Malayalam actress Swasika Vijay has tied the knot with her longtime boyfriend Prem Jacob in a resort in Kerala. The couple will host a wedding reception for celebrities and friends on January 27th.
Pooja Hegde makes her Beast co-star Thalapathy Vijay dance to the tunes of her hit song Butta Bomma : Bollywood News - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.
Taste and see
The Indian Community Cookbook Project is a digital archive created and launched by three city college students
The Indian Community Cookbook Project (ICCP), an archival of digitised multilingual recipe books, is a treasure trove of cooking instructions passed down through generations. The online archive boasts handwritten and printed
recipes, carefully collected by Ananya Pujary, Khushi Gupta and Muskaan
Pal, who are undergraduate students of
FLAME University. The trio started the project as a part of their
Digital Humanities course in 2019.
Since its inception, ICCP has been growing into a formidable library, where one can find recipes as varied as puttu with kadala curry from Kerala, ragi manni from Mangalore and also the