That is Annie Lennox hand walking on broken glass a great shewn and we play some good old stuff on a well throughout the week on b.b.c. Radio and I'm just being a bit a bit self self self Joe what a player Saturday morning really do it's great to come in and play some tunes and have a chat to you thanks for sticking with it and if you if you've if you not listen before then hang around we know we have a good out we normally have a nature watcher in the studio but I've just had a telephone call or Gary has to say that nature watch him at He's a he's a victim of this this problem on the line where there's trains delayed and broken down because of signalling problem Birkenhead north from West Kirby because he lives near his island the hill Briana and so we will do a shorter version with Matt on the telephone but so we will be nature watching. In around about 8 minutes 8 to 10 minutes time something like that 1st though a look at the newspapers and starting with the Telegraph as a same trying to avoid election stories unless I absolutely have to and I don't think you need to include any today because there will be in the news and this is a story in all the papers I've taken as a the Telegraph that a woman has died after being swept away in floodwaters parts of northern England in the Midlands were battered by months with the rain in 24 hours causing water to breach banks and sweep over flood defenses and death in the winter to Rosalie near Matlock Indomie she came as the Environment Agency warn people to stay away from swollen rivers councils evacuated hundreds of houses and emergency services used boats to rescue stranded homeowners dozens of people were forced to spend Thursday night in the Meadowhall shopping center in a chef field road around the center of flooded after water from the dawn poured over the top of defenses which were only completed last year to cost more than 20000000 pounds by yesterday afternoon there were 6 severe danger to life will. Awnings in place around the dawn which also breaches banks at Kirk sandal think Simon in the news are saying the 7 severe flood warnings in the area now so we're just really realize brings home the absolute power of nature going from the you know going from something serious to to what some people may consider the ridiculous this is inside the Daily Mail children are being stopped from playing tag at a primary school because the head teacher claimed it was too rough Joanna Smith told stunned parents she was in forcing a gentle hands policy because youngsters had been getting upset during traditional games like it and British Bulldog pupils are now being courteous to hold hands or clap with each other instead of parents that Rudyard Kipling primary in Brighton have ridiculed the bizarre new rules. Inside which over myself all the papers are all over the place and I know this is it this is a surprise or read this this morning in The Guardian forget the vinyl revival the cassette tape will be back on Christmas list this year is high profile artists including Coldplay Robbie Williams and Liam Payne released albums on the music format which is back from the dead the tapes come back as cool the industry off guard with manufacturers struggling to get their hands on enough magnetic tape needed for their production after demand suddenly picked up the b.p.i. The record labels Association predicts music fans many of them under 25 will buy a 100000 tapes this year double the figure of last year the last time the number was achieved that number was achieved was to 2004 when the best selling albums were by Scissor Sisters and by King that's absolutely incredible isn't it I mean when when I I hung my cassette player up for the final time will never see that using it I think I probably got one hidden away somewhere at home after dig dig it out and so on I did used to enjoy because that's the what were they the the c. Ninety's were probably Ok but the c. One twenty's the papers too thin it always wound around the schools didn't it you never had any luck with that finally father's a lovely picture story in the Liverpool Echo a stunning cascade of handmade poppies has been unveiled at the historic village church the river of red forms a stunning centerpiece for the Remembrance Day services taking place at St Nicholas Church in Wallasey village. Each of the 5000 copies has been handed crocheted or stitched by members of the church's congregation as a lovely photograph showing the this this carpet of poppies coming from the altar right the way down the center of the nation and really is said to brighten up the church and yet more power to elbow as I was saying earlier on of course b.b.c. Radio as he said we should carry the official silence if you can carry a silence from the the Senate staff in London at 11 o'clock tomorrow and they're ready and I'd always always participates in the ceremony as well we were for many years Maureen Walsh used to go and lay a wreath on behalf of b.b.c. Radio as you said which was she was never on