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choice. you must first secure the border and secure ithave t e >> biden's executive actions on the border is ridiculous. prosecutors aren't supposed>> po to tamper with evidence, and it looks like that's what he did. he changedsed toith the sequene documents that he seized from mar-a-lago. >> i'm sorry, that's the a false characterization. >> the attorney general under oath, it took being branded to actually wake up and get back to reality and literally snapp an back to my former self escaping a cult. together the get it together series continues. and less money and power. >> plus, i want the truth. handl you can't handle the truth. >> joe biden's never worked his harder than his first day in office. i've never seen a man sign so many thing r s. it was executive order after executive order. he didn't really kno mw what he was signing. but in 24 hours, biden's john hancock kno broke the bord, making him the most successful travel agent. in history. >> but biden's success turned our country intobut the uniteds nation's parking lot. and he told time magazinrking le he had no regrets about reversing trump's policies, sayingd no regre thisi wrong, it's because i took too long. for four years. we demanded he put i.te dema back together. ed he ignored us for three, and ine year four he said, i don't have the power. we even told him to act. the congress passed that gave him the power. >> still nothing until todaythed >> today i'm moving past: toda republican obstruction and using executive authority is available to me as president to do what i canexecutiv on my n to address the border. i'm announcing actions tomorrobu for migrants who crossnl our southern border unlawfully from receiving asylum. migrants will be restrictedsoute from receiving asylum at our southern border unlessrn they seek it after entering through an established, lawful procesthshedess,s and those whoe to united states illegally. for example, by making ancoming appointment and coming to a port of entry asylumo will stil be available to them. >> still available. biden threw himself a party w at the white house to celebrate, but democrat senators in swinhi tg states upp reelection didn't show because biden's toxifoc and not in and masculine way. >> biden's so-called borders no shutdown order doesn't shut down the border at all. >> it keeps catc h and release. rump >> we read it, and so did trump. now, after nearly four years of his failed week leadership, pathetic leadership, crooked joe biden is pretendingdo to finally do something about the border. sog about t, it's all about show because he knows we have a debate coming up in three weeks. the truth is that joe biden's executive ordethh isr won't stop the invasion. it's weak and it's pathetic. it will actually i make the invasion worse. millions of people a year will continue to pour across our border and be released into our country. >> biden claims he'll shut down the border if illegal crossings hit 2500 a day a, but they're already over so let's just say biden shuts down the border immediately. es what does it really mean? it meansme this if jose gets caught crossing the border and if we say mexico, taken mexi them. and mexico is just says, no way, joscoo way joe jose stays e shadows, you need us. biden has no deal with mexico. they just elected a nedealwt president yesterday. she's brand new. biden hasn'ty, she i even called congratulate her, let alone cut a dealratulate. >> there's no plan to deport anyone. biden's just hopin ng that they leave. what happens is he keeps releasing them into not the country, but they just aren't allowed to apply for asylum ty for as. h >> so they just stay hereer in the shadows or in hotels for freeel. >> it's not like he's flying the venezuelans back to venezuelvenezuela. venezuela won't accept deportation flights. will migrants are still going to come here and they are justmr going to stay because they're just not going to need asylum . so biden >> so biden's shutting down asylum claims, right? ngylumwrong. >> biden's still letting 1400 illegals per day come into the country. il come inif they use the asylue you remember open table foryou a illegals. you get to make a reservation to break into the countrreservan and if you're a minor.or biden's executive order still lets you itternsn. you get asylum or if you've been trafficked, whichever literally every migrant is. biden still lets you in with asylum and biden is still flyingying i in 30,000 migrants a month. that doesn't stop. but this is the best part. migrants can stillthis i show ud at the border and claim they're scared and they're fast tracked into the country. you get asylum if you say you're scare um sayd. >> i'm sure the migrants have never heard that. this executive order just orders more illegals. i'll take 30,000 venezuelans in the air. 1400 mexicans on the app. hethen we'll do some chineseth and all the kids you can eat. >> who's going to watch these unaccompanied children? they are allowed.t and you don't ship them back. you don't do anything like that. so where do they gshk, they goo? >> neil we deal with unaccompanied children in a humanitarian way, adhering to our valueour valus. we deter irregular migration, we build lawful power. this encourage we drug dreams for dictatorl --s manage of tho kids, does it not, sirth? neil we're taking it to thee tai drug cartels with unprecedentend strength. we're going to adhere to our values while we takeour toughe enforcement measures, which is what we have done. >> thrcemen does anybody believe the biden administration is taking it to the cartels with unprecedentedenn is streng? thve you heard anything about biden dismantling the cartels? any big arrests, any big shootouts? biden in the cartels are in league together, even nbc's saying this executive order is a joke. >> there execut is a pretty big difference between what this executive order looks like on paper and whatferenceent biden and other democrats are using it to say they are doing in terms of shutting down the border, saying theare do ter they're taking dramatic action, etc.. and what it looks like