ROCKPORT Voters in Rockport said yes to all three state questions no power corridor, transpiration infrastructure spending and right to grow one’s own food as well as five municipal articles that dealt with the future of the RES parcel, and.
ROCKLAND The Nov. 2 municipal warrant for the City of Rockland was long and full of charter amendments, with some of them endorsed by voters, others rejected. The competition for one open three-year City Council seat was won by candidate Nicole.
CAMDEN The unofficial tallies are in at the Camden polls, with 2,383 voters casting ballots Nov. 2 on state questions and municipal warrant articles. For the state questions, it was wide margin for the first two, but on Question 3, concerning the.
CAMDEN and ROCKPORT By 2 p.m., Nov. 2, election wardens in Rockport and Camden have watched over hundreds of voters streaming to the polling places; in Camden, more than 900 had cast ballots already, and the parking lot beside the Camden Public.
CAMDEN Nov. 2 is voting day in Maine, and while across the state voters will be preoccupied with voting a several controversial issues, in Camden the focus will also include five municipal warrant articles that have been discussed roundly in.