A sustainable up move above 19,900 can take the Nifty towards all-time highs but a decisive move below 19,600 will likely open a near-term downward correction
Tarun Mathur, Chief Business Officer, General Insurance, Policybazaar.com has expressed his views on the quantum one should keep aside for the purpose of insurance.
Zomato, an online food delivery platform, got bids for about 749 million shares against 719.2 million shares on offer. Its IPO is set to be India’s biggest since March 2020, according to data compiled by Bloomberg, and the largest sale was 40% subscribed on its first day.“Startups that are big enough and mature have outgrown the venture capital and private equity funds’ ability to invest,” said Manisha Girotra, country head for Moelis & Co. “These companies which need larger pool of capital to grow are the ones readying to go to the public market.”
Internet-based consumer companies have become more popular as the pandemic fueled the adoption of digital technologies. The high investor recognition is a boon when they sell stock. Blackrock Inc. and Fidelity International Ltd. were among the dozens of anchor investors that piled into Zomato’s float, resulting in the company receiving about 35 times more bids than it had expected to sell, people with knowledge of the mat