it will actuallioan liky how it'lly actually play out on the ground. i'm pretty on skeptical at thiss point that this is going to have any kind of immediate, measurableg to or dramatic resut in terms of the number of people crossing a venezuelan . biden, migrant bernardo mater, a gang bange trickr, just shot p a new york city cop in the leg, put two slugs in another cop's chest. luckily, he's alive because but of his bulletproof vest. venezuelan gangs are infiltratingecause his b mis from coast to coast. investigative journalistng camps jonathan cho caught a gang right outside of seattle . d ofmembers are also suspected of infiltrating the migrant camp at riverton park united methodist church in tukwila, just a few miles away from seattle. we've obtained this internal email sent out by puget sound fire officials in april, respon warning first responders about this serious threat, saying firefightdehis ers are only allowed to enter church grounds if they are accompanied by three police units. graham bay is an outreach worker and has helped migrantskh move into area motels. what do you do when you've got w zero opportunities for work, you've got zero opportunity to advance yourself? opities fo young men, without anything to do all day at the camp are being activelanythiy recruited to join the gang. >> what's happened is you've concentrated a bunch of people u together and you've allowed them to begin to drift into the fringes of society. >> biden threw a partyn to celebrate keeping thesek ho people in the country. >> look how easy it is. where are yo u guys from? what country? what is in mauritania? from africa? becau >> yes. yeah. and why did you guys come to the united statesse? >> what country? nepal. nepal? yeah. all of you from nepal? yeah. no english. this is americ fnepal?ow englia see the red lights? yeah. border patrol one. no, no, no, no, no. >> on san diego. see the light in san diego? right there. biden's faux executive order isn't designed to protect the country. it's to protect his campaigne c last election, he ran on opening the border. and this election, he wants you to think he's closing it. >> back ints you june of 2020, biden was actually trusted. more o of 2020n the question ofc security and immigration by a single point. lookd immigration at where we ay of 2024. my goodness gracious. may look at this huge jump job that donald trump has gotten. he it dos now ahead on this isse by 27 percentage points. i'm usedrcs. to seeing ten, 15, maybe 20 point shiftpo, but basically 30 points shift, 28 points, if you want to be exact. ts ithat is very, very differen. coun majority of the country now supports mass deportations. 42% of democrats support it. if you care about the safety, security and integrity of this of only one man ach running to achieve that. the other one's trying to foolie f you. >> don't be fooled. senator ted cruz joins me now. >> so, senator, i have this stupid executive order right here. you ca t stupid n still come ine biden shuts down the border. say you're scareend and biden facts track you into new york city for asyluming asy yet, look, this thing is utterly fake. a j it's a joke. biden knows it's a joke. now, i will say what's notable. a jokhe finally admitted todaye that he could have done somethin admitteg about this frr the very beginning. he could have issued this order in 2021. he couldy beginnhave iued haver in 2022. he could have issued this order in 2023. he could have issued it last month or the month before, the month before. >> and he didn'th . he didn't. he didn't. why? because he wants the 11 milliont illegals who have invaded this country. this is the outcomhe 11 millioee they see them all as future democrat voters. them aand so if people have to , if people have to be murdered, if lincoln really has to die, joe biden and the democrats are okayak with it. e if the two nypd officers shoty this weewithk by a venezuelan illegal immigrant passwas captured and we had him in eagle pass, texas, and what did joe biden do? he let them go.den do and that venezuelan went to newk york and shot two cops. that's happening every week. two happeniand this has nothinr with securing the border. this is all about the electiong in five months and this is political camouflage. joe biden wants to say, i solved the problem and it's all a prop. he thinkd it's alls the voters l and they're going to ignorears. the last three and a half years. >> well, you heard mayorkas say that the administration's takemg it to the cartelso with unprecedented strength. i mean, you're dowe n in texas,r senator. >> have you witnessee d that? well, actually, he's inadvertently correct. the only time mayorkas orh is biden tell the truth is when they do it accidentally unprecedenteitd strike.streng letht me give you two stats from the new york times. the mexican drug cartelstels in 2018 made roughly $500fickin million from human trafficking. $500 million is a lot of money. last year, the mexican drug cartels made over $13 billion from human trafficking. n that's a 2,600% increase. so he's right. he's taken the cash to the cartels with unprecedented force. he's made them the most powerful forces in mexico. and nopowerfult only is it dests america, he's also destroying mexico. look, in texastroy. mexico is our neighbor. mexico is a wonderful, beautiful country. cou and the cartels are now terrorizing the people of mexicntths ano. mexico they are murdering people. they are kidnapping people. he has turned them into multi-billion dollar global criminal conspiracies who ares smuggling criminals and terrorists intrroristso ame. >> he's going to blame you. he's going to blame trump at the debate j. he's going to say, you didn't want this bipartisan deal. you guyssdo buried it. i had a solution. you walked away becausesolu whatolitictionaways. >> what's trump and what are the republicans going to say? look, there wasn't a bipartisan deal. there was a chuck schumer deal. that was a terrible, terriblth . deal. the chuck schumer deal would have made the problem worse. the chuc the ch wk schumer deal put in the law, catch and release. it codifiee, thed it. the chuck schumer deal