The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has arrested 11 more persons, including businessmen and Pearls Group employees in connection with Rs 60,000 crore Pearls Ponzi Scheme case.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has arrested 11 more persons, including businessmen and Pearls Group employees in connection with Rs 60,000 crore Pearls Ponzi Scheme case."Chander Bhushan Dhillon, Prem Seth, Manmohan Kamal .
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has arrested 11 more persons, including businessmen and Pearls Group employees in connection with Rs 60,000 crore Pearls Ponzi Scheme case.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has arrested 11 more persons, including businessmen and Pearls Group employees in connection with Rs 60,000 crore Pearls Ponzi Scheme case.
The CBI has arrested 11 people in connection with around Rs 60,000 crore investment scam allegedly run by the Pearls group, officials said on Thursday. The arrests were.