he has a con glomerate of blogs and once he unleashed his blog which was about to go on huffington post and other blogs, moving its way towards fox news, sometime before the rain actually falls, clouds form. there is a fear factor. one that might be seen as positive and uplifting or one runs from being attacked and this is what they did really, they were wrong. chris: how do you explain the naacp praising sherrod s resignation based on a clip that ran as you say on a conservative website when they had access to her entire 43 minute speech? in fact, she had made it before an naacp meeting. well, again, ben jealous apollized and made an adjustment. you see a calamity of errors here. what i find interesting, chris, just this past thursday the
he has a con glomerate of blogs and once he unleashed his blog which was about to go on huffington post and other blogs, moving its way towards fox news, sometime before the rain actually falls, clouds form. there is a fear factor. one that might be seen as positive and uplifting or one runs from being attacked and this is what they did really, they were wrong. chris: how do you explain the naacp praising sherrod s resignation based on a clip that ran as you say on a conservative website when they had access to her entire 43 minute speech? in fact, she had made it before an naacp meeting. well, again, ben jealous apollized and made an adjustment. you see a calamity of errors here. what i find interesting, chris,
ben jealous said after reviewing the full tape of miss sherrod s remarks, he said they had had been snookered of harassing white farmers because of racial buy. the family who was the subject of the story said she said stay in her job. this is roger spooner yesterday praising sherrod. i guess she could say she went out of her way to help us and i never forgot her either. she was i appreciated everything she done for us and we got our farm back. so that s the farmer in question there, norah. mike barnicle, let s work through some of this stuff here. this is a story about the media. it s a story about our reaction to race. what did you take away from yesterday? it s really kind of a pathetic indictment of several institutions in this country. politics, the quick overreaction by tom vilsack and the