gave work permits to illegal immigrants whe tlegan they arrie here. the chuck schumer deal gave taxpayer funded lawyersillega to illegal immigrants when they got here that the chuck schumets wher deal normalized ry 2 million illegal immigrants a year every year in perpetuity . it was a terrible, terrible deal. and the reason is, chuckterriblr schumer doesn't want to secure the border. joe biden doesn't wantcure the to secure the border. the democrats don't want to secure the border. don't they want this invasion. the whole purpose of the chuck schumer deal was for everycrat democrat running for reelection to say, see, w re had a deal i that would have fixed it. but the mean all republicans but to it.ree and that's what that's what joe biden is doing now j. and th now, i will make a prediction, jesse, in the next few months. we're goinths, hs g to see the numbers drop down a little bit and this is just like what what biden did with gas prices. it's to foolng the voters into ignorings his disastrousdi record. he wants this invasion and sois does every other democrat. >> yeah, it's a numbers game. they do it with inflation. they do with the jobs report>>t they do it all the time. we're not going to be fooled by it. senator ted cruz, texal thwon'ts as always. >> thanks. jesse hunter, biden's gun trial jesse hunter, biden's gun trial and a former cult member. aheaevd, everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. >> they want that hollywood >> they want that hollywood whit new sensodyne clinical wait provides two shades whiter teetloh and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. ay >> it's going to help a lot of patients. it's as i was saying in theat h navy, that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wifeome, and if you've madeed the r the deployment and you've been the wife at home or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. youralloe has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. >>f you'resituatio the new day s like of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. >> no one takes care of veterans like new day, usa. >> when i started mypillow, it was just a problem. solution one product company. well, since then, with the help of my dedicated employees, we now have hundreds of products. some you might not even know about. to get the word out, we're having a $25 extravaganza to pack. multi-use my pillows. $25. mypillow chandelier, $25. >> and for the first time ever, our six pack towel says you guessed it, just $25. >> our brand new four pack dished out $25. and i've never done this before. premium my pillows with all new keys of fabric, any size, any loft level, even king size for only $25. and there's so much more. >> so go to mypillow .com or call the number on your screen. use your promo code for our $25 extravaganza. order $75 and over your entire ownerships absolutely free for gentle, dependable constipation . really? 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was there anybody else who cried? were anybody e they bored? >> the jurors were paying the jurors. were we're paying pretty close attention. you know, one thing i noticed differen thismentioned to you earlier, you know, hunter had these interesting orange glasses, on. t i'm not sure if that was to get the attention of the jury or what. siattentn ofhis wife was sittind him. he kissed her right before he sat dowtting ben after lunch. and by the way, jill biden bid and ashley biden left duringbrea the lunch break. so we didn't see them this afternoon. but we'l didl see how this goes. look, the prosecution has overwhelming evidence h about hunter's drug use, both before, during and after the time that he bought the gun. >> and h all right. >> well, we'll see how it shakes out. always interesting. and down in delawareho, you nevu know what's going to happen. >> carrie. thanks, as always. than.♪k you. >> this might seem like and shut open and shut case, but jonathan turley points out hunter's legal teae buanm mighte have an ace up their sleeve. it's called jury nullification . it's when you pick a juryy th that will give you a not guiltay verdict. they know you're guilty, but they just disagree'rbut wie law. the strategy plays on the racial makeup of the jury , which is mostly black, a as well as the bidens influence in delaware. the hopee is this jury won't i convict for a drug related crime. >> everybody in delaware knows the bidens. that's whyeverybody in jill ando sitting front row. but that's not all. thbiden family brought mouse to court. >> mouse is a delaware legend. joe biden was the best man at his wedding. end.batter wruns delaware, is as been involved the community forw decades. they want every black juror to see mouseanes sitting with the bidens. if you can get the jury on side, all of a sudden this case is not a slam dunk. >> susan constantine, the jury consultant. >> all right, susan, let'snt go through some of these jurors. almost, all is all of them see some drug history or familyhi history with drugs. >> one jurors childhood best friend died from a heroindied f overdose. ro another juror had an alcoholican isother-in-law overd. brother-in-law is now dead. one jurors, dad was shot dead and his brother was arrested for narcotics possession. another juror pled guilt y to ajuro dui and another juror had an older brother addicted to pc olp and heroin. >> how do you think these jurors are? a well, they're definitely drug qualified, right, jesse? soy, right the fact that they'n many family members and people that are close to them, a lofamt of them might have some sensitivity knowing that what they've gonef them through as a friend, as a maybe as a family member, they the trauma that they go through, but also to the rehabilitation side of it. so some have might have empathy and compassion for biden. some mndon forjust because theye this background also in it within their family. so this is probably a good movse for the defense. >> okay. and now we have another jurord s who says we need is no big deal and you should be able to buy a gun on igt. pro she seems like a pro-defense juror to me. >> how about this one, though? this