Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will attend the Griha Pravesh of the beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban and Rural) on October 2. Chief Minister Chouhan directed that all necessary preparations for the dignified event should be
Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh has said that sensitivity in the political field forms the basis of the development of the state. In Madhya Pradesh, Shivraj Singh Chouhan has worked as a public servant in the form of a sensitive Chief Minister. Due to his public service, Madhya Pradesh has
IAS officer Srushti Jayant Deshmukh secured the fifth rank in UPSC CSE 2018. She was the topper among 182 women candidates who cracked the prestigious examination that year.
Haveri, May 6: Lashing out at the grand old party in the predominantly agrarian constituency of Haveri in Karnataka, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said that the Congress even looted the money of farmers when it was in power.