Mario Diaz Albarran’s goal as head custodian at Lincoln Elementary School in Palatine is to serve the kids and make a difference in their lives.
After Monday’s assembly in the school gym, he shoul.
The attorney for three Arlington Heights-area school districts called on the Bears to drop their Arlington Park property tax appeal, which could refund the NFL club $7.2 million from the coffers of sc.
When children’s book author and motivational speaker Randi Moxi heard about the financial plight of a parent-teacher organization in Palatine Township Elementary District 15, she decided to donate h.
Three Arlington Heights-area school district superintendents say they’re being mischaracterized for potentially quashing the deal to bring the Bears to town, and questioned whether the team’s shif.
The Bears say they've shifted their focus to developing a new domed stadium on Chicago's lakefront, but a pro-Bears-to-Arlington Heights business coalition isn't giving up on Arlington Park just yet.