there will be loud noises made and tables pounded and senator hagel will apologize for the things that he said that upset democrats. i have a hard time seeing the republicans breaking their pick on this issue. jack lew maybe. shannon: let s talk about that. i talked with senator jeff he sessions and he did not qualify his language at all, calling jack lew a liar saying he testified about the president s policies and plans for the economy and said there is not going to be any more deficit. sessions said to me he lied to congress, there is no way he should be the treasury secretary. there are people who say things all the time in washington who make lots of noise about stuff. jeff is sessions is not one of those guys. shannon: he is very measured. a measured person and the ranking republ budget committee in the senate. when you start talking that way you can t walk that back. the way people talk about hagel they usually leave trap doors i want to hear him say the
you get the essay. the democratic-controlled senate has not papassed a budget in 3 years. the house republican vtion passed budgets when they have controlled the american people are never told that. why? republicans don t talk about it enough shannon: why not? well, because they get distracted about other things. we don t have one leader with the megaphone. the in thees president obama said this was about taxes, tax, taxes, as you said. yet after what he he got what he wanted and declared victory, the deficit s going up $4 trillion under the fiscal cliff. it is not helping the problem the american people are concerned about. we are having more deficit. again because the problem isn t about taxes. it s about spending. republicans have to have campaign communications, strategy, like chinese water torture. it has to be drip, drip, drip. the american people are not dumb.
shannon: vice president joe wide biden is expected to deliver the task force recommendations to gun control to president obama on tuesday and some are concerned it could include regulations that would infringe on gun owners second amendment rights. we are back now with senator lindsey graham. i want to ask you you, how do you think we are are doing in afghanistan and our plans there. the president s decision to accelerate withdrawal and leave a small force behind is a disaster in the making. our national interests are not determined by what we leave behind. there is only one afghan brigade that can maneuver itself. so a small force that just does training and counter terrorism how are the afghans going to get around the country without american helicopter and air lift support and if you take the intelligence gathering
shannon: president obama has rolled out a number of nominees set so take key roles in the second term administration. our next guest is vowing to hold up one of the nominations and calls another one of them an in your face pick by the president. senator lindsey graham republican from south carolina and member of the senate armed services committee joins us live. great to have you here today. thanks for having me. happy new year. shannon: a lot of ground to cover. start with one of your number one top ivesics, benghazi. where do we stand and what role does that play in how we handle the nominations? we stand in the dark as a nation. they are making two movies. he deserves applause and praise for going after bin laden. we don t know what the president did for 7 hours during the attack in benghazi. when was he notified. did he order people to come to their aid and was the order carried out? we don t know who the survivors were. they were interview youd the
play on fox news .com 11:30 a.m. eastern monday through friday. that is all accurate and much appreciated. shannon: thanks for coming in on sunday as well. you bet. shannon: senator lindsey graham calls it an in your face pick by the president. tell us what are the main stumbling blocks he will face? hagel has two sets of problems. one set relates to the fact that he is a he would not be a good choice for secretary of state. he is not that is not his bag. he has been outspoken and blunt and prides himself on being mavericky and outspoken. on the one side the things that he said about the state of israel and the united states relationship thereto cause him bipartisan problems with supporters of israel because of things he said that seemed to take sort of an even handed approach to the arab israeli conflict and that is not something that is okay with people who believe that there