The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Thursday said that it has registered a case against one Amit Kumar Aggarwal and and others including unknown officers of Kolkata Police (Hare Street Police Station).It has been alleged that Aggarwal .
A Vermont farmer who was arrested and charged on October 28 with the offence of wounding is due to appear in the Serious Offences Court on November, 21 for the start of a Preliminary Inquiry into the matter.
The Delhi High Court on Friday asked Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) Chief Shibu Soren to file a reply on a plea moved by BJP MP Nishikant Dubey challenging the stay order by the court granted in favour of the Soren in a Disproportionate Assets (DA) case.
After spending the last four years on remand for murder, Moses Singh, a 63-year-old East Bank Demerara businessman, was on Thursday freed from the charge due to insufficient evidence.Singh was discharged of the offence by City Magistrate Leron Daly w