Debutante Manushi Chillar will soon be seen opposite Akshay Kumar in Samrat Prithviraj. She reveals that the wedding sequence in the film was her most elaborate shot as 25 people comprising costume, jewellery, hair, makeup, tailors, etc., dressed her in tandem for three straight hours.
Samrat Prithviraj: Manushi Chhillar reveals that the wedding sequence in the film was her most elaborate shot as 25 people comprising costume, jewellery, hair, make-up, tailors, etc dressed her in tandem for 3 straight hours!
The title of Akshay Kumar's upcoming film, Prithiviraj has now been changed to Samrat Prithviraj. The move comes in after a PIL by Shree Rajput Karni Sena. The film's makers, YRF has penned an official letter to Shri Rajput Karni Sena President, informing him about the development. |