get a needle, they make a pocket in your face, they push around to make it hollow and they put a plate inside the slit. because those piercings, according to him, are irremovable, we don t know that and we don t know what those piercings are capable, once they re taken out they could contain contraband. they could be used as a weapon, could be against himself, against staff or even fellow inmates. i have another one on the back of my neck. it s called a surface staple. as you can see, there s a bar through my neck and there s two flat head screwdriver parts to it. basically, for mr. ruiz, for him it s been a good thing being isolated because he won t be exposed to a general population setting. he won t be exposed to gang politics. he won t be exposed to inmate pressures. so for mr. ruiz, it might have been a saving grace for him that he actually had piercings and that he was removed from general population so he doesn t have to answer any of those questions.
irremovable, we don t know that and we don t know what those piercings are capable, once they re taken out they could contain contraband. they could be used as a weapon, could be against himself, against staff or even fellow inmates. i have another one on the back of my neck. it s called a surface staple. as you can see, there s a bar through my neck and there s two flat head screwdriver parts to it. basically, for mr. ruiz, for him it s been a good thing being isolated because he won t be exposed to a general population setting. he won t be exposed to gang politics. he won t be exposed to inmate pressures. so for mr. ruiz, it might have been a saving grace for him that he actually had piercings and that he was removed from general population so he doesn t have to answer any of those questions. well, as you know, i m from orange county jail. just hours before he would answer to the judge. ruiz used his time in isolation to write a letter to his girlfriend who he had not spoken
respect of other inmates as well as compensation in the form of commissary goods by providing skilled services not often found in prison. among other things, he s a tailor. now stand up here on the chair. i ain t getting on my knees, honey. you got me twisted. i m not getting on my knees. you do it any other time. [ bleep ] none of the straight inmates were embarrassed to be seen with peaches. and that was also unusual in a general population setting. for a gay man in prison. it s like disney land. you just don t know what ride to get on. my family goes, are you ready to come home? i said yeah i m ready to come home i just haven t earned my mickey mouse ears yet. so a couple more years and i ve got my mickey mouse ears and i m out the door. uh-huh. and i m taking all the rides with me. i ll go ahead and fill out the paperwork and have you sign it. morgan also held a prison job as an inmate advocate. a sort of amateur lawyer for
from the hole last time like a year and a half ago, they gave me a assault on staff. since i was in the shoe when i left, they brought me back in the hole. that s how they do it. now i m waiting to go to icc to find out when they re going to let me get out. matthew usually returns to prison for petty crimes. he has a history of committing more serious offenses behind bars. he s capable of a lot of violence in custody in the prison system. and in fact, he hasn t been in a general population setting since i think maybe 2003. and that s because he keeps getting in trouble. he batters the officers. he s resistant. he uses alcohol in custody. whoops. that didn t work. good, how are you? good. this is institution classification committee.
behavior is good right now, but not so long ago, he came out and assaulted an officer. he s a big man, he s hard to control, he s a dangerous man and he is appropriately assigned in that segregation cell at this point. he is dangerous. as far as my vote, i don t think he d ever need to be in a population setting. segregation is a place of confinement for men who you must separate from the general population. and steven parker is one of those guys who must be separated. we must keep him controlled at all times. i guess i m going to go crazy. i don t know. i guess i m going to spend the rest of my life in prison and keep doing the same things i ve been doing. i don t know what else to do. until somebody kills me, i guess. i don t know. next on lockup: extended stay life on death row was a very traumatic experience. death was definitely next.