the radio on the Remembrance Sunday she was also put St George's Hall laying a wreath and since since my retired that tradition is carried on as one of the unsung heroes of b.b.c. Radio you hear a lot of people who work here from time to time but Liz who looks after things like making sure we all get paid she goes up and she lays the wreath on behalf of everyone b.b.c. Radio Merseyside she'll be there tomorrow at the Senate half assing Ga plateau in Liverpool and say will I carry that silence if you can't beat a local service we should make sure that you don't miss out here on b.b.c. Radio Merseyside and as an aside I can tell you that no into my recent she's in the office having a chat and she says she's become a neighbor of mine she moved in just down the road from me so well you know when I know that we could bump into each other in the village want to press we should do that we have a thing called a Kenzi in day just before Christmas every year it's to raise money for charity prosecutor link then I'm sure she'll be in the village for that. Ask really oh shoot I am when the going gets. To say good morning for the 1st time to Garry to go learning more and I'm very well thank you when you look in your eyes well yeah thanks very much yeah yeah not blown in today. But it was old cars outside in the car outside my flat were completely frozen I was going to be a big deal I sing going on there I think it's well I made show me watch in cameras just me back do all the small things and you're going to be and then just a little bit of Luke will mostly people say shields but it's. Never caused me any trouble the end of his the year it's the weather the schools problems. I'll get on to it on a measure in a 2nd but but matter. Yes he's stranded at the moment one of the stations is just kicked off of one train because he was going anywhere been told to go into another one but part of that was one corner where neither is so is the plan that we're going to try and link up with him by phone yes hopefully with the next 5 minutes I should be able to get him on the final basically told him to get off the Chinese city not because if we do start to move when he goes in the tunnel we will lose the money why the phone but told him if you don't mind just sit on a cold plus. Even Ranger reason when he said that's what he said you said he's used to the culture say so so he's all right so what we'll do we'll do a shorter version of the on the phone is not quite such a nice listen but we'll do that because otherwise I've got to speak for an extra 20 minutes and that is going to bore the pants of everybody really I never can talk but it won't be interesting like I said extra music and good idea I'll work on that while you do this. B.b.c. Radio travel with Gary to again thank Sandy as we were saying about mercy rather I've got some signal in problems at the moment of Birkenhead north so that means that the West Caribbean you brought in lines are disrupted this morning at the moment train services from New Brighton have been suspended between New Brighton hump Birkenhead north and also train services from West curve are either going to be cancelled or seriously delayed at the moment so if you are using any of those services do check before you travel the opens up that's sorted fairly soon but we'll keep our eye on that one for you. Couple of flooding things instant Hellens Unfortunately college straight in both directions is closed due to flooding between Kingfisher drive and switch street roads been closed since Thursday there due to the heavy rain that we've been having for the last couple of days and it's flooded underneath the railway bridge there near to the has Finch rugby club and also waterline is just about possible. The Flood. Was a clue in the name that was. Passed between Barry's lane and. It is possible to take care if you are approaching the area that in some Helens were looking pretty good everywhere else but if you do spot anything can you have your safe and legal trouble. Getting. This Saturday from 2. On the road in the league for the 1st time this season. The blues are at Southampton looking to win it's in the 2050. 3 We have exclusive. Sport We will indeed have full exclusive local radio commentary on Liverpool's game tomorrow as well. Today morning with b.b.c. Radio. What more could you. Hear on the stereo. a Nice Day morning to Steve in new bright. Talking about the resurgence of the cassette tape in the paper's review look at the paper's new saying you were saying the cassette tapes are in the news and it took me back as you said see ninety's were best as the c 120 s. Would too thin but remember how you had to decide what sort of tape to use was a recording important for a chromium dioxide or even a metal tape or did you just as of a cheap tape Well I'm afraid Steve to let you know they were always cheap tapes for me I don't think I ever went for anything quite like chromium dioxide or metal but happy memories indeed a good morning to you p.c. Radio Merseyside