About 40 people showed up at Wednesday s Palatine Township Elementary School District 15 meeting to support Kerry Wilson, who was removed as principal from Plum Grove Junior High School last month. Speakers during the public comment period urged the reinstatement of Wilson, who had been principal since 2008 at the Rolling Meadows school.
Palatine Elementary School Dist. 15 Board President Lisa Beth Szczupaj looks on as election numbers start rolling in Tuesday night at Emmett's in downtown Palatine. (Shawn Clisham/for the Journal) Several area referendum questions were on the ballot in Tuesday's election, questions ranging from term limits in Des Plaines, to renovation projects in schools and parks,
Voters in Palatine Elementary School District 15 overwhelmingly supported a $93 million bond issue that will help pay for facility upgrades, the creation of an all-day kindergarten program and other proposed changes, according to unofficial results late Tuesday.