LINCOLNVILLE Voters in Lincolnville cast ballots Tuesday, June 8 for municipal seats, annual town meeting warrant articles, a proposed school budget for Lincolnville Central School and a proposed school budget for Camden Hills Regional High School.
LINCOLNVILLE Voting for the annual town meeting in Lincolnville will be held Tuesday, June 8. All voting will be conducted via secret ballot. The polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Lincolnville Central School in the gymnasium. As.
Fast forward a dozen years, and I’m all grown up, living on my own, a thousand miles from my Illinois childhood. March came. Ice and snow. April came. Wind, cold, some snow, weak sun. May, even June, more of the same, mostly minus the snow. (Although, surely we remember having snow in May, right?)
Even June can be stingy with the nice weather. Of course, the bulbs come up, the trees leaf out, the lilacs bloom (though three weeks later than the ones in my Illinois yard) and eventually, spring does arrive. Right now, even though Easter has come and gone, spring is holding off.