Amid the threat of Omicron variant of the novel coronavirus in the country, the Union Health Ministry on Wednesday has written to the Maharashtra government stating that the state s guidelines on RTPC tests and quarantine of international passengers was in divergence with the COVID-19 guidelines issued by the Centre.
In case the test is negative, the passenger will still have to undergo seven-day home quarantine.Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan, in a letter, said that the order issued by the Maharashtra government is in divergence with the COVID-19 SoPs and guidelines issued by Union Health Ministry for international passengers.I would, therefore, urge you to align the orders issued by the state with the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health, Government of India, so that uniform implementation of the guidelines may be ensured across all states and UTs.
Amid the threat of Omicron variant of the novel coronavirus in the country, the Union Health Ministry on Wednesday has written to the Maharashtra government sta