about five years, looking at everything from possible when lobby violations to money laundering. in the end, the only charges broughas a result of this deal are two relatively minor tax charges and one charge is being diverted, related to the purchase of a firearm. so in no way does this particular case from the justice departme affirm the many accusations the gop has made about president biden, or his son. reporter: the doj s years on investigation into hunter biden , nearing a potential end. accordg to a letter filed by federal prosecutors, hunter will plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges and strike a deal to resolve a separate felony gun charge. accoing to crt documents, hunter biden owed at least $100,000 in federal taxes for 2017 and at least anothe $100,000 in 2018. but did not pay the irs by the deadlines. his lawyers say he eventually paid the bill along with fees and penalties.
&háhp &hc% is actually doing everything possible to buttonq up the case before bringing it. so, you know, sure, he could at the end of the day f so far i see no signs that s what s going on. yeah, and i appreciate your guiding us towards looking at what we have. we have confirmed information, ãcludingpy trump la■y rs, they were offered the chance to face the grand jury, donald trump himself, which would be something asw.(rpáed with a >9 then you have his own bluster. and then we have the witnesses that we know about, whichu show how close we are to thed potential end. you said the word sordid. there are many words one could attach to all of this. but in the legale1 criminal pros;)s, sordid of course is not indictable. unethical is often not indictable. you could have terrible ethics that may take you out of all sorts ofe1 situations, but that doesn t mean you will end up bev)s e1 bars.