Saturday Breakfast program with Mandy ball 25 past 7 is the time we're normally well into nature watch by now but we would a little bit late because unfortunately our nature watcher Matt Thomas has been a victim of the problems on the material we're all line and sitting on a cold station someone is mobile on a morning to you. Good morning early Good morning everyone I work exactly all you may. Pittston station based and station 2 trains as far as pitched in station are no home fortunately apology said it's not your fault it could be worse I was going to say if you were at least or I'm on a road for somebody to come up bring your cup of coffee but the bits and literally in the middle of nowhere is a really really is on the plus side on the plus side there is an absolutely beautiful sunrise this morning. It is that is quite stunning all pinks and oranges and really really peaceful and. As I've been kind of standing watching for cuckold venture for you know the Red Wings fresh in from Scandinavia probably have just flown over in a couple of days been able to do a little bit of nature walking so it's not been it's not been terrible it is cold and imagine is we going to do is floor events going to tell us about that we're going to take a piece of music then come back and find out what's happening in the world in nature and we're going to let you go because we know you're absolutely freezing out on the platform why cold. I mean from Selden am I I've got I've got the office I don't know what it was last well yeah it's a little bit windy but I'm just not to fall not on this morning so what even if you want to tell us about Yes Yeah Ok. Got 4 events that I wanted to highlight this morning the rest of them can be found at worldview dot com the the usual the usual website of what's on section there. I'm all right tomorrow from 10 o'clock in the morning we've got our high tide is out and about again we support these guys a lot with promotion and what have you you know trying to get people involved community involvement to the Gilroy nature part to morrow which is a bit of a hidden gem Gilroy. Just kind of in the outskirts of West it's a lovely little kind of community park. Then gets a surprising amount of migrants that drop in there as well so the Red Wings I just mentioned they were flying over they could pop up with Gilroy and isn't like that so the high tide is we'll be getting an organized list picking the kind of a career up around there a fantastic opportunity to get involved and do a little bit. For your local community so that the high tide is they have all the case that you need all the training all what kind of stuff that we meeting at 10 o'clock tomorrow night park so get involved act if you can. And then the events I wanted to mention Monday November. Start at 10 o'clock we've got a cycle hope can have parking Now this is an opportunity if you if you are a key. Cyclist or if you just thinking about getting into it go along to the cycle hope it take you by quickie they'll give you a kind of a bit of a service especially you know if you've been using a bit over the summer and you want to keep using it they'll give you a free service get it ready for the winter but it winter cycling to go advice on how to get cycle routes and a lot kind of stuff if you want to day out with the kids on the bikes that come a saying. Yeah there's a nice little cycle trails you can do round around the park as well so I recommend that if your friends use of the different from a walk bit of a cycle hope that party. Was really interested in going to see if I can get myself along to this one as well again a little bit unusual this is a an evening events that kind of falls into the nature of what cats great this is called Remember the it's a whole Williamson art gallery takes place on Thursday the 21st of November from 7 in the link. An artist alley Halward and she's going to be taking you around the collection and highlighting all of the they also facts that involve birds and how birds are significant in our daily lives on in all kind of imagined lives as well you know wiper to significance in methodology and things like that so it does sound really quite fascinating So it's a way of nature watching I mention this a lot to joy of nature watching where you can actually go out and physically see the 7 o'clock on a November evening in aged black unless you're really into standing around in the cold looking for ourselves then you know you're not going to do much in the way nature washing set up a really good way of connecting with nature. Even when you can down about 3 pounds charge for that on the door and they can keep the cafe open later as well so that is Thursday the 21st. 7 in the evening until I remember the Williamson on gallery that sounds really interesting to me that low. Sounds good and we've got one more to go haven't we we've got one more this one. And it's another talking quote we always mention these guys as well they've got another indoor meeting Thursday the 28th of