behavior is good right now, but not so long ago, he came out and assaulted an officer. he's a big man, he's hard to control, he's a dangerous man and he is appropriately assigned in that segregation cell at this point. >> he is dangerous. as far as my vote, i don't think he'd ever need to be in a population setting. >> segregation is a place of confinement for men who you must separate from the general population. and steven parker is one of those guys who must be separated. we must keep him controlled at all times. >> i guess i'm going to go crazy. i don't know. i guess i'm going to spend the rest of my life in prison and keep doing the same things i've been doing. i don't know what else to do. until somebody kills me, i guess. i don't know. next on "lockup: extended stay" -- >> life on death row was a very traumatic experience. death was definitely next.