juror used to work for the secret service and her husband is currently a memberbe of the secret service. >> hmm. well, you know, i'm surprisedala that she actually admitted that. but then again, i'm sureee that would have been found out. but the fact that that there's a secret service, i thinklook a that those jurors would look at that and they're going, okay, well, this person' ands oo the secret service. we've got joe biden and oujoer y excuse me, hunter biden., he's also beenee accused of taking drugs and sod forth. >> so, you know, if this if it's okay for the government agenciesand sos for th, agents m why isn't it for him? so i i'm really surprised, of course, at this one was not struck by the state. bi mean, why didn't they user one of their preemptory strikes on this juror? i don't understande strikeon. ea they might have run out of strikes. and then one juror left becausoe i guess the commute was too long. so that brings in the alternate and th sloe alternate. one >> one of them is an obamas donor. kno i think we know how that one's o going to go. alwan constantine, thank you so much. >> we always appreciate your analysiys appres. >> you're welcome. well, today, biden's departmenti got in front of the courtroom with a plastic bag in handcemend and pulled out hunter's laptop, the same one that was censored before the 2020 electionfore th, the same one that 51 intel officers said was russian disinformationto, the sames one joe biden said was fake. the justice department admitteal it's real and they've had it since 2019. .01but they didn't want us to kw about it before we voted last election. >> bef now there's no hiding itr they're using the laptop as ans impeachable evidence in a federal gun triaence il. former whhn kiriakou is a former cia officer and whistleblower. they're able to mellon scoopstuf certain stuff out of there foreo taxes and guns, but they're just going to leave the rest of the laptop that points right to the big guy alone. >> how does that work? yeah, that shouldn't work. rerst of all, you're exactly right. we have to remembeer thar that 1 very, very senior cia officers, former cia officers said thisofe was a russian disinformation operatio an, which clearly and obviously it was not. >> hunter biden said it waclears his computer. the justice department said it was his computer and.en the it's been the contents have been published by the marco polo foundation. e know it's in it and it's ugly. with that said, there's no reason under the sun to cherry pick some of the evidence out of this thing either. it's going to be evidence i in legal proceedings or it's not. >> nowl pr it's going to be used,i i believe, in the tax case in september. how can they work around that? all those text messages t and email communications, a lot of them involved joe biden. >> yes. yeah. joe biden has said from the very beginning that when republicans on capitol hill quoted these text messages, they were taken out of context . well, now's the time to to prove that that's the case and, because these things are going to all be out there in the public domain. out and the american people are going to be able to make their own decisions on it. o theire were taken outt of of context, now is the time for joe biden to get ahead of itw .o >> and you heard about thee whistleblower saying that the sugar brother was untouchable. >> the cia says don't lay a sug finger on the sugar brothers, beautiful head of hair. why wouler's d the want to cut off an investigation into the guy lending the bidens money? >> yeah, jesse, i think the ciau is lying about this. the cia made an unequivocal t ant that nothing that the tru whistleblower said was true. but he has doubled down thathe's got the evidencbut hee to prove that he's telling the truth. and so the cia'sling the t got e clean. either they tried to kill thisy investigatiotrn or they didn't. just saying that they didn't. and not just that they said itt absurd. . >> they're going to need to put up or they're going to need to shut up. okayveput up. well, when the cia tells me something, i assume the opposite is trueells. probay but i think that's probably a good way to go about life in the united states. john, thanksd wa g as always. ,p >> we always appreciate your analysis. thank you. biden's attorney general gets gr his head kicked in on capitol hill. n on more on of >> you know, i spendth a lotirth of time thinking about her at three in the morning any at three in the morning any times. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the fo you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. right kind of nutrients. look at thisr organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody shouldif peopl have i. it worked great for us.nerd. it worked great for us.nerd. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're dirt nerd. huge turners. i'm proud of it. our military has been infested by woke revolution. the military. i think we grew up. and you left your politics at the door. it's difficult to overstate the vision that is being sown into our military. it's about our sovereignty. it's about our liberty. it's about our constitution. these veterans are putting the record straight. pete hegseth hosts the war on warriors streaming now only on fox nation. if you're an active duty military or military veteran, sign up now and get your first e. >> if you're one of the millions of people millions of people with diabetes who suffer fro low and high blood sugar, dexcom g7 is one of the easiest ways to take better control of your diabetes. >>y scary. my blood sugar would suddenly spike or really go low out of nowhere. it was really scary. this small wearable alerts you 20 minutes before you go too low or when you're high. socontrol!ouncer) you can take e moment. now we're talking a game now we're talking a game change i'm back in control. dexcom g7 helps protect against highs and lows. >> call now abi's due credit. we know running a business takes everything you have and only a certain kind of leader has what it takes. every new challenge is yours to solve. and there's no such thing as off the clock. you carry the weight of the problems, but your resolve never wavers. no one else can do what you do. we know your drive. we know you're determination. you've come far enough to know it. do credit funding. do credit funding. what's nex overfl my porct? 