Latest on ex-San Rafael officer is very concerning I am shocked by the audacity of Brandon Nail, the former San Rafael police officer, who is seeking to reclaim his job while facing felony charges (“Former San Rafael officer in abuse case seeks reinstatement,” April 25). Reinstating him would invite disaster. I trust that the San […]
Watershed recreation plan must ensure equity I grew up hiking the trails on Mount Tamalpais with my father. In my teens, I took up mountain biking and quickly learned that Marin Municipal Water District officials didn’t want me or my friends on their trails, so we all rode the backside of China Camp State Park […]
Only those benefiting from SMART should pay If SMART is to achieve the minimum two-thirds support from voters to extend its sales tax in a future election, a special tax district should be approved within Marin and Sonoma counties to fund continued operations and foreseen expansions. The boundaries of the new district should be drawn […]