Every moment of this day is vivid in my memory. January 10, 1972, the day Bangabandhu came back from prison to his freed motherland to the nation which he had led to victory and independence, but from a distance. I was a witness to his great and historic return.
Pakistan’s people had a rude awakening on the evening of Dec 16, 1971. The state-run Pakistan Television flashed images of the surrender of their army in Dhaka to the Joint Command of the Indian army and Bangladesh’s Mukti Bahini a few hours earlier. The images were in contrast to what Pakistanis had been treated to. Read more »
The mood of the moment is overwhelmingly celebratory. And why not? Not only are we observing 50 years of our independence, but we are doing so with a new sense of pride, accomplishment and, most importantly, confidence confidence that we can face all the challenges that come our way.
Thirteen nations and five international organisations agreed in Paris today to a worldwide effort to meet the cost of the growing refugee problem in India.