This is our daily basis. We re trying to find our way out of this but I have to say I like that we have a council with on the contrary there will be some really difficult decisions that we re going to have to say the driver of a car has died after a crash on a major road in a chest or a silver Landry the hits an h.g.v. In the lay by of the 55 close to his junction with Wrexham road it s currently shots westbound Official figures show unemployment drops 523-0021 point 31000000 in the 3 months up to September however the number of people in work also fell the difference is down to more people deciding not to seek work or being unable to work the refurbished Strawberry Fields in South Liverpool is officially open from today the full myself ation Army children s height was of course immortalized in the 1967 Beatles hits and now has a visitor attraction in Woolton along with the training help supporting young adults with learning disabilities or autism so they can get into work the Footbal
That is Annie Lennox hand walking on broken glass a great shewn and we play some good old stuff on a well throughout the week on b.b.c. Radio and I m just being a bit a bit self self self Joe what a player Saturday morning really do it s great to come in and play some tunes and have a chat to you thanks for sticking with it and if you if you ve if you not listen before then hang around we know we have a good out we normally have a nature watcher in the studio but I ve just had a telephone call or Gary has to say that nature watch him at He s a he s a victim of this this problem on the line where there s trains delayed and broken down because of signalling problem Birkenhead north from West Kirby because he lives near his island the hill Briana and so we will do a shorter version with Matt on the telephone but so we will be nature watching. In around about 8 minutes 8 to 10 minutes time something like that 1st though a look at the newspapers and starting with the Telegraph as a same tr
The chance of a shower a high if the Celsius b.b.c. Radio news for you just want to thank you very much indeed. a. Cry for help one of the 65 Number One of course in those days many moons ago at the time it s almost Tempest welcome here till later Jade behind the scenes what a number a forgotten Oh I member it s always on the 731 it s 93 double 3 and I m Frankie Connor Frankie dot com I believe you see Doc u.k. With you on the corner and around the world with you on the corner your ears of a whole body so the problem thanks b.b.c. Radio side how about you Frankie but actually they stay young and beautiful love and have a great day Lennon write your groupies and he plays. Groupies honestly you re still nice you just. Can t keep it and I really thank you so much. Pete. Can. Sure. I love the ending catch he was caught in a previous life and I can keep it after Rand for Lynn my group. Maybe smile and actually make Frankie dot com a b.b.c. Doco to you as a happy about the Frankie b. Tran
They fit she said I wore the cone I. Was like it s Christmas through your studio I m books I m going to sound thin people Sunday food but I ve really got food since age you will find. Just like sugar Ok just rebellious just looking. Search is of course much more than cd or a bit faster they often will track births Mary Mary Perry mostly from you both are alive the record by the search is that the $64.00 aborted go to this very day on Piet s right to label is not good thanks Mary feel myself on a come about the program I do appreciate it the next Sunday afternoon and said a member of the old dawning course rocking away Mike in the voice on the sun rockers of course Elvis by all the gang to talk goes on raffle holding super 476-6231. 1 week today and of course the 14th of December I ll be there comprende night with Ace America s wonderful band on the course Danny Waters 2 great comic Raffles all kind of project a grain of a guitar and a guitar signed and the one she asked can be won by
What you ve ever been because you do you go through social media and things like that you keep in touch families abroad the likes of Skype and whatever s the even though now we re all friends the you know the family all we knew I met a friend. She got in touch with me a couple of months ago we used to go out together in the sixty s in Liverpool and I haven t seen her or spoken to her since they aren t of the sixty s we spent 5 hours Lou Cote talking. Marvelous little not going. To the internet but on my terms I ve ever met about the Internet I mean go back when I thought I really did know what the Internet was and it was always planned that you say well we wouldn t be then you know you think well yeah I don t understand and it make it does make the Wales a much smaller place and keeps and it will introduction that s the good side of. The internet but I just. But you know what this seems that now it s us. Elderly But you know like my daughter she s 30 she went off Facebook and all the