November 7 3730 start for that one you don't have to book that it's 4 pounds on the door and they're going to be having a talk called a shot at wildlife which sounds a little bit sounds a little bit dubious that but it shooting with a camera rather than anything more sinister than that. A shot at wildlife Thursday the 28th of November it's going to be a couple local wildlife photographer has are going to be showing what they what those guys been doing there's a train just come blasting past me and there's a little announcement coming over the tannoy here as well so apologies all into you doing a good job you just keeping go and. I'm thinking my job threatened they could you do it really well. So we go so we've got we've got we've got some events to get you out and about in those as well Ok Matt will you go Freeman is now a way to go in room around to stamp your feet and to clap your hands together while we listen to plan b. And she said and then we should be back with you on a draftee biggest and station as we find out what to look for in nature of the moment. You'll. See. That is. She said Saturday morning breakfast on b.b.c. Radio as he sayd it is 26 minutes to 8 o'clock and as ever when he would have just tuned in it's a little bit different we've got on a George out in the middle of nature of the moment he's in bits and not by design simply because he's stuck there because the trains have been off to get back to normal now thing but Matt Thomas is on h. Watch this morning from Will's range of service you where you still with us you not you not succumb to the cold Matt No I'm still. Very cold but I say this very cold. Because at least try and yeah beautiful sunrise beautiful sunlight so we want to tell us a little bit about what to see what's going on in nature where to go that sort of thing yes yeah absolutely absolutely yes so I mean the weather today is forecast it doesn't look fantastic but summer looks like a cracking days and looking nice a nice bright sunshine forecast for tomorrow. But you know get rocked often get out there there's plenty to say kind of this thing I've been noticing in the last few days. Lots and lots of birds in flocks and this may be happens you know this time of year and it doesn't seem to matter way. You know that there's just lots and lots of birds kind of flocking together and you know even in places like your own back garden you know just down the street where I'm still now I can see a big lot of but you willow trees I'm thinking this can be birds walking in there re staying overnight and things like stalling Stalins really really famous for those great big men the ration is they do but you can get these just kind of small flocks of them particularly in urban areas and as they go in to roost they'll sing to each other and not quite a fountain So if you're heading home from work you know you walking along past a big bank of trees just keep an eye out and keep keep your ears open just in case you come across the you know a big group or Stalins or something like that who are all kind of kind of getting ready to roost together and they wish together in the winter to keep warm the huddle together in big numbers on the keep warm and that's you know it's a really great thing to encounter. Almost wherever you go you can find things like that. On the beaches around the river day the Muzzy and the North will show as well you're going to see big flocks of birds now they're going to be the wading birds which those asteroids are so famous for I mean right now there are loads and loads and loads of nost which have just recently command. That they're a species that we really keep an eye on around the day you know for all the know for a coast numbers have been relatively low maybe a 1000 or so and all of a sudden all of a sudden they shot up to nearly $10000.00 just overnight so obviously lots of birds started to come out of started to come in. And when you see those birds in that those kind of numbers that's when they become you're a new a really impressive especially if they attract the attention of things like a paragon Falcon or something the Falcon starts to chase them and then they'll also be flying around I'll be quite fantastic so I found Now you know those kind of flocks of really really building up but the one that struck me the most. Flocks of kind of mixed small kind of garden woodland birds out there now in the woods a couple of times this week with with kind of things I've been doing work has really struck me is just a fantastic mixed flocks so you know the previous 2 folks I've mentioned have been you know single species like starlings or not what you're finding in the woods in winter lots and lots of different species of birds they kind of band together and form this great big kind of roving mixed flock that kind of goes around the woods and they don't know they're all together so there's a remote eyes to look out for predators again they can reach together and huddle together for warmth and. Find True together as well