collecting the viewing data of children under the age of 13 and the privacy code to protect them. the complaint is been lodged with the commissioners office and youtube says it is already bolster children s privacy on the platform. what are our children watching online? and who knows about it? 89% of 3 to 17 year olds watch youtube, according to the regulator 0fcom, despite it being aimed at children aged 13 and above. youtube gathers data about what its users are watching so that it can show them more videos they might like. it also looks at where they re watching and what they re watching on. children are supposed to be part of this, but lots of them use their parents devices and accounts, and that means that their data gets gathered, too. let me see your recommendations. campaigner and father of three duncan mccann says he believes youtube is breaching industry standards by doing this, as neither the children nor their parents have consented to it.