do it again. second half of the chorus but bring in the sound. that s great. one, two, three, four. tragedy the bee gees always liked r&b and always liked soul. i always thought they were a pop band that always had r&b leanings. the bee gees do what pop stars do. they really got the zeitgeist of what was going on. staying alive staying alive staying alive [ applause ] this is the scene outside a new york disco called studio 54. this is the place that s in with the disco crowd. i have been to goat ropings and space shots. i ve been in a lot of strange places and seen a lot of strange things but nothing stranger than studio 54 at the height of its popularity in the 70s. it s where you come when you want to escape. it s really escapism. in the front door of that spot was insane. i sometimes would walk by to
yeah. okay, 1, 2, 3, 4. the bee gees always liked r&b, they always liked soul. i always loved them as a pop band, but that always had r&b leanings. the bee gees did what pop stars do - they really got the zeitgeist of what was going on. ah, ha, ha, ha staying alive, staying alive. ah, ha, ha, ha staying alive. this is the scene outside a new york disco called studio 54. this is the place that s in with the disco crowd. i had been to goat roping s and space shots. i ve been in a lot of strange places and seen a lot of strange things, but nothing stranger than studio 54 at the height of its popularity in the 70s. studio 54, that s where you come when you want to escape,
In 13 Spielstätten in Euskirchen, zum Teil in ungewohnter Umgebung, führen Künstlerinnen und Künstler Ausschnitte aus ihren Programmen auf. Das Programm ist bunt und groß.
In 13 Spielstätten in Euskirchen, zum Teil in ungewohnter Umgebung, führen Künstlerinnen und Künstler Ausschnitte aus ihren Programmen auf. Das Programm ist bunt und groß.