Open access notables
From this week s government and NGO section, Flaws in EPA’s Monitoring and Verification of Carbon Capture Projects, Preet Bains, Environmental Integrity Project (pdf):
Open access notables
From this week s government/NGO section, longitudinal data is gold and Leisorowitz, Maibachi et al. continue to mine ore from the US public with Climate Change in the American Mind: Politics & Policy, Fall 2023:
Open access notables
How warped are we by fossil fuel dependency? Despite Russia s invasion of Ukraine, 35-40 million cubic meters per day of Russian natural gas are piped across Ukraine for European consumption every single day, right now. In order to secure European cooperation against Russian aggression, Ukraine must help to finance its own destruction at the hands of one of the world s largest petro-kleptocracies, assisting its attacker in marketing what has become a transcendently toxic geopolitical hazard. Publishing in Energy Policy, Ah-Voun, Chyong & Li describe how this tortuously ironic knot might be unraveled, in Europe s energy security: From Russian dependence to renewable reliance. People keen on self-respect may appreciate the authors contribution to showing how to crawl from a moral and ethical cesspit.
Open access notables
In AGU Advances, David Schimel and Charles Miller suggest that our economic and physical models around dealing with climate change have not kept up with evolving reality, in Do Two Climate Wrongs Make a Right?: