Three people manufacturing jeans with counterfeit labels and tags of big companies and selling them in the market as branded jeans were arrested by the Delhi Police, an official said on Wednesday. They were identified as Sunil Jain (42), .
Delhi Police on Monday linked the VHP and the Bajrang Dal to the violence in Jahangirpuri in an official statement shared with media, which was retracted within hours omitting any reference to the Sangh Parivar outfits.
Five more people have been arrested on Sunday in connection with the Jahangirpuri violence, informed Deputy Commissioner of Police North-West Usha Rangnani.
Jahangirpuri violence: 14 arrested after Delhi Hanuman Jayanti clash, 10 police teams formed - Five more people have arrested after violence broke out at the Hanuman Jayanti rally in Jahangirpuri, taking the total number of arrests to 14.