so yesterday I saw an absolutely fantastic walk in the woods which was full of police it's great Cole says there was no cheese in the tree creepers There were go class. Packed with was mixed up in there as well and constantly twittering to each other and kind of moving around and around the world in one big almost organized block you can see them start in country to train looking. At groups anything like that and it's just quiet quiet. To encounter the real big mixed with all these different species all working together to get them to get themselves through the through the winter through the tough times it's a fantastic thing to say so that's why I definitely recommend that you that you look out for wherever you are wherever you are this weekend that will do indeed number of thank you so much for taking the effort to still talk to Steve no use to compensation I know you normally go and have a posh coffee on your way home but if you get the train about us care because loads and loads of coffee shops have it down there you'll be able to treat yourself Oh yes exactly when it is going to warm up with a nice mug of hot coffee thanks very woods indeed mats I was on a Georgia this morning who's been committed since they. Radio Merseyside 08073. 100 on the phone number 8133 Start a message with or you can email the b.b.c. . That will come straight through to me right now we've got Neil Diamond singing about his Cracklin rosie his next. It's a Birkenhead I'll just write to them I'm a Jew star sitting in problems and looks like they services have been suspended for the time being so if you argues no services do check before you travel their site it could be up to about 9 o'clock now this morning so they get that sorted so we'll keep our eye on that for you everyone else is looking Ok at the moment fingers crossed it stays that way if you do spider think though I only callup pages give us a call or not travel and be safe and legal I want 5 point 794-0953 babies are very diverse start trouble and Gary. Says say the 14th of November is World Diabetes Awareness Day now in Liverpool over 24000 people living with the condition and you're more likely to get it if you're over 35 so if you join us here at b.b.c. Radio performance space between 11 and one will have nurses on a dietitian here to check whether you are at risk and there bury your head in the sand help yourself and get checked out of the a.t.m. 181-517-9409 extension 842 register your interest Thank you very much Joe. Today for best place on people d.v.c. Radio Mazzy side. It is now 13 and a bit minutes to 8 o'clock and we're popping on board still would use our a b.b.c. Radio river watch this morning good morning Stuart morning on the morning a room a crack in morning at the moment to get it down hill or think. Well yes fingers crossed it might be to buy a book with the well we're talking about the weather tomorrow looks good yes which is really good because if you remember stay of course so we'll need coach because you can be cold but I think we're going to stay dry which is good this morning but as we move into into sometimes a little jolt saw the lightning Oh I should have got up 5 minutes earlier to get myself the car yes I was that was today. Let's have a look at the traffic on the. River the tides are not terribly co-operative in there and fortunately. It's possible in this morning and 946 quarter to 10 tomorrow and the traffic levels are low and as we know from watching all the the traffic on the river the tendency is for it to to work before or just off the high water so briefly the Gladstone lock operation which is visible from Brighton 930 out and 4 o'clock in all the 2 piano buses the north bank and on or by I think I'm allowed to be sort of backhanded complementary to about them they are amazing things else that you walk by and you really are correct into the piano service too to Dublin Similarly the seats are cooperation which also goes from Dublin operates out of lungs and dark the sea truck power is out 10 o'clock so touching on those briefly interesting operation today at 11 o'clock the Dutch heavy lift ship called the Happy rover it's an interesting name for a ship it is it's a remarkable company has been going for a long time. And I remember boarding more Nice them locks on their own usual ships at enormous cranes and this this particular ship had loaded something nuclear on it was going to the United States I was saying to the country well how long is he going to take you so I don't know. And he said the key to this is we get there when we get the because he's this is only insurable we've got all this thing on the back so if we scratch it we're in trouble right so it's quite remarkable and we did go back for another one that's the kind of company it is the happy rover will be leaving 12 keys that's the wrong roll off terminal bucket had the lead in the clock having brought in some pieces for the doubling system that they're putting in 12 keys a double decker arrangement so they. Going to be