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weeks afted yor trump announcede he's running. >> you had no problemd dispatchinheas runnig matthew c, whose matthew comment is false. t dispatch matthew calandra. >> matthew colangelo, matthew >>an became the assistant attorney general at the very beginning of the biden administration assistaatta glanville makes this remarkable downstream career journe y fromm care the u.s. department of justice in washington, d.c.,journe and n pops up in alvin bragg's office to go get trump. and you're then p saying that's just a a that's just a career choice that was made that hasreer cho g to do with the lawfare coordinator. >> i'm saying it's false. ch thm >> i did not dispatch mr. angelo anywhere.o know >> well, do you know how he ended up there? i assume he spoke ene. t th >> he applied for a job there and got the job of johnny, took a pay cut to be my neighbor's landscaper. you'd think i'd sa be y he probv just applied for the job and got it. >> com applied e on.guys a >> biden's guys are coordinating all of these trump prosecutions. al the show, we've proven it. today. the attorney general stonewalled. s. will the department of justice provide to the committee all documents, all correspondence between the departmentl docume and alvit bragg's office and fani willis jamea james? areletiti >> his office, the offices you're referring to are independent offices of state. >> i get that. i get thatet. the question is, one that you will provide all of your documents and correspondence that'willous question. >> it's i don't need a history lesson. well l,, i'm going to say again, i we do not control those offices. >> they make the questions which unique with them, not whether you control them. do communicate with them, and we provide this. >> can you make a request? we will refe trol thewill y provir it to oure of legislative affairs. so send us a letter and we'lll e get back to you. never garland and also won't turn over the audi to recording of biden's interview with special counsel robert hur, where the presiden biden'st was couldn't remember when he was vice president or when his son died and just rambleesidend on t a client with a severed. >> are youle. the arbiter, the decider of whether or not pi those tapes will be provided to this congress? at the instancde ress?e and the subpoena of its committee to investigate the president? constant tution requires meprotc to protect the separation of powers and our abilitseparat investigations in the future. have you listen to the audio recording? ave no >> i have not, because there's no reason for me to listen to it. for i have a feeling trump's gog to listen to the tapes after he's inaugurated. probablyo th puts him on truth. sociale garland also put said special counsel smith never tampered with evidence when he raided mar-a-lago and fannednselh trump's document and slapped folders on top that said top secrets s prosecutors aren't supposed to tamper with evidence. and it looks like that'sl that's what he did. he changed the sequence of the hes that he seized for mar-a-lago. >> i'm sorry, that's a false characteorry, thr zation, but t' is what he said to the court. >> mr. attorney genera hl, there are some boxes where the order of items within the box is not thd. ame as in the associate i mean, he said it, i didn't say it. he admitted to the court, heai that they tampered with the evidence. he mishandled the very documents he's chargin g president trump with mishandling. and i'm just asking, do you regret picking this guy as the special discharg counsel in the most important special counsel investigation? >> probably in american history? he most spi'm i'm sorry.atio i didn't hear not hear the words tamper in the statement that mr.n a megan smm >> he did not use those words.en dave rubin's the of the rubinns m report. he joins us now. so when you take documentse nowu and you send them out beautifully and then you bring brd things that say top secret, slap them on top t themtake pictures and then leak them, is that tampering? >> i thinkhat tamp that is tamp. i am not i am not a lawyer, but i believe that is tampering . i mean, the entire farce that we just witnessed fori meae a few hours today was almost exactly like what we saw with anthonyy fauci testifyingyi yesterday at congress. >> theseng yes people never takt responsibility for anything. the clipress, th that really i t was the most interesting there was the matt gaetz one, because all he's sayinsting watzg is ift have emailed, if the department of justice is perhapdeparts emau bragg's office, can we just see- that? mailedinand even that we can't r get an answer as it relates to that. you know, jesse, i was watching the show in the green room and i'm starting to see a theme here. >> what's that? that if you're a democrad i'hett you can basically get away with everything. and if you're a republican, t get away?rything and i with anything. de and i was a democrat when i was a teenagermocrat, and look where that got me. but so if you if you're saying if asking you, can we seendence correspondence if you corresponded, why don't you say, sur youe, ask my team, we'll get it to you. because why does he have to act a fiuilty and weasel around the answer for 5 minutes? it's because he is guilty. they probabl becausey have been coordinating. >> yes, that's exactly right. do you think we're ever going to see anyin of these documents or is it going to be in 2040? >> i think iset will be the clor to 2040 than than 2024, let's say. i think this is whatthis i the democrat machine, the deep state, they've done unbelievably wel tl. bunch they put a bunch of people i in positions of power who never the buck stops with nobody. oh, refer to that office. oh, call this guy., an and it's this constant shell game. and then you hav constane a coup decent republicans. thomas massie also has some greatcans questions duringq