting that when it comes to indias Health Care System they currently have just 40000. Ventilators only one isolation bed per for 84000. 00 people and one doctor per alive and 1600. 00 people and now theyve only conducted 17000. 00 kroner virus tests which have resulted in around 500. 00 confirmed cases so right now they have 500. 00 confirmed cases in around and as a result of the corona virus but at the same time with a lack of supplies theyre looking at this and knowing that if there is a major outbreak they simply wont be able to afford it while thats incredible i want to ask you you know what how do these moves by india mean theyre locking down the entire country you know this isnt like kind of the whole point theyre not doing half measures at this point how do those moves compare to like other states other steps that other governments are taking around the world like say the u. S. Or the you know britain in the United Kingdom and things like that how does that compare here in the United States were seeing these lockdowns are sort of shelter in place orders being issued for cities in states that have a number of cases of the coronavirus and then over in the u. K. They had a more sweeping lockdown but at the same time the one thing that they have in common is theyre still allowing residents to go out for groceries to the pharmacy and for essential jobs and even over in the u. K. They said that residents can go outside an exercise once a day so here in india it seems like its a much more sweeping ban a much bigger lockdown theyre calling it a complete lockdown but at the same time india is also the place who have seen hundreds of thousands of protesters taking to the streets in recent months so this could be a way to quiet the protesters along with combating the corner of i mean the interesting to even think about that angle right there at the very. Room to stay home and they dont have to speak bad about me in public or leave a lot of a lot of governments work that way but no thank you very much rachel excellent reporting on the very important to Pay Attention to not just you know the places that we know us things like that were going to Pay Attention to the other most important countries in the world thank you so much always a pleasure all right everybody that is our show for you today remember everyone in this world we are told. But we love them up so i tell you all i love you i rolled into a keep on watching all those hawks out there and have a great day and let everybody. We. Thank you thank you thank you thank you. Thank you thank you thank. You. It is time in america for this sort of class to the workers who are making minimum wage they cant survive they have to have 2 or 3 minimum wage jobs theyre rising up theyre going. To. Be much higher wages. In this community there are people who believe that its ok. Its really hard there are no jobs and you see the kids. And as a parent. I can come up with arguments and theres a lot of conflict within the game and between the 2 most of the conflict i would say. Close one. Is good because the state of california makes 6000000000. 00 you have to prison complexes to get some 25. 00 where. You dont care. Anything. A new report from merican intelligence claims that china has been lying about the virus from the start where does that leave us officials in their fight against the pandemic weve got the experts on this edition of politic. Welcome to politicking on larry king china has concealed the extent of the Virus Outbreak in its country and under reporting both total cases and deaths that has suffered from the disease thats a conclusion of the United States Intelligence Community in a bombshell report we learned about wednesday so where does that leave us officials in their fight against the pandemic for analysis we turn 1st to gordon chang asia expert and contributor for the daily beast he is in new jersey garden in your opinion has as china under reported this cases of the coronavirus. Yes clearly larry china has under reported coronavirus cases and deaths and it continues to do so so for instance this week we are getting numbers 36 or 7 new infections a day but theyre not reporting any Community Transmissions theyre saying that any transmissions are from imported cases and other words chinese nationals returning to china this is a situation which is inconsistent with all of them modeling is inconsistent with the reporting that were getting from inside the and i dont really and certainly it is not consistent with the way this virus has acted around the world so i think that we can say with confidence that china is not telling us the truth about the crime of virus infections

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