As soon as the video surfaced, the police took cognizance and YouTuber Prince has been arrested in the matter. As per information, he along with his companions celebrated his birthday, by standing on the roof of the moving cars on NH-24, violating traffic safety rules and indulging in hooliganism.
A man was seen beating a woman and forcefully making her sit in a car near Mangolpuri flyover in a video that surfaced on the internet, informed the police.
The Delhi Police on Sunday said that the vehicle and the driver of the car involved in the Mangolpuri flyover incident have been traced where a boy was seen forcibly pushing a girl inside a car.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. The vehicle and driver of the car have been traced. The vehicle was booked through Uber from Rohini to Vikaspuri by two boys and a girl," a police official said.
The police official further stated that there was an altercation between the boy and a girl over a personal matter which led to the incident. India News | Vehicle, Driver Traced in Mangolpuri Incident, Probe Underway: Delhi Police.
One person was arrested in connection with a viral video in which a few people are seen standing on the roof of cars and violating the traffic rules, Delhi police informed on Thursday.