that that hearing. jim jordan obviouslyions, and is like you hear them and they're trying. they really are trying and we are watchingd our democracy juss dissolve right in front of us. >> right? and then you getight in fron thh who just waste time and say, aren't you lovel wastey? u wear >> house smell beautiful. what cologne are you wearing? sandle are meainn to you. >> they send e-mails. are you all right? imagine having fauci, vancou who oversaw the biggest pandemic in 100 years and you just complimentt him on howl well his suit fits. and that'shis suit what you're m your 5 minutes for. what about these her tapes? so this is where biden couldn'ta remember what day it was. he remember they said he was, old man a well-meaning, elderly, doddering old man. they released the transcripts, but not the tapes. are you suspiciousptut? >> may have doctored the transcripts because they doctor white house transcripts. there',s every reason to believe they doctor the transcripts. he is a rambling old buffoon. . i would take out well-meaning and then you sort of have it. he's old and doddering. i think cad n all agredoe on thr the old meaning, the well-meaning part? i do not know. all righ thinkng pari do t. . >> not very well.u meaning. dave rubin, very well-meaning. thank you very mucveryh. >> thank you, sir. the rubin report, the democrats and cultss an. at is ne that's next. who is your favorite judge? 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>> i realized i was at a cult when the special symbol i'd received on my body as part of an initiation into a sorority wast of, which is whs told i was doing on the 12th year of my time there. so wealthy after many, many yearsf indoctrination, when i found out that symbo.l wasl actually keith ranieri's initials and a cryptic monograas ,which was something that had been withheld from me. >> were you scared befor ebrande you were branded, or were you all fired up? >> od?re youh, i mean, i was a t of both. i was up until that moment when i saw the brand, i thought it was getting a tattoo. a so it was a bit of a shock to me, but i also felt a lot of pressure. there was collateral o r blackmail is the actual term, collin nexium terms it was black called collateral that was being held over my heas bein d to do whatever waswa being asked of me. and i had a lot of pressure beanl gaslightingciting that i said i was going to do whatever it took to be a part of thii will s. >> so i'm going to do whatever it's going to take. what was the indoctrination tactico wh that they used againt you? oh, so many. i mean, from day one of my first five day that i mentioned in 2005, the very first thing that i was taught was you're going to feel uncomfortable. you're here to groyou willw andl here to work on yourself, so you're going to feel discomfort, which is true if you'veue ever done any therapy n work on yourself. and i know that yoowhau have the is moments that are to face arent of yourself that aren' comfortable. it doesn't feel good. so i agree't feel d to that on e one and accepted that this was a hierarchy where the coache s who were teaching me knew more than i did, so that if there was a point wher i didree i didl good or my intuition was sayingd , get out, it wass actually that was the time i needed to lean into things. sotime had that's a very, very dangerous tactic because my intuition was was dismantledm or slowly dismantled from day one. antled day onewhat was their goal? what did they want you to do for them in this cult? we bel well, keith, ultimately, weie believe i mean, i'm not in his mind but wants and less money, and power and through through. and some of his earliesth pore members were women that he found at the age of 17 whose father had just diedd at, or otr members whose fathers were dry to drug addicts or also narcissists. dict i have a great relationship with my dad, so he wasn't able to get missus. greate that way.e but i believe that's what he was hoping to do with the branding, whicieveh i didn't not realize until it even had gotten out that that's something that the te do to thethey own women that they own. >> okay, so it was. a pyramid scheme and a ring and it wasn't just regular people. there were celebrities, there were actresses r pe was involved in this, too. this is something i need to be really clear when i do this ha a like this is that, yes, it wast obviously a cult was trafficking going on, but that was for like 3% of this group. s 3 percthe rest of the people h in this community that were working on themselves and thei n goals and trying to be better people and execute certain projects in the world. eple and using the goals prograa part of that part of the the c curriculumur to, move things forward. but yeah, it was people from all walks of life, including many celebrities in l.a. and athletes and presidential families. and the dalai lama endorsed us at that time.. >> you just heard eric swalwell accuse trump supportersin of being in a cult. does that ring true to you occ ? well, this is what i wanted to say to you, jesse and i. first of all, i'm loving your book, and i am recognizing so many the cult, the aspects of all of beliefs, of everybodyo on extreme left and extreme right. and i see extreme thinking on all sidestrem of the political spectrum. both sides are problem for me b because both sides think the other side is culty and both sides aren't talking to each other. which is why i love your boo tn because you're willing to have those conversations. >> well, thank you very much for the booke thosersation. essh we endorse your book scarred. congratulations on escapingyearo this horrific cult. and thank you for blowing the whistle. thank you fo scaping ther going to the fbi. you're very brave and we're glad you're out of it. and yogoin tu can tell your sto. >> sarah, thank you. thank you so much fo r having. apprec >> appreciate it. any time. >> jtimeefatherebrat our movement this father's day's right back. -lasting choose advil liquid gels for faster, stronger and longer lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil, the pain away. >> general, we have something. what is it? 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poin h t to mexico and say it's that way. come, bill. frank from villanova, pennsylvania. breaking breaking out, mouse. that's it. you must acquit it when mouths shows up. >> i mean, this thing is notup guilty thi . >> christopher from florida, uncle jose mooky, the coke dealerer in, the pushy gun sale. who's next shop? somali. n >> lisa from north carolina. which do you think was better? m sketch artists artwork or hunter's artwork? fr >> that's it for us tonight. dvr the show and always remembert,, i'm waters and this♪ is m

