about five years, looking at everything from possible when lobby violations to money laundering. in the end, the only charges broughas a result of this deal are two relatively minor tax charges and one charge is being diverted, related to the purchase of a firearm. so in no way does this particular case from the justice departme affirm the many accusations the gop has made about president biden, or his son. reporter: the doj s years on investigation into hunter biden , nearing a potential end. accordg to a letter filed by federal prosecutors, hunter will plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges and strike a deal to resolve a separate felony gun charge. accoing to crt documents, hunter biden owed at least $100,000 in federal taxes for 2017 and at least anothe $100,000 in 2018. but did not pay the irs by the deadlines. his lawyers say he eventually paid the bill along with fees and penalties.