In the form of shouting. In the form of shot fired. Now racial tension and anti Police Sentiment has taken a sort of fashion as the National Police association asked everyone to support Law Enforcement by wearing blue today. Its the first time we have seen national Law Enforcement publicly push back against movements that they say make them the enemy. It cites the super bowl halftime show as inflammatory against police. A retired judge Ladoris Cordell who works with Law Enforcement on issues of race argues the messages have been mixed. Beyonce performed never once did she mention the police. However, the imagery is such that and her words and her song was such that they brought up all kinds of racial issues. Reporter that distinction isnt clear to the National Sheriffs association. Their website reads, quote, the senseless killing of four Law Enforcement officers just this week on the heels of the anti Police Entertainment at the super bowl halftime show reminds us that the men and wom
Comment, is there any Public Comment . Nope. None . All right. Commissioners, a motion someone would like to put forward. I would like to move to approve with the conditions that a calendar of events be sent to the police and to the entertainment commission. And that sound testing and monitoring be used as situations arise. All right. Is there a second to that motion . Second . All right. Any more discussion . Nope. Lets vote. Wait a minute. Okay. As they arrive, meaning like when he has a band he is going to call us and we are going to run out there and check the sound. As the situation arises. Okay so basically i dont want to put too much of a fine point on it. Because i dont really believe that they are going to be having a blasty salsa band at ten, like disturbing all of the neighbors. I think what they are going to do is small movie and small things that will enhance the neighborhood. However, i do believe that this is a new sort of permit and we have not really done it like this
All right. Commissioners, a motion someone would like to put forward. I would like to move to approve with the conditions that a calendar of events be sent to the police and to the entertainment commission. And that sound testing and monitoring be used as situations arise. All right. Is there a second to that motion . Second . All right. Any more discussion . Nope. Lets vote. Wait a minute. Okay. As they arrive, meaning like when he has a band he is going to call us and we are going to run out there and check the sound. As the situation arises. Okay so basically i dont want to put too much of a fine point on it. Because i dont really believe that they are going to be having a blasty salsa band at ten, like disturbing all of the neighbors. I think what they are going to do is small movie and small things that will enhance the neighborhood. However, i do believe that this is a new sort of permit and we have not really done it like this before. And i think that when they need assistance,
All right. Commissioners, a motion someone would like to put forward. I would like to move to approve with the conditions that a calendar of events be sent to the police and to the entertainment commission. And that sound testing and monitoring be used as situations arise. All right. Is there a second to that motion . Second . All right. Any more discussion . Nope. Lets vote. Wait a minute. Okay. As they arrive, meaning like when he has a band he is going to call us and we are going to run out there and check the sound. As the situation arises. Okay so basically i dont want to put too much of a fine point on it. Because i dont really believe that they are going to be having a blasty salsa band at ten, like disturbing all of the neighbors. I think what they are going to do is small movie and small things that will enhance the neighborhood. However, i do believe that this is a new sort of permit and we have not really done it like this before. And i think that when they need assistance,
Big systems at at t or Treasure Island musical festival and i am thinking that the issues may not be as much of an issue for something small like this if we could get them to use a pa that is the same and set in a place and then we will not have wild changes by virtue of the different entertainment is. Commissioner moshoyannis . Just a point of clarification, my understanding is that i spoke with audrey before the meeting she was under the impression that there was entertainment done last summer with limited, if any complaints from neighbors. Is that the case . I see you nodding your head. Were there any complaints . We looked at noise complaints that we have had from the area and i dont know if we went back to last year, fairly confident that had been there large complaints in the neighborhood about the accessive noise that i would have heard about it, so i will trust that there was not at the time, but i dont know what level of the entertainment that it was. And if you are talking ab