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And A Former Cult ,Teeth ,Sensodyne ,Hollywood ,Aheaevd ,Clinical Wait ,Product ,Navy ,Patients ,Navy Wifeome ,Sensitivity Protection ,Theat H Navy ,Whiter Teetloh ,24 7 ,Home ,Siattentn Ofhis ,Help ,Situation ,Value ,Deployment ,Spouse ,Va Home Loan ,F You Resituatio ,Youralloe ,Veterans ,Product Company ,Mypillow ,Call ,Care ,Solution One ,Extravaganza ,Pillows ,Products ,Word ,Employees ,5 ,25 ,Time ,Brand ,Towel ,Mypillow Chandelier ,Six ,More ,King Size ,Size ,Keys ,Fabric ,Loft Level ,Screen ,Promo Code ,Laxatives ,Ownerships ,Dependable Constipation ,Try Seneca ,Gentle ,75 ,Things ,At Quince ,Prices ,Vegetable Laxative Ingredient ,Plant ,Scent ,Dependable Seneca ,Delicious Gummies ,Quality ,Life ,Everyone ,Summer Essentials ,Materials ,Somebody ,Com ,Luxury ,Shet ,Firste ,Hem ,0 ,Nobody ,Hearing Aids ,Hair ,Brand Leaderuld ,Everything ,Place ,Hearing Evaluation ,Filing System ,80s Nineties ,80 ,Car ,Store ,Payment Info ,Info ,Copy ,My Driver S License ,World ,Identity Theft ,Mike Johnson ,Borderdl ,Data Points ,Lifelock ,Guaranteed ,Saw ,Surprise ,Case ,Know E Dothe ,Drugs ,Tears ,Look ,Scapegoat ,Hunter Biden Trial ,Hunter Biden ,Hunter Just Didn T ,Laptop ,Gun ,Lawyer ,Pros ,Form ,Videos ,Pictures ,Lyinn ,Thismentto ,Co Residue ,Cocaineand ,Gun Holster ,Haley Sdr Hunter ,Brother ,Hunter Didn T ,Brothers ,The One ,Drug Residue ,Widow ,Guven ,Bus ,S The Defense ,Salesman ,Gun Store ,Phone ,Colt ,Boxx A Of Ammmmo ,The Street ,Speed Loader ,Sto ,Revolver ,Reacobra ,Pushy ,At T ,Black Cadillac ,38 ,Outands ,Wasn T For Drugs ,Credit Cards ,Thousands ,Defense ,Fannie ,Carrie ,Courtroom ,Hes ,Audio Book ,Video ,Clips ,Details ,Ingr Yes ,Carrier Bond ,Cryinwas ,Ashley Biden ,Producer ,Bin ,Jacobson ,Book Touar ,Book ,Words ,Him ,Audiobook ,Listening ,Voice ,Finding Cract K ,Wilobook Isdu ,Jurors ,Howie ,Sittinn Ing ,Message ,Superpower ,Fbi ,Unhinged ,Others ,Wit ,Texg ,Hao ,Daotherst Y ,Windows Down ,Afrai ,Afraide ,Named Mooky ,Crack ,Ing Da ,Bide N Family Cry ,Prosecution ,Anybody Else ,Jury ,Differen Thismentioned ,Attention ,Orange Glasses ,Sittind Him ,He Sat Dowtting Ben ,Lunch Break ,Left ,Before ,Drug Use ,Jill Biden Bid ,We L Didl ,Teae Buanm Mighte ,Points Out Hunter ,Sleeve ,Than K You ,Race ,Delawareho ,Jonathan Turley ,Makeup ,Strategy ,Juryy ,Disagree Rbut Wie Law ,Verdict ,Jury Nullification ,Bidens ,Mouse ,Hopee ,Bidens Influence ,Whyeverybody ,Delaware ,Thbiden Family ,Front Row ,Jill Ando ,Juror ,Court ,Mouseanes ,Wedding ,End Batter Wruns Delaware ,Delaware Legend ,Community Forw ,Some ,Susan Constantine ,Side ,Slam Dunk ,Let Snt ,Dad ,Best Friend ,Familyhi ,Overdose ,Ro Another Juror ,Childhood ,Brother In Law ,Alcoholican Isother In Law Overd ,Heroindied F ,Heroin ,Possession ,Narcotics ,Olp ,Pc ,Guilt Y ,Ajuro Dui ,Family Members ,Sensitivity ,Soy ,Family Member ,Well ,Friend ,Lofamt ,Trauma ,Family ,Mndon Forjust ,Rehabilitation Side ,Compassion ,Background ,Have ,Movse ,Empathy ,Theye ,Jurord S ,Pro ,To Buy A Gun On Igt ,Sureee ,Memberbe ,Husband ,Secret Service ,Sod ,Oujoer Y ,The Secret Service ,Ands Oo ,Person ,Estate ,Course ,Strikes ,Agenciesand Sos For Th ,Agents M Why Isn T It ,Forth ,User ,Bi Mean ,Commute ,Alwan Constantine ,Becausoe ,Donor ,Obamas ,Understande Strikeon ,Kno ,Sea ,Th Sloe Alternate ,Front ,Pulled Out Hunter ,Plastic Bag ,Departmenti ,Analysiys Appres ,Department Admitteal ,Justice ,Sames ,Russian Disinformationto ,Intel ,01but ,1 ,2019 ,51 ,Bef ,Officer ,Cia ,Whistleblower ,Hiding Itr ,Whhn Kiriakou ,Gun Triaence Il ,Ans Impeachable ,Guns ,Taxes ,Rest ,Stuff ,Mellon Scoopstuf ,Thisofe ,Operatio ,Disinformation ,Shouldn T Work ,Russian ,Rerst ,Remembeer Thar ,And En ,Computer ,Contents ,Marco Polo Foundation ,Tax Case ,Proceedings ,Ii Believe ,Sun To Cherry ,Nowl Pr ,Communications ,Text Messages ,Beginning ,Context ,Capitol Hill ,Public Domain ,Sugar Brother ,O Theire ,Outt ,Decisions ,Thee Whistleblower ,Itw ,Don T Lay A Sug ,Investigation ,Sugar Brothers ,Head ,Unequivocal T ,Finger ,Want ,Why Wouler S D ,Tru Whistleblower ,Ciau ,Cia Sling The T ,Got E ,Thathe ,Thisy Investigatiotrn ,Got The Evidencbut Hee ,Opposite ,Probay ,Thanksd Wa G ,Me Something ,Okayveput Up ,Trueells ,Attorney General ,Analysis ,Gr ,Lotirth ,That Me ,Dirt ,Shouldif Peopl ,Nutrients ,Same Eat Fo ,Thisr Organic Soil ,Miracle Gro ,Military ,Gold ,Garden ,Turners ,Dirt Nerd ,Vision ,Constitution ,Politics ,Door ,Sovereignty ,Liberty ,Woke Revolution ,Diabetes ,War ,Record ,Veteran ,Warriors ,Fox Nation ,Pete Hegseth ,Ways ,Blood Sugar ,Control ,Nowhere ,Dexcom G7 ,Y Scary ,Game Change ,Game ,Business ,Due Credit ,Highs ,Lows ,Abi ,Socontrol Ouncer ,Problems ,Challenge ,Else ,Clock ,Resolve ,Weight ,Filter ,Credit Funding ,Drive ,Determination ,Nex Overfl My Porct ,Gutters ,Porch ,Overflowing ,Gutter Solution ,Visit Leaf Filter Icon ,Damage ,Call Make ,Coffee ,Order ,Compression ,Fit ,Devotion ,Design ,Emblem ,Exchange ,Engagement Ring ,Choices ,Carat Lab Grown Diamond ,Gia ,Jewelry Exchange ,Jewelry ,Super Saturday On Fox ,99 ,599 ,9018 ,Phillies ,Saratoga ,Belmont Stakes ,Brian London ,Mets ,Shot ,Fox ,Epic Rivalry ,Dodgers ,Season ,Yankees ,Funds ,Steaks ,Win ,Suns ,Sale Event ,Tuesdays On Fox ,Hulu ,Save ,Chicken Breast ,Eight ,Fork ,Desserts ,Tender Filet Mignon ,Favorites ,50 ,Father ,Tv ,Stresseso ,Burgers ,Slash ,Ye Out Likep ,Omaha Steaks ,Sun ,Fix Anything ,You Shouldn T ,Cavityyou ,Amerier ,Writing ,Cup ,Nice ,Pay Myls ,Crewso ,Spain ,Bill ,It T Oh ,Scout ,Come On ,Motorcycle ,Cha Trio ,Hop On The Bike ,Worrypain ,Vibratingis ,Jim Perich ,Test ,Boa ,He Oh ,Triple Protectionon ,Sweet Ar ,History ,Protection ,Trio ,Reactions ,Trick ,Use ,Heartworm Disease ,Class ,Seizures ,Dogs ,Disorders ,Caution ,Tri ,O ,Trump Wouldn T ,Weren T For Biden ,Thinnder Oatk ,Felon ,Namevicted ,Merrick Garland ,Matt Colangelo ,Matthew C ,Pay Cut ,Matthew Comment ,Problemd ,Melvyn Bragg ,Trump Announcede He S Running ,T Dispatch ,Weeks Afted Yor ,Matthew Calandra ,Assistant Attorney General ,Journe And N ,Career ,U S Department Of Justice ,Matthew Colangelo ,Washington D C ,Assistaatta Glanville ,Journe Y Fromm ,Angelo Anywhere O ,Saying ,Mr ,Career Choice ,Aa ,Lawfare Coordinator ,Hasreer Cho G ,Thm ,Alvin Bragg ,Com Applied E ,He Probv ,T Th ,Landscaper ,Johnny ,Gene ,Correspondence ,Committee ,Trump Prosecutions ,Will S ,Departmentl Docume ,Alvit Bragg ,Meal ,Stonewalled ,Office ,Offices ,Areletiti ,Question ,Thatet ,That Willous Question ,Fani Willis Jamea James ,Questions ,History Lesson ,Well L ,Request ,Refe Trol Thewill Y Provir ,Oure ,Son ,Affairs ,Robert Hur ,Presiden Biden St ,Vice President ,Couldn T ,Recording ,Interview ,We Lll E ,Letter ,Saudi ,Garland ,Data ,Tapes ,Subpoena ,Decider ,Arbiter ,Instancde Ress E ,Constant Tution ,Client ,Severed ,Pi ,Whether ,Are Youle ,Meprotc ,Feeling Trump ,Powers ,Investigations ,Audio Recording ,Ave No ,Separation ,Gog ,Secrets ,Smith ,On Top ,Document ,Probablyo Th ,Fannednselh Trump ,Sociale Garland ,That Sl ,False Characteorry ,Attorney ,Sequence ,Thr Zation ,Genera Hl ,Counsel ,Boxes ,Discharg ,Box ,Items ,Associate ,Mishandling ,He S Chargin G ,Heai ,Spi ,Statement ,Dave Rubin ,Smm ,American History ,Rubinns M Report ,Atio ,Mr Na Megan ,Documentse Nowu ,Tampering ,Themtake Pictures ,Clipress ,Responsibility ,Farce ,Anthonyy Fauci Testifyingyi ,Theseng ,Fori Meae ,Answer ,Matt Gaetz One ,Mailedinand ,Emau Bragg ,Gift ,Sayinsting Watzg ,Theme ,Dude ,Room ,Rything ,Teenagermocrat ,Democrad I Hett ,Team ,Fiuilty ,Weasel ,Why Don T You Say ,Probabl Becausey ,Sur Youe ,Whatthis ,Say ,Coordinating ,Anyin ,The Deep State ,Iset ,Let ,Clor ,Democrat Machine ,Wel Tl ,2040 ,Guy ,Shell Game ,Positions ,Thomas Massie ,Buck Stops ,Constane A Coup ,Fron Thh ,Democracy ,Hearing ,Aren T You ,Lovel Wastey ,Jim Jordan Obviouslyions ,Fauci ,Who ,Suit ,E Mails ,Suit Fits ,Pandemic ,Sandle ,Vancou ,100 ,Transcripts ,Old Man ,Biden Couldn Ta ,Doddering ,Well Meaning ,Elderly ,Meaning ,Buffoon ,Cad N All Agredoe On Thr ,Sir ,Is Ne ,U Meaning ,Cultss ,Righ Thinkng ,Report ,Judge ,Listings ,Simon ,Hgtv ,Play ,Relief ,Relief Formula ,Relief Work ,Dry Ice ,Policy ,Life Insurance ,Wife ,Heart Attack ,Selectquote ,9 ,00000 ,500000 ,29 ,Insurance ,Price ,Gdp ,Qualcomm ,Idp Derails ,21 ,You Llcidp ,Storie ,Patient ,Cans ,Cdp Andm Doesn T Have To ,Derails ,Tpp ,Tia ,Sid Peckham ,It Shiningor ,Information ,Melasma ,Her ,Finding Hope ,Jus ,Mirror ,News Lee ,Photos ,Suffering ,Confidence ,Prescription Treatments ,600000 ,Muesli Dot Com Slash Tv ,Life Changing ,Ev Purchase ,Ecoerm Lumina ,Strip ,Smile ,Pain Po ,Whitening Strips ,Peroxide ,Score ,Pick Up ,Anywhere ,News Headlines ,Trial ,Trump Trial ,News Business ,Sirius Xm ,America Is Listening ,Fox News Radio ,Prosecutor Deadline Com ,Sex Workers ,Iv Lif ,Walks Of Life Eco Sexuales ,Radical Feminist ,Black Supremacists ,Cults ,Supporters ,Nominee ,Rights ,Statessr ,Police ,You T Be In A Cult ,House ,Felony Convictions ,Blue ,Nominee En ,Clearancees Pa ,Swalwell ,Jcurity ,Nexium ,Group ,Little ,Sarah Edmondson ,Professionally ,Guest ,Self Helpocar ,Spirituallys ,2005 ,Women ,Keith Ranieri ,Position ,Sleep ,Clothing ,Figure ,Messiah Likemsel ,Sheep ,Starvation ,Organization ,Slavery ,Torture ,Ranks ,Chapter ,Oths Nt ,Sarah Wasome ,Canadian ,Whistle ,Inh ,Initials ,Hideout ,Fbiblowin ,Upstate New York ,York ,Down G ,Takenwhen ,Tim Oe ,2017 ,Initiation ,Youyor ,Th Thenexium ,Documentaries ,Jesse ,Ith ,Podcasts ,Media ,Hi ,Noi Idea ,Personal Development Semina Ir ,Symbol ,Tony Robbins ,Many ,Yearsf Indoctrination ,Body ,Wasl ,Whs ,Sorority Wast Of ,Cryptic Monograas ,Both ,Befor Ebrande You ,God ,Tattoo ,Re Youh ,Pressure ,Collateral ,Blackmail ,Term ,Shock ,Heas Bein D ,Collin ,Waswa ,Wh ,Indoctrination Tactico ,Beanl Gaslightingciting ,Thii ,Discomfort ,Day One ,Therapy ,You Veue ,Groyou Willw Andl ,Yoowhau ,Hierarchy ,Coache S ,It Doesn T ,Arent ,Teaching ,Aren ,Feel Good ,Get Out ,Intuition ,Sotime ,Point Wher ,Tactic ,It Wass ,Goal ,Mind ,Day Onewhat ,Antled ,Weie ,We Bel Well ,Members ,Pore Members ,Drug Addicts ,Dict ,Diedd ,Age ,Relationship ,Fathers ,Earliesth ,Otr ,17 ,Whicieveh I Didn T ,Ring ,Branding ,Missus ,Way E ,Pyramid Scheme ,Celebrities ,Wasn T ,It Wast ,Tape ,Actresses ,Goals ,Community ,Trafficking ,Thei N ,Projects ,C Curriculumur To ,Prograa ,Eple ,3 ,Families ,Athletes ,Trump Supportersin ,L A ,Dalai Lama ,Being ,Beliefs ,Everybodyo ,Aspects ,Occ ,Sides ,Thinking ,Sidestrem ,Spectrum ,Right ,Culty ,Tb ,Each Other ,Congratulations ,Conversations ,Essh ,Escapingyearo ,Fo Scaping Ther ,Booke Thosersation ,Father S Day ,Fo ,Movement ,Apprec ,Jtimeefatherebrat ,Yogoin Tu ,Liquid Gels ,Gels ,Faster ,Targets ,Source ,Shopping ,General ,Pain Relief ,Auto Insurance ,Code ,Inflammation ,Experian ,Advil ,Coverage ,Car Insurance ,Providers ,3800 Bucks ,40 ,Boat ,Firsthand ,Memories ,Johnny Morri Sellin ,Water ,This ,Easierr ,Com Slash ,Xperian ,Dealers ,Tracker ,Bass Pro Shops ,Fishing 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,Love ,Delivery ,Gifts ,Fox Merch ,El Granddad ,Loosays ,Pack ,Decanter ,Merch ,Glasses ,Golfwhat ,Glbeautiful Decanter Set Oka ,Polo ,Likethen T ,Nice E ,Nice Polo On A ,Bourbon ,Mug ,Bud Light ,Hat ,Pinkt ,Mu Glass ,Susan ,Miami ,My Name Is Jose ,Ingredients ,Spot ,Chef ,Decidee ,Meltingag Pot ,Ingredients Hop ,Paris ,Chris ,Texaslet Ni ,Bill Milligan ,Taxes Ift Ii ,Directions ,Irs ,Dwight Frounm ,Breaking Out ,Mouths ,Guilty Thi ,Poin Ht ,Villanova ,Frank ,Pennsylvania ,Sketch Artists Artwork Or Hunter ,Artwork ,Coke Dealerer In ,Pushy Gun Sale ,Uncle Jose Mooky ,Florida ,Somali ,Lisa ,North Carolina ,Fr ,Waters ,Dvr ,Always Remembert ,

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