able to load and unload the row row ferries the new ones that are coming early part of next year the double deckers present the other single deckers which means that you drive on up around but not since the the double decker system is where you can drive on and you have cars and vans above you as a double decker which they operate in a major ports and it's all time it's all big ships and so on so that's probably the happy rover has been doing you'll see the cranes on that ship before you see the see the ship quite remarkable So let's look at look at that one good place to see that of course is our a favorite 12. Scott feel Got feel Ninian if he can ferry Yes Right so you're see that leaving out at 11 o'clock Eastern locks. Down by the Eastern country Prague the broad North b. Is in this morning. Skate on the sea that should be proceeding past slowly past the storm. Let me say you know time Yes Ok should be proceeding past Eastham I bow plus 9. And the have Strome is in as well also to East I'm company that just had a. I have a total lunatic talk scupper is an amazing about Larry Larkin he's been skipper he's been involved in charge on the river Muzzy for 52 years that's a long time Man Yes yes indeed absolutely and he'd sent me a message was going to get out a bad. What are you doing and he's on only the run down to q.e. 2 for ship for tonight which indicates the way you go to organize yourselves with traffic a tug required for tonight on the time you've got to get him out the top before and get him in on station itself because the the towage inside the Queen Elizabeth the 2nd or dock is performed by the river tugs not the canal tugs just a quotation system work at all. Finally. A There is a ship out of Q e 2 lock the Queen Elizabeth the the 2nd or dock at half past 7 months too early books with are coming out the people perhaps timely on you brought in for show will see her about course not so if your only thought so there will be a little bit thin on the on the ground as I say reflected in the fact that we these peculiar it's high time so there were lots of traffic on about traffic at Liverpool cruise terminal Well we're coming to the end of the season now. The 3 last visits will be made by our favorite ship the Black Watch So she's doing her let me think now the 29000 visits a Monday 6 leaves 5 in afternoon and the next warm the planet on his choose the 26 of amber with the final one on Saturday the 7th of December so we hope they weather doesn't mess that off. Dave has been on my pilot the world ship society Dave has alerted me to the monthly meeting at the little pool seafarers Center Tuesday at 7 o'clock pm tablet is for us for exchange for a couple of quid. And the body is welcome and it'll be an inch Illustrated talk on Tuesday by local member Peter Pearl and on his recent cruise through the cattle problem a canal whether that will show the work to being carried out to widen it I'm not sure but that which should be quite interesting it's a bit personal of course which is good because you get the inside track with that good enthusiasms Tuesday at the Liverpool see 5 percent interesting scheme to get young people interested in that amount of time environment Well yes this is sprung on me by the human dynamo which we all know is Jim Graves he's the man that makes mast work mostly side adventures citing trust and masters fronting an operation to introduce young people from age of 12 the. It's to quote Jim that's when they're still blotting paper. Sorry 12 year olds soaking up information to the marine environment very much in the in the public eye these days is not with a view to getting this operation up and running in the spring you're trying to 20 Jim is having a meeting at the Alma Quba restaurant I've never heard of what he said it's a bit it's a bit small incidents like like so many places in the police yeah the road from a s. You know it's right in Seal street. Only 19th of November so a little bit of warning from 10 till 12 Anybody is welcome Jim is is firing at leaders who would bring groups of youngsters into this exploratory process and he's he's proposing that they should charge a tall ships to bring the full maritime experience home lab and clear and maybe even small smaller siding vessels on and so forth so that sounds as though it's got something for the future Jim what is happening just moments he's he's he's had some engineer work still on his hips All right so he's making the news as a result I mean from his armchair Yes he's got to be long it's the final weekend of the the downy allow them some being open for the for the winter yes the last day shuttle today from Troll 2 to 3 at certain waiver and we're having a private birthday 90th it's supposed to be a surprise. Probably about their policy on board the boat tomorrow somebody it was 90 crowns and 6 Form College holding anoxic exhibition on the boat for all of us those are the 21st for help of $6.00 nice all of welcome and it's a sort of they've taken the theme of the tug to do their