should never have a situation where one person the president can put our country deeper, deeper, deeper in debt. we are doing a bad job of that now. it would be really bad if it was not if the congress let their control go. shannon: you saw the white house press secretary says it is not something we are going to do or are prepared to do. but we have a all right from dozens of democrats in the house and on the senate side, saying we have to do something if we are faltering. they are saying that the republicans are holding the country hostage if they don t vote for the debt ceiling, saying we need the funds to pay for obigations we have already are incurred and they blame the republicans for the last credit downgrade because they didn t want to vote on the debt ceiling. president obama voted against increasing the debt ceiling. i find it weeferd that his allies, are saying that the people who do that are bads.
day after the attack by the fbi and i cia couldn t get the results of the interview because they are worried about compromising the investigation. we are going back to treating crime. we don t know who changed the talking points to take al-qaeda references out of the talking points given susan rice three weeks before the election. we don t know anything. i don t want to hold up but i will until we get to the bottom of benghazi. in case the administration is listening to this program you are not going forward on these nominations until you share with the congress with really happened in benghazi. shannon: do you have support across the aisle at all for the proposition? i m sure there are democrats who would also like answers to that question. i would be shocked if the democratic party would not at least join in the effort to find out what the president did during the attack, who did change the talking points. why are we now you back to a pre9/11 model of where the fbi can t talk to
a number of issues, and that s what this clinic will be about, with all viewpoigns and all religions. we will stay tuned as this launches tomorrow. thank you for your time. thank you so much, shannon. shannon: two senators from both sides of the aisle say they have very tough questions and concerns about former senator chuck hagel. the man the president wants to head the defense department. that s next. have to ask you to power down your little word game. i think your friends will understand. oh no, it s actually my geico app.see? .i just uh paid my bill. did you really? from the plane? yeah, i can manage my policy, get roadside assistance, pretty much access geico 24/7. sounds a little too good to be true sir. i ll believe that when pigs fly. ok, did she seriously just say that? geico. just click away with our free mobile app.
answer about this. i am deeply troubled by t. i also wonder what message are we sending to iran? what message are we sending to israel? i am perplexed that the president has nominated him. i want to ask questions about those positions. i am not comfortable yet i want to ask him questions about those two issues. shannon: senators kelley iiot and richard blue menthal are both apprehensive about the president s choice for secretary of state. i sat down with chris wallace to chat about that revealing conversation. the president has offered up a number of nominations for key positions and you had two senators to talk about the nominations of former senator hagel. that will be a tough nomination. we had two members of the armed services committee, which will hold hearings.
at return on investment they had a very low return on investment but you, of course, the nra is a very strong lobby. i think the issue is who is going to represent the voices of the american people in this debate. democratic senator chris murphy from connecticut thinks the mass murder at sandy hook statetary school in his last month changed the public opinion about gun control but the alternate argument was made this morning by former republican governor haley barbour from mississippi who said on meet the press he thinks if you make it a crime to have a gun only criminals will have guns. shannon: thank you. republicans and democrats alike have expressed concerns over the president s choice to head the defense department. former senator chuck hagel and the treasury about pick jack lu is facing road blocks as well. joining us to talk about that with his insights and more, chris stirewalt, host of power