Oxygen deprivation can result in pain flare-ups, exhaustion, shortness of breath, and other health problems. So, if you're thinking about visiting such places, use caution, said Dr Vijay Kumar Gurjar, senior consultant and HOD-Internal Medicine, Primus Super Speciality Hospital
Stay protected, heat waves can trigger asthma symptoms. Here are some preventive steps asthma patients need to take to reduce the risk of experiencing asthma attacks in summer. TheHealthSite.com
Be sure to stay on top of your asthma management plan and regularly check in with your healthcare provider, said Dr Ambarish Joshi, senior consultant, Pulmonology, Primus Super Speciality Hospital
"There are several everyday habits that can harm one's health. It is important to adopt healthy habits to maintain good health and prevent chronic diseases," said Dr Vijay Kumar Gurjar