Acting United States Attorney General, before we get into the weeds on legal issues, we will make it interesting. I want to discuss history with you. History is lost on prosecutors, on the debate shows. It is lost among lawyers, talk about january 6. It was an insurrection. No, it wasnt. We had contentious president ial elections in the past, i mean really contentious, some almost lead to civil wars, one did in 1800, Thomas Jefferson and his chosen president ial pick aaron burr tied for first place. Back then ballots were separate. It was 73 to 73 electors. Due to a communication error, or aaron burr lead conspiracy, he was disloyal to jefferson, jefferson was running against adams at the time but he got 65 el Electoral College on votes, they had over 30 votes back and forth, house was to choose the next president , hamilton had great power, he disliked jefferson. But he hated aaron burr. So finally what happens is hamilton, he was the first treasury he turned tide by lobbying his fell
Acting United States Attorney General, before we get into the weeds on legal issues, we will make it interesting. I want to discuss history with you. History is lost on prosecutors, on the debate shows. It is lost among lawyers, talk about january 6. It was an insurrection. No, it wasnt. We had contentious president ial elections in the past, i mean really contentious, some almost lead to civil wars, one did in 1800, Thomas Jefferson and his chosen president ial pick aaron burr tied for first place. Back then ballots were separate. It was 73 to 73 electors. Due to a communication error, or aaron burr lead conspiracy, he was disloyal to jefferson, jefferson was running against adams at the time but he got 65 eloc Electoral College on votes, they had over 30 votes back and forth, house was to choose the next president , hamilton had great power, he disliked jefferson. But he hated aaron burr. So finally what happens is hamilton, he was the first treasury he turned tide by lobbying his fe
Acting United States Attorney General, before we get into the weeds on legal issues, we will make it interesting. I want to discuss history with you. History is lost on prosecutors, on the debate shows. It is lost among lawyers, talk about january 6. It was an insurrection. No, it wasnt. We had contentious president ial elections in the past, i mean really contentious, some almost lead to civil wars, one did in 1800, Thomas Jefferson and his chosen president ial pick aaron burr tied for first place. Back then ballots were separate. It was 73 to 73 electors. Due to a communication error, or aaron burr lead conspiracy, he was disloyal to jefferson, jefferson was running against adams at the time but he got 65 eloc Electoral College on votes, they had over 30 votes back and forth, house was to choose the next president , hamilton had great power, he disliked jefferson. But he hated aaron burr. So finally what happens is hamilton, he was the first treasury he turned tide by lobbying his fe
was blown open by a friendly judge to highlight moments that corcoran said or exchange. the come thing with this indictment, there is no such thing as executive privilege. they are conversations between the vice president and president, which used to be sacrosanct. you are coming up with a model for candidates, presidents or vice presidents, they have to know all this stuff that is supposed to be behind closed-doors to runs nation is fair game for ambitious creative prosecutors, so we cannot are these conversations, we en encourage frankness and disagreement. this is the worst present in a case that demanding p
dinner or meeting or coffee with foreign nationals, this is devon archer and hunter biden and their crew had no experience any anything but their relationship to joe biden who was the v vice president, we re learning more and more coming out. i would continue to point that the democrats were trying to sweep this under the rug in the environment impeachment. donald trump was asking what was happening in the ukraine. that is what joe biden brags about firing the prosecutor who was investigating burisma, this is a prima fisa case, mark, we ll learn more. it is clearer to me to your point that joe biden knew what hunter was doing and appears to be have been