choice. you must first secure the border and secure ithave t e biden s executive actions on the border is ridiculous. prosecutors aren t supposed po to tamper with evidence, and it looks like that s what he did. he changedsed toith the sequene documents that he seized from mar-a-lago. i m sorry, that s the a false characterization. the attorney general under oath, it took being branded to actually wake up and get back to reality and literally snapp an back to my former self escaping a cult. together the get it together series continues. and less money and power. plus, i want the truth. handl you can t handle the truth. joe biden s never worked his harder than his first day in office. i ve never seen a man sign so many thing r s. it was executive order after executive order. he didn t really kno mw what he was signing. but in 24 hours, biden s john hancock kno broke the bord, making him the most successful travel agent. in history. but biden s success turned our c
they seek it after entering through an established, lawful procesthshedess,s and those whoe to united states illegally. for example, by making ancoming appointment and coming to a port of entry asylumo will stil be available to them. still available. biden threw himself a party w at the white house to celebrate, but democrat senators in swinhi tg states upp reelection didn t show because biden s toxifoc and not in and masculine way. biden s so-called borders no shutdown order doesn t shut down the border at all. it keeps catc h and release. rump we read it, and so did trump. now, after nearly four years of his failed week leadership, pathetic leadership, crooked joe biden is pretendingdo to finally do something about the border. sog about t, it s all about show because he knows we have a debate coming up in three weeks. the truth is that joe biden s executive ordethh isr won t stop the invasion. it s weak and it s pathetic. it will actually i make the invasion worse. millions o