Ahead of Gujarat polls, actor-turned-politician Ravi Kishan released his Gujarat ma Modi che song on Friday. BJP MP from Gorakhpur and Bhojpuri film actor Ravi Kishan released on social media his Gujarati-Bhojpuri mix rap song Gujarat ma Modi che (Modi is in Gujarat) which has been composed by Mrutunjay and its music director is Munna Mishra. Gujarat Assembly Elections 2022: Ravi Kishan Releases Rap Song ‘Gujarat Ma Modi Che’ Ahead of Polls (Watch Video).
Samajwadi Party (SP) President Akhilesh Yadav has said that senior party leader Mohd. Azam Khan was paying the price of opposing communal forces.Reacting to the disqualification of Azam Khan from the Uttar Pradesh Assembly, following his .
Akhilesh is yet to make himself popular with all section like his father By Pradeep Kapoor LUCKNOW: Unless Samajwadi Party National President Akhilesh Yadav understands meaning of Mulayam Singh Yadav’s role in the evolution of Samajwadi Party in Uttar Pradesh, it would be a very difficult task to run the party in his absence. Akhilesh
Uniindia: Lucknow, Sep 19 (UNI) Samajwadi Party (SP) President Akhilesh Yadav on Monday said that Uttar Pradesh s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government does not want to face the opposition as it has failed on all fronts.