i want to put on my, my, my, my boogie shoes and boogie with you the queen of the discos take in, what they generate with the records, we are talking about an estimated $4 billion that s with a b $4 billion a year. i remember really being upset about this word disco. it was r&b music to me. i felt like they stripped it and gave it a new name and weren t giving credit where i think the credit was supposed to go. do it again. second half of the chorus but bring in the sound. that s great. one, two, three, four. tragedy the bee gees always liked r&b and always liked soul. i always thought they were a pop band that always had r&b leanings. the bee gees do what pop stars do. they really got the zeitgeist of what was going on. staying alive
ST CATHERINE, Jamaica Spanish Town Hospital, the largest Type B public health facility in Jamaica, which is celebrating 70 years of service to the parish of St Catherine, staged a week of activities.
in a sealed cave, you probably noticed america s latest craze is disco dancing. that s dancin without the g. what s disco? snuffy, where have you been? i want to put on my, my, my, my boogie shoes and boogie with you the queen of the discos take in, what they generate with the records, we are talking about an estimated $4 billion that s with a b $4 billion a year. i remember really being upset about this word disco. it was r&b music to me. i felt like they stripped it and gave it a new name and weren t giving credit where i think the credit was supposed to go. do it again. second half of the chorus but bring in the sound. that s great. one, two, three, four. tragedy the bee gees always liked r&b and always liked soul. i always thought they were a pop band that always had r&b leanings. the bee gees do what pop stars do. they really got the zeitgeist of what was going on. staying alive staying alive
KVSC's 30th season of Monday Night Live welcomes Distant Edge on April 25th starting at 9 p.m.
Distant Edge is an Alternative Rock/Pop Band from Minnes