Rachel well, were back wIth a Fox News alert. ThIsh s df If says hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallahs ReIgn of terror Is over. The IranIanbacked terror Groups Leader was kIlled In massIve strIkes In beIrut. WIll rIght now smokes rIsIng over thatty as over 140 Idf strIkes took place over the nIght. And the Idf Is makIng It clear that Israels War Is not wIth the lebanese people. Pete Nate Foy Is lIve on the ground In Tel AvIv. Hey, nate. Reporter hey, guys, good mornIng. So Israels Defense MInIster Is out wIth a new statement reactIng to the aIrstrIke In BeIrut Yesterday that took I out hezbollahs leader, Hassan Nasrallah, a man who has been In charge of the organIzatIon sInce 1992, and Gallant A saId that nasrallah was an ImmedIate threat to thousands of IsraelIs and cItIzens across the world whIch Is a very sImIlar message that we just heard If from Idf spokesman. LIsten to thIs. Hezbollah, under the command of nasrallah, chose to to joIn the war that hamas started. There are consequence
Theres been a big change and escalation, if that seems even possible right now in the israeli war to take out has block. Part of the planned attack was possibly taking out Hassan Nasrallah, the Mastermind And Head of has block. All of this comes at a time where Tel Aviv is on very high alert. Because if they did get this guy hes not just any other leader. Hes a very, very different type of leader from which ramifications for widening war have picked up considerably. Welcome everybody. Im Neil Cavuto and this is your world. Right now were looking at the extent of these attacks. No confirmation that Hassan Nasrallah himself has been among those killed. But we do know that theres sort of a call to bunker and safety not only in Tel Aviv but throughout israel and fears this war has just escalated beyond what anyone thought. An advisor to irans leader says with the possible assassination of this leader as in the case of other resistance leaders, others will simile take their place. We are le
Ingraham anglE from Washington Tonight. This is a fox nEws alErt. Laura good EvEning,EE EvEryonE, this is lowEr incomE from Washington Tonight and now officially chargEd with attEmptEd assassination of formEr PrEsidEnt Trump. MorE dEtails and momEnts first zElEnskyy, that sarah got, thatn is thE focus of tonightsEr anglEEn. I thought dEmocrats wErE against ElEctionEEring intErfErEncE by forEign govErnmEnts and forEignun lEadErs. What would you all yEstErday spEnt trip with Ay BattlEground StatE of pEnnsylvania. ZElEnskyy is in E u. S. For thE u. S. GEnEral assEmbly but took a dEtour to JoE BidEns Town Ofsh Scranton HapE was EscortEd by PEnnsylvania GovErnor Josh Fac Shapiro Visit to ammunitionE factory. WnianE arE blEssEd to havE so many ukrainians living hErE in FthE CommonwEalth of pEnnsylvant coach of thE sEcond largEst numbEr in thE EntirE unitEd statEs of amErica wE fElt a spEcial kinship to thEm and all of you in your work to dEfEnd ukrainE, wE stand with you. Laura and ZElEnskyy
Declaration of war. In a televised address, has run as well as that israel crossed allred lines after 37 people were killed and thousands injured in the surprise attacks across lebanon on tuesday and wednesday. He vowed to the people who had evacuated their homes in northern israel amid exchanges of fire would not be able to return unless israel ends its attacks on gaza. As nizzolo was speaking, israel s military confirmed its fighter jets launched fresh strikes, hitting more than 100 hezbollah rocket launchers in southern lebanon. He said some of the launchers were ready to be fired. Peace talks are being held in paris with the french president emmanuel macron saying a diplomatic path exists in lebanon. In a message to the lebanese people, he said, no regional adventure or private interest, no loyalty to a cause merited triggering a conflict. Antony blinken travelled to the french capitol, saying that all parties need to de escalate. France and the united states are united in calling
Hassan nasrallah said that israel crossed all red lines after 37 people were killed and thousands injured in the surprise attacks across lebanon on tuesday and wednesday. He vowed to the people who had evacuated their homes in northern israel amid exchanges of fire would not be able to return unless israel ends its attacks on gaza. As he was speaking, israel s military confirmed its fighter jets launched fresh strikes, hitting more than 100 hezbollah rocket launchers in southern lebanon. He said some of the launchers were ready to be fired. Peace talks are being held in paris with the french president emmanuel macron saying a diplomatic path exists in lebanon. America s top diplomat antony blinken travelled to the french capital, saying that all parties need to de escalate. France and the united states are united in calling for restraint and urging de escalation when it comes to the middle east in general and when it comes to lebanon in particular. We continue to work to get a ceasefir