the senate. we are not entitled to lawyers. we are not entitled to witnesses. we are not entitled to anything in the house. it s a total sham. i watched mitch mcconnell this morning. i watched numerous people last night, the senators. and i think that we are equally well united. they know it is a hoax an and a witch hunt. it s a continuation that has been going on now for almost three years. and it probably started before i even won the election. the president was asking the same pool spray if he bears any responsibility for his impeachment. here s what he said. president trump: no, i don t take any, zero, to put it mildly. they took the perfect phone call that i had with the president of ukraine, and absolutely perfect call. you know it. they all know it. nothing was said wrong and i call to impeach the president of the united states for that is a disgrace. and it s a mark on our country. i ll tell you what. other presidents in the future,
from the lung disease. 5.3 million kids, a million kids a day are using these products repetitively with addiction. since the flavors have been introduced, we have seen ad mamediocre rise. john: as we watch this unfold in the cabinet room this was a lengthy what they call pool spray as the president was meeting with a number of interested parties in the vaping debate, including juul, which is the biggest ecigarette maker. kristin fisher is reporting live from the white house. kristin, we have seen this on occasion where the president allows the cameras to stay in for the debate. i have never seen an industry debate like this in the past and they try to decide what to do about the epidemic of teenagers who are using these products where does it sit right now, kristin. you are watching it play out live moments ago. as you mentioned cameras were not supposed to be
out and say that this is not what they think that the president should be doing. the president in that same exact pool spray went on to talk about how there s a lot of sand in syria. and that it s up to the people who live in the neighborhood, to figure it all out. and i think that that really reflects what he s always thought about all these things. which is that it s not the united states problem. and the united states shouldn t be there. even as he sends about 1,000 troops to saudi arabia. to help with their issues, right there. kevin, that washington post opinion, that piece that francesca was referring to, the majority leader mitch mcconnell said trump s troop withdrawal order combined with turkey syria, was a strategic nightmare. why do republicans kind of find it easier to openly criticize a president on this particular issue. you know that s such a great question. i ve been trying to figure that out for the past couple of weeks up on capitol hill. there seems to be a d
finally, i m curious about the color of the white house today, what it s like to be in that room. i don t know if you were in that pool spray earlier with the finnish president. but you could feel the president s anger and frustration coming through the screen. did it feel that way in the room? absolutely, it did. and i think you felt that both in the oval office, i wasn t in that pool spray, a colleague of mine was. but you saw it both there, you saw it in his twitter feed and the tweets he was sending and just certainly felt that in that room today for the press conference. i think he s angry and frustrated, and it is coming out in virtually sever single bit of communication he does. be it on twitter, online, or in person. jeff mason of reuters great job today sticking to that question. i d still like to hear an answer, mr. president, if you re watching. if you want to come on the show and explain that d be great. i look to turn to two democratic congress members.
american people, and now he s using the word corrupt. and that s usually a sign he feels like he needs to hunker down. the question itself i thought was a great one which you had to ask several times. you didn t get he fundsmentally did not answer the question, did he? no, he didn t. and i thought it was worth asking because he keeps saying the transcript shows that his call with president zelensky was perfect. but he hasn t really verbally explained aside from what we ve seen in that transcript as you rightly pointed out, what he wanted to achieve from that call. and if it was or if he wants to suggest it was something other than what we see right there in that document, then he should have a chance to say so and i gave him that chance. and i asked him a couple of different times a you saw and he declined to answer. finally, i m curious about the color of the white house today, what it s like to be in that room. i don t know if you were in that pool spray earlier with the finn