The Supreme Court on Friday declined to entertain the application by socialite Poonam Jaidev Shroff to allow her and her minor child to reside in her matrimonial home located in tony Pali Hill in Mumbai, and suggested she choose rented .
The Supreme Court on Friday rejected the pleas of socialite Poonam Jaidev Shroff, engaged in a bitter matrimonial dispute with her industrialist husband Jaidev Shroff, that she be either permitted to live with her estranged husband in their posh matr
The Supreme Court on Friday declined to entertain the application by socialite Poonam Jaidev Shroff to allow her and her minor child to reside in her matrimonial home located in tony Pali Hill in Mumbai, and suggested she choose rented accommodation having maximum Rs 30 lakh monthly rent in posh areas like Juhu, Bandra, or Santacruz.