“This is a cardio jam session inspired by the drumming,” Jain said. She added that this is a concert type workout in which 45 minutes fly away with music beat.“Pound fitness creates an environment that helps you lose weight, built up energy, tone body and have fun,” Jain said.
Ludhiana: In a unique initiative, Ludhiana police have disposed of over 10,000kg papers of Saanjh Kendras in an ecofriendly manner at a mill here.
The step will not only make the offices clutter-free, but also help preserve trees as these papers will be recycled.
Saanjh Kendra nodal officer Pragya Jain said, “During my visits to Saanjh Kendras, I noticed papers piled up. As the focus is to digitalise, the record of the work being done at Saanjh Kendras is maintained in computers also. Therefore, I thought of making the offices clutter-free.”
“We approached a paper mill in the city to dispose of the papers. The staff of Saanjh Kendras worked for two days and made bundles of the papers. Those were loaded on a truck and sent to the mill. The old records of up to 2016-2017 have been destroyed. The total weight of the papers was 10,510kg. We have also managed to generate a revenue of Rs 1,47,140 which will go to the treasury,” she added.
Ludhiana: Puja, a resident of Chawni Mohalla, died at DMCH on Thursday, six days after she attempted suicide. Her kin claimed to have recorded their statements with the police and handed over a copy of her suicide note. However, the police are yet to lodged an FIR.
In the suicide note, the woman has accused 12 persons, including police inspector Bittan Kumar, his councillor father Surinder Atwal and brother Sajan Atwal, for allegedly trying to grab her property. The woman had attempted suicide at her house on July 2 and her kin had lodged a complaint with commissioner of police Rakesh Agarwal on July 3, following which a probe was marked to additional deputy commissioner of police-1 Pragya Jain.
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LUDHIANA: The police arrested two men for setting on fire the statue of former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi near Salem Tabri on Wednesday.
Passersby and those working near the spot doused the fire.
After learning about it, several Congress men gathered at the spot and got the statue painted. Once again, Congress’ Gursimran Singh Mand wiped the statue with his turban, stirring a controversy.
In December 2018, some Akali leaders had smeared the statue with black paint and Mand had cleaned it with his turban.
ADCP-1 Pragya Jain said, “Accused Ramandeep Singh Nihang and Satpal Singh Navi have been arrested. Both have a criminal background. Ramandeep has six FIRs against him and Satpal 17.”