Carol Cardona, a professor in the College of Veterinary Medicine, and Abby Schuft, an Extension educator focused on biosecurity, speak about the impact of HPAI and what Minnesotans could expect in the coming months.
According to the state Agriculture Department, Minnesota has about 550 commercial turkey operations and more than 3,000 poultry farms. In the 2015 outbreak, 110 farms were affected. Most were turkey growers, but the virus also hit some large chicken flocks.
According to the state Agriculture Department, Minnesota has about 550 commercial turkey operations and more than 3,000 poultry farms. In the 2015 outbreak, 110 farms were affected. Most were turkey growers, but the virus also hit some large chicken flocks.
According to the state Agriculture Department, Minnesota has about 550 commercial turkey operations and more than 3,000 poultry farms. In the 2015 outbreak, 110 farms were affected. Most were turkey growers, but the virus also hit some large chicken flocks.
According to the state Agriculture Department, Minnesota has about 550 commercial turkey operations and more than 3,000 poultry farms. In the 2015 outbreak, 110 farms were affected. Most were turkey growers, but the virus also hit some large chicken flocks.