exhibition show which is good and the. This weekend of course is remembers of course it is yes well we're very fortunate I think you'll be able to get a decent day tomorrow you need the coats but it won't be rainy hopefully the main civic proceedings were taking place and George's plateau as I'm sure you poured out on the 1030 for the usual the talk remember it's 2 minutes and the much Navy version of this will take place the motion a memorial on the day the 11th day that of both which of course would Monday so if you cause a joint all met at $1030.00 for the 11 o'clock stop and is a trick which is all really rather nice the stem of fairy row on row 5 we just mentioned from 12 keys has sort of got permission from Stana to delay his departure it's normally 1030 and indeed so around about 11 o'clock and he's generally pretty good he sounds the whistle to mark the remembrance 2 minutes as well nice to nice touch and she does indeed we have woman and to talk about your final items do it oh yes I was alerted last night by my contact in the vessel traffic system at Liverpool there's a super drug are coming to the polls again to do some work on the main approach on let's call the cost of the loose or yeah Spanish. But this is fancy stuff and should be rumbling up and down clearing the the various bits and pieces in the channel to make it more accessible ships so that's an interesting side line I don't think we'll see much of except when she comes in parts for a bit of our own but it's an indicator that the the port is still operating perhaps not on full throttle but getting that white students thank you very much indeed safe journey home and wrap up for those rooms they said was is I'm sure you will yes thank you still would of course retired former senior pilots on the room as he and the b.b.c. Radio many side river water. Said Good morning it is 8 o'clock on Saturday the 9th of November and it leaves us this morning it's some of it thanks Sandy 7 severe flood warnings meaning there is a danger to life are in place along the river down in South Yorkshire there are more than 60 other warnings in place across the north of England and the Midlands center of Matlock Indaba show was one of the places that was planted Graham Barker lives there and has been helping people whose homes and businesses were afraid I was why start deep in water why did in basically to get in the tram assists the main street games very much probably 2300 metres all the shops were just totally flooded in Malta they've all quite old buildings so they've all got cellars So the water's come for the cellar and just basically wiped the whole place at a number of homes are evacuated last night because of a fire in a derrick building in Witness the place happened to form a business premises on helping. Crowed a number of cylinders inside the building needed to be cooled down as a result fire crews moved some nearby residents to safety as a precaution the country's biggest cash machine provider emergency type police are teaming up to try to prevent a.t.m. Robberies have been a spate of them in the area with 10 arrests and 8 convictions leading to footie 5 years in jail time being handed out of this year Terrance book from card tronic says New technology means that competent offenders will be coached things like friends so that we can link any offenders and criminals who are arrested directly to a specific crime and those friends it dies and stay on the criminal for years with 100 percent conviction rate caught. Who prefer Robert Freeman who was best known for his work on several Beatles album covers including hope and Rubber Soul has died at the age of 82 he was Freeman's black and white pictures of jazz musicians including Junko train which 1st call to the beach was attention the 2 surviving band members have paid tribute to Paul McCartney described him as a true original thinker whoring a star tweeted God bless Robert Freedman have a to make the long trip to Southampton looking for their 1st away league win of the season while the Saints are yet to win at home losing 9 nul in their last game it's Mary's against Leicester it's been a tough week for the Blues after Andre Gomes his injury but Mark hopes that coupled with some they are incidents against the team cause a positive response should govern as should we should keep showing the commitment the character to have a mess we need we are showing scenes that you know but in some moments the hour season we have to show more and more all the problems you have and all the angel problems all these things we spoke about the decisions have to close out our single more and more and more and to go into to compete. Everton Football always the weather after a Bright Star this morning the day will turn cloudy and damp with outbreaks of rain and sleet feeling cold in the High 5 Senses this afternoon then tonight chilly and damp with more sleet tomorrow another cold day but it will be try and sunny b.b.c. Radio news anchors Iman